Will Scourge Become a Core Path of Exile Mechanic?

I'm glad it isn't going core. There's already enough bloat in the game. There are also many other more enjoyable ways to make gobs of currency if that's your thing. Scourge felt like a chore.
i hope in 3.17 ggg nerfs players dmg by 50% and buff monsters def by 50% so we can fight monsters 1 at a time do it ggg i know you want to
Just hope krangled currency stays in some shape or form, no one deserves fucking 6 linking with normal fusings, its time to STOP.
As a casual player I felt Scourge for me was a bit of an ODD league.
THIS. Bye bye scourge but long live tainted fusing and jewelers!
no disrespect i'm usually really positive, but just delete scourge please. i rather rattle my brain in synthesis
good to see it's not in core. The krangle system and the tainted currency are good, BUT doing double mapping and back tracking loots / monster is a waste of time to non-MF and low playtime players like me. This is the league that i quit the soonest, not even doing 36 chall
my quick feedback on scourge:
*in the long run its highly annoying to have to redo parts of the maps
after scourge have ended
*scourge items that dropped on the ground were almost always useless,
and that was highly unmotivating
*the scourge bossfights were "ok" but either you died a lot on them or
you took them down easily (mostly depending on how much defense you invested in i guess)

looking forward to next update!
Last edited by IceslayerVixxun on Jan 11, 2022, 9:44:48 PM
The Scourge currency would make a wonderful reward for corruption-related content, especially Uber Atziri.
May Le Toucan bless your journey.
This kind of makes me sad. It's potentially a strong mechanic, even outside the typical - Lightning Res Doryani's.

Furthermore, it fixed several problems many players have with gearing, and helped give us significant divine orbs.

One of the biggest problems most mid tier players have is managing a 6L. Scourge fixed that. At a cost.

One of the most annoying factors of rare crafting is having a stray Tier 3 or 2 mod of the right type, but not powerful enough. Scourge fixed that. At a cost.

Do you have any idea how many more items have been ruined by Atzoatl this league than by Scourge? Probably 5-6 times as many.

There's only 2 possible reasons it's getting removed:

1) You gave in to the negative feedback that didn't understand the upsides, and reacted exactly like they did to the Vaal expansion, and partially to Incursion.

2) You think the upsides increased performance by too great of magnitudes.

If it's #2, I guarantee 85% of the community disagrees with you.
If it's #1, it means you unscientifically decided that mob opinion matters more than facts, which will bite you in the rear one day.

Scourge had some serious downsides, and only a few powerful upsides in mods. It wouldn't be hard to re-balance that to player appeal. -2 levels of socketed or -90% Spell damage are harsh downsides, and the upside accompanying them could NEVER balance them out.

But.... there was a lot of good or sort of good middle mods.
Just trim the edges and bring it to center.

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