Prophecy Removal in 3.17.0

I fundamentally disagree with the removal of Effigon.

We were looking at this earlier this league for replica trypanon, and there were 3 ways to work around its accuracy penalty that weren't accuracy. Effigon was one of them with its "Your Hits can't be Evaded by Blinded Enemies"
IGN : Reamus
i et that there are what 58 fated version of 57 unique items if the wiki is currently up to date and accurate on that and i didn't miss count

but please explain to me the justification of removed the typically more interesting and usable fated version of about half of these over the typically less usable base version when your justification for doing so is
"no longer exciting enough to stay in the main game" but from what you have said the base version is staying also some of the unigues that you are removing are still rather interesting items even if some of them revolve around mechanics that you insist on repeatedly nerfing while calling it a buff
Three points:

- I suggest keeping the Pale Council fight in game at a reasonably easy difficulty level, but make it a unique map that drops standard loot (kinda like Acton's Nightmare, ideally more loot so it's compelling to run). It's a good introduction to phased bosses for newer players that might not yet be up to harder fights like Maven 10-ways or Chimera, and it's really forgiving.
- Atziri's Reflection should drop double-influenced with random influence. This makes it a better chase drop from Alluring Abyss and allows a couple of cool synergies to remain valid (Eternity Shroud or Blasphemer's Grasp)
- I don't see any reason to remove silver coins from Standard, let them be silly trophies like our Leaguestones and Perandus Coins are.
Le Toucan Will Return
can we save Deidbellow and Karui charge please ? :D
awesome change with Lilly though :D
I have nearly a quad stash of Twice Enchanteds on Standard lol
Maybe as well. Most Prophecy was garbage anyway.

-I'm waiting for HH to be removed, it was introduced a long time ago and with the current maps it is too powerful.
-I am waiting for the mana reservation to be repaired as it is currently a and funny joke.

I'm waiting for the socketed spell craft to be changed back to what it previously was but there's no hope in hell that's happening.
Silver coins, itemised Prophecies, and Pale Council fragments will be deleted from your inventory and stash the next time you log in after the launch of 3.17.0.

Please reconsider removing old items.

For a game company obsessed with the importance and weight of items, this seems completely opposite of your values.

Collecting rare and outdated items is half the reason I play the game anymore. Meh, another thing pushing me away from the game.

Chris imaging if MTG said they were removing certain cards from the game and then came to your house and tore up your black lotus'.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Last edited by Chameleon on Dec 2, 2021, 12:58:39 AM
Gotta say i was surprised she stayed instead Cadiro this league.
But imo instead removing some "useless" fated uniques, we couldve had these to replace the real trash uniques. Also it is mostly a problem caused by GGG decisions - we couldve use more of these fated uniques if damn prophecies had high spawn rate when we ask Navali for a prophecy while in acts or early maps.
But i am not surprised from those GGG decisions anymore,we saw in less than 4 months a 7.5 rate game going down to 4 imo.
Slow down for a minute to enjoy the beauty around us.
Gems in HO... Yes, please
Soo, to be clear, you are removing a part of the game that'll give players many advantages. But before finding a resolution as to how players will obtain the certain items that would typically be needed by/for a prophecy, "that could help in end game scenarios", your just making end game bosses have drop rolls with those items... out of concern not offence *this doesn't sound like the company is very confident in the decision of this removal as of yet, hence, why else wouldn't there be a solution prior to a potential problem, insted of; "we'll just do this for now"...uuggh, Also what bout the eez of crafting 6/5 link unique items?? or adding crafting options to our table... I sure hope these situations among others, are not overlooked.. this was a huge time saver for crafting. I only hope the replacements are as affordable and not as time consuming as farming multiple div cards. With all of this said, it is sad to see the prophecies leave the game. In my opinion, The idea of prophecies as a whole, I think was a great idea and addition to the game.. just saying.
With all of this being said. I am not ranting with out a potential solution,
I was always taught, if I'm going to waste time complaining about a problem,
at least come up with a solution in the process..
soo here goes nothing.
Combine/ transfer the most useful/ used prophecies into/with div cards.
div cards that are from prophecies, call them "prophetic div cards" or something along those lines, maybe highlight them in gold or purple trim or something of the sort, and this could be a more permanent solution... any ways,
just an idea.. as i would be happy to see prophecies stay in the game.
Well GGG! thank you for allowing me to Rant!

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