Will Scourge Become a Core Path of Exile Mechanic?

Almateran wrote:
The Scourge currency would make a wonderful reward for corruption-related content, especially Uber Atziri.

I'd hate that with a passion, considering that anyone with Tempest shield with a modicum of ele reflect not covered dies instantly to Atziri.

Atziri's Vault Maybe.
Atzoatl's Currency Room maybe.

I have issues with uber locked boss. Prevents certain builds from even getting it.
Should have made scourged maps a Zana quest, like synthesis.
When I kill a man he stays dead.
Garf412 wrote:
feb? when 8 other major game titels are releasing long awaited gamesd? nice... #slowclap.

which are these awaited games?
ILjXYZ wrote:
I'm glad it isn't going core. There's already enough bloat in the game. There are also many other more enjoyable ways to make gobs of currency if that's your thing. Scourge felt like a chore.

Atzoatl, Heist, Blight feel like a chore. Scourge just felt like an extra 40 sec of grinding per map.

Anything that takes you away from maps or stops you from clearing a map to complete, feels like a chore. Scourge didn't make you stop.
mrpibadi wrote:
Delete Delirium (or fix the FPS DROP FFS)
Delete Lab
Delete Heist
Delete 10 ACTs
Delete Harvest
Give us ADVENTURE mode like Diablo 3 have.

Keep Harvest is the main thing I'd object to. Delete Ultimatum, Legion: splinters don't drop, very positioning dependent, limited time that's kind of useless even with atlas passive, where's waldo on generals,

Delete Heist: too much doors, don't like becoming a metamorph, rare contacts < magic contracts, expensive to fix, grindy, only blueprints really add value with alt quality gems.

Talisman: irrelevant useless items to be hidden by loot filter 90%of the time, Tormented Spirits, Shrine: this buffs mobs more than players especially divine shrines, Metamorph: this badly needs a rework.

Buff abyss a bit: just needs a slight buff, maybe stygian vise drops with one abyss jewel embedded in it?

I don't particularly like ritual but one thing I admire about it is the ability to keep its own content running smoothly: running out of splinters is not really a thing cough delerium, cough Legion.
tsunamikun wrote:
only thing i wil lremotely miss is the ability to work with bricked items.
But scourge was a insanely dangerous mechanic without real payoff outside another quantity stacking mechanic. The crafting was a mix between convinience(6link easymode) and bricking everything else. And no, cheap uniques never got that much better, no need and good riddance.

Because Vaaling isn't an insanely dangerous mechanic.

More items were ruined and completely LOST this league to Atzoatl than to Scourge. Think on that.

Most people I know were lucky to get a level 21/22 gem out of 15 tries in Atzoatl right now.

The number of dual corrupts on Trade vs availability of Locus of Corruption speaks volumes. (I just erased a perfect Crest of Desire with +3 Chain Tempest Shield about a week ago, right after corrupting a level 20/19 Anomalous Tempest Shield in the same instance - for the 4th time)

I don't hear people whining when their items get completely destroyed, something Scourge almost never did (unless you were so unfortunate to get -2 levels or -90% to some damage type)
ArtaEva wrote:
Tainted Blessing Probably will stay as it's tied to Labyrinth not Scourge mechanic itself BTW, if not than it's strange decision.

I've gotten Tainted Blessing (albiet rare) from Izaro's treasure chests, so that's already semi handled.
rekikyo wrote:

I don't hear people whining when their items get completely destroyed

Because Vaaling takes all of five seconds and Temple takes one or two minutes, whereas krangling an item to tier 3 takes 20+ maps to end up with a stinker.

That's why. It's not difficult to understand.
Walkiry wrote:
rekikyo wrote:

I don't hear people whining when their items get completely destroyed

Because Vaaling takes all of five seconds and Temple takes one or two minutes, whereas krangling an item to tier 3 takes 20+ maps to end up with a stinker.

That's why. It's not difficult to understand.

You're kind of forgetting some important things here:

-Pool of replaceable goods being relatively small (try to find more than 4 of any Unique and more than 2 crafted items that you consider good enough to Atzoatl; it won't happen, and Divines are costly - especially on items that take 10-15 Divines to get something even close to decent)

-Farming those items in the first place.

-Atzoatl Questing requires you to generally soley farm within Glennach Caerns, which is otherwise a low demand quadrant of the Atlas, and takes away from farming Sirus, Maven, etc.

-It takes at least 4 maps for a single instance of Atzoatl. It takes 20 maps for 4 -5 items of Scourge. Same effort on average.

-Master Quests occurring limits how often you can spam Alva, as does the amount of GC maps you have.

In the case of gems:
-You have to get those Gems XP somehow. It's not like Lapidary Lens fall from the sky. Someone has to grind them, and that's FAR more maps than Scourge.

-If it's an Alt Q Gem, someone has to farm AND XP that gem. You aren't going to get 10 Alt Q Ice Spears for less than 30 Ex, and good luck when they all fail to corrupt, after XPing them all.

The fact you brought up Vaal *not Atzoatl, also indicates you're trying to soften the argument by compromising to single corrupts as acceptable vs 2. In no situation other than a Stygian belt or an Unset ring, is Vaal orb better.

These are also, most importantly, all three OPTIONAL changes to gear. You don't have to Vaal. You don't have to Atzoatl. You don't have to Scourge. But they all take about the same amount of time, outside of vaaling. But, you try to single out scourging.

Again, there's also the fact that Scourge doesn't destroy items, has at least two additional things it can do to a unique than the scourge mods, and 4 things it can do to a rare outside the scourge mods. (Sockets, Links, Sockets, Links, Mod Tier, Add a Mod to an unused affix)

Most problems with Scourge come from the fact people are compulsive gamblers. I can't imagine the number of +30 Life mods people rolled away trying to get something like a +1 Socketed gem mod that didn't have a bad downside. Almost all Scourge corrupts have had at least 1 good combo in the three chances you get.
Last edited by rekikyo on Jan 12, 2022, 12:16:20 AM
good point. "a few weeks" hurts, my rhythm sais we must be in new league soon.

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