Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

get rekt aura bots and stackers you wouldn't be miss xD
to those people who RMT their aura build get you give us some angry pepe REEEEEEEs in the post reply
get rekt aura bots and stackers you wouldn't be miss xD

You must be super bad at the game to go to such lengths just to post this.

Try getting good.

Sincerely someone who doesnt even care if aurabots exist :)
Gigorahk wrote:
Darer07 wrote:
Wtf. U made OK patch, not good, but OK, with new content, this league can be good. But u killed archetype and duo play, not party. Ppls mas bcos 6 man parties killing a9 sirus,uber and 5orbs in first 8 hours of league. Lol, they will kill all content not in 8 hours, but in 12, bcos take 2 aurabots.
And u are making new content, more harder and will not give more damage. For whom? Duo will be dead, aurastackers will be dead. Who will farm ur "new hard content"? 6 man parties with new setup, that all ppl blaming. GGG hello, the problem is full party play, bcos they can farm maps, bosses, trading, sustaining as good as 12 solo players that focused on one of this way. Ppls dont like when some1 better that u x2. Ur enemy not aurastackers, not duo player - ur enemy is full party play that wasnt nerfed. Just delete last manifesto and ppls will be angry only on 6man parties, but this manifesto in game and ppls will be angry on 6man parties, nerfed aurastackers, new content that noone can farm and dead duoplay

Yea and you might as well remove party play in general. Why should it be punished if you have friends and are skilled? Would you like it to be impossible to play the game? Why are people so mad people play the game? Games have speed runs, racing, etc among the best players. It is not a bad thing!

What does some guy on standard playing an aura stacker have to do with people who cant buy a HH in league ?

Or like streamers at all ?

There seems to be alot of minus IQ posts lately
Please reconsider your way of dealing with elemental damage. None of this is really a "buff", its side shuffeling and probably nerfs till you get extremly well geared, which annoys me massively.

Talking about cold dot builds, they suffered so so so much in 3.15 and you don't make them better under the line!

As far as I understand all of this.

Makes me kinda sad.
Interesting. Quite a shakeup. A few thoughts:

1: I don't have any problems with any of the specific changes. The game goes where the developers lead it.

2: The above said, I would appreciate some stability in Path of Exile. I feel as though the balance swings too wildly from quarter to quarter, and I also believe this is not healthy for the product long term. The ground is constantly shifting beneath the player's feet, and as a result, Path of Exile has always felt like it was in a permanent Beta state.

3: Because of the above situation, I don't feel comfortable actually spending currency. I pick inexpensive builds and make very little effort to fine-tune them or gear them - because the balance shifts may render them inoperable. So I simply avoid end-game content and significant equipment expenditures. Perhaps this is the intention, but I don't feel this is a good ideology to incentivize.

4: The shifts in balance are not respectful of player time investment. Some see the game and their characters are disposable. Others do not. I think both can be appeased. This is why a good testing regimen and plenty of development time is important - so you as a developer cab release content in a finished and balanced state.

5: If you are required to make changes that reduce the effectiveness of a mechanic by as much as half, this should rightfully be considered a failure on your part as a developer. Please slow down, consider additions more carefully, and try to be more modest in your added features. Remember: It's easier to improve something that under-performs than deal with the fallout of reducing the effectiveness of an overtuned mechanic.

6: I believe that releasing juiced league mechanics, overpowered equipment and over-tuned new skills to bloat supporter packs is pulling sales forward at a the cost of lost sales when you are forced to balance the content down the road. You don't gain more money - you feast early and starve later. But more critically your burn customer good-will, which, if not managed, can turn into outright antagonism and preference cascades. Once you loose the crowd, getting them back is nearly impossible.

7: Players antagonizing other players over balance changes is petty behavior. Yes, some of the people who've been balanced are acting immature and throwing unreasonable tantrums. But rubbing salt in open wounds simply makes the people doing that look small and hateful.

Thanks as always for your time.
neronxx wrote:
Standard league is a joke. If you're mad your character on standard got broken by a change, that's just too bad. The game is the leagues, it has been for a long time. Standard league will always be at best an afterthought. Best to get used to that.

You are one of the fools who think that way. Leagues are really glorified beta tests. Standard has a stable economy and are the best option for people who have jobs and families, and cant spend hours and hours to get a character that can do most of endgame every league. League content that reaches standard is supposed to be balanced and stable. Standard is also amazing because of the previously more prevalent legacy items that wouldn’t completely brick your build as a slight mitigation of league nerfs. And even if you were really hit hard you could save currency to buy discontinued items that would still allow you to keep the playstyle that was enjoyable to you. People with bad internet connections could progress to a really tanky character. And if you want to build something new, most of the starter items are dirt cheap in standard which you could just slap onto a character you’ve levelled before, bypassing hours and hours of grinding.

Standard was a mode that respected my time and effort prior to 3.14. 3.13 was really the golden age for standard.

What all the consecutive nerfs are doing is driving away the most loyal oldest players who have invested the most time, effort and money to fund the development of this game. You’ll understand once you’re mature and real life takes more of your time.

Wish the game was more like guild wars2 with a design philosophy that really respected your time, but with the way things are going, it feels like that isn’t going to happen. Chris and the dev team just want their dark souls arpg rather than the build simulator that made this game the most amazing thing it used to be. They want you to grind for hours on end every 3months to see the rest of the game and play the content you enjoy.

I and likely many people want a build that can do most of endgame. We dont want to have to specialize multiple characters for each type of endgame. We don’t want to be anxious we are gonna die and lose our progress, sitting at the edge of our seats every map. We want to be able to reach a point where we can just boot up the game and relax and watch the animations and see stuff explode while listening to music at the end of a hard day of real life. We want the option to try quirky builds that can reach at least t10 maps before we decide to fully invest time and effort to make it perfect for harder content. We hate seeing characters we’ve invested in for 1 to 2 years completely trashed. We hate limited diversity which further narrows building playstyles you truly enjoy.

Standard players have the most player retention league on league despite being only 10 to 20 percent of the playerbase, which mind you is very significant. Happy customers are more likely to spend more money on the game to make characters they’ve fully invested into look better.

You opinion is moronic, self centered, immature and outdated. I can’t respect it but I can agree to disagree because my wants are just as relevant as any league player especially with how much money I’ve spent on this game since closed beta.

What talking you? Standard is a dumping ground.
Think of standard as a post-apocalyptic state where the only survivors are huddling up and scavenging for left overs with a quarterly air-drop of new supplies when league ends. crumbs and bits where you can piece together to make some new wooden toy.

Idiot. If that was the case then why even keep standard in the game? You obviously don’t care about anyone but yourself, and you likely don’t know how to build things that will last. Thanks for the good times ggg but I’m out as well. Good memories but bad ending where I leave feeling like I was ripped off.
You cut burning arrow damage by about... 60% from what I can tell.

The majority of damage was always from the secondary effect.

Standard is important, its a dumping ground for people to test builds and improve leagues, currency is near useless there due to the quarterly air-drops supplies.

The philosophy has always been rinse and repeat every quarter with added content, attract new blood to spend money, get bored, move on AND Repeat. You think old timers who don't create content and while rotting in standard contribute anything other than individual player count to the game's livelihood?

But the old timers still have to be considered otherwise its bad image for the company, which is why you have standard, its a great nursing home.

I'm conflicted on my Cold Spectre Syndicate Operative Build with Crit Chance Stacking. Since Medium Cluster Aura will go to Small Cluster and no more Aura Effect, but i want Precise Commander Notable Passive Skill on Medium Cluster and can only found on Critical Strike Medium Cluster, will not benefit me.

The Aura Cluster Jewel type can now be found on Small Cluster Jewels, rather than Medium Cluster Jewels. This makes it more costly and less impactful to stack large numbers of Aura Cluster Jewels. The small Passives now grant 6% increased Reservation Efficiency, instead of increased Aura Effect.
Cluster Jewel Notable Passive Skills have all had Aura Effect removed.

If the Precise Commander Notable will go into Small Cluster (Post Patch) then Life Small Cluster Jewel like Fettle will be disregarded.

Not to mention Elemental Equilibrium will be out of the way of Witch Passive Tree.

So my suggestion is that the Precise Commander Notable should be moved to Minion Cluster Medium. Or make a new Minion Medium Cluster Jewel since Minion Life Medium Cluster is not so useful with Spectre Build since it wont die anyway.

Please take a look more on Minion Builds.
Last edited by mike0021 on Oct 8, 2021, 2:15:39 AM

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