Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

Well there goes my curse cluster jewel. Grumble grumble.
You killed aurabots, so you killed multiplayer mode. Noone able to carry simus without aurabots
Good changes to nerf aurabots but don't see why aurastacking got punished too. You even mentioned it to require "extreme levels of investment". At that point, they totally deserve to have godlike damage and tankiness. Another mindless nerf for no reason other than to limit the power of great but expensive builds.
My feelings:
ocping wrote:
Good changes to nerf aurabots but don't see why aurastacking got punished too. You even mentioned it to require "extreme levels of investment". At that point, they totally deserve to have godlike damage and tankiness. Another mindless nerf for no reason other than to limit the power of great but expensive builds.

You do know that aurastacking was on the chopping block before bots right? They said this many times....
They only added bots into the mix because reddit.
Yes... Ha ha ha... YES!

to all salty aurababs:
Last edited by lolwut32 on Oct 8, 2021, 12:27:15 AM
Very happy with the reservation changes, basically exactly what I wanted: diminishing returns instead of asymptotic returns.
Украина в моём сердце
Standard league is a joke. If you're mad your character on standard got broken by a change, that's just too bad. The game is the leagues, it has been for a long time. Standard league will always be at best an afterthought. Best to get used to that.

You are one of the fools who think that way. Leagues are really glorified beta tests. Standard has a stable economy and are the best option for people who have jobs and families, and cant spend hours and hours to get a character that can do most of endgame every league. League content that reaches standard is supposed to be balanced and stable. Standard is also amazing because of the previously more prevalent legacy items that wouldn’t completely brick your build as a slight mitigation of league nerfs. And even if you were really hit hard you could save currency to buy discontinued items that would still allow you to keep the playstyle that was enjoyable to you. People with bad internet connections could progress to a really tanky character. And if you want to build something new, most of the starter items are dirt cheap in standard which you could just slap onto a character you’ve levelled before, bypassing hours and hours of grinding.

Standard was a mode that respected my time and effort prior to 3.14. 3.13 was really the golden age for standard.

What all the consecutive nerfs are doing is driving away the most loyal oldest players who have invested the most time, effort and money to fund the development of this game. You’ll understand once you’re mature and real life takes more of your time.

Wish the game was more like guild wars2 with a design philosophy that really respected your time, but with the way things are going, it feels like that isn’t going to happen. Chris and the dev team just want their dark souls arpg rather than the build simulator that made this game the most amazing thing it used to be. They want you to grind for hours on end every 3months to see the rest of the game and play the content you enjoy.

I and likely many people want a build that can do most of endgame. We dont want to have to specialize multiple characters for each type of endgame. We don’t want to be anxious we are gonna die and lose our progress, sitting at the edge of our seats every map. We want to be able to reach a point where we can just boot up the game and relax and watch the animations and see stuff explode while listening to music at the end of a hard day of real life. We want the option to try quirky builds that can reach at least t10 maps before we decide to fully invest time and effort to make it perfect for harder content. We hate seeing characters we’ve invested in for 1 to 2 years completely trashed. We hate limited diversity which further narrows building playstyles you truly enjoy.

Standard players have the most player retention league on league despite being only 10 to 20 percent of the playerbase, which mind you is very significant. Happy customers are more likely to spend more money on the game to make characters they’ve fully invested into look better.

[Removed by Support] I can’t respect it but I can agree to disagree because my wants are just as relevant as any league player especially with how much money I’ve spent on this game since closed beta.
Last edited by Isaac_GGG on Oct 8, 2021, 1:46:40 AM
Why are you doing this...? You're literally ruining your own game and for what? To prove some point that you can nerf whenever you feel like it and people just have to put up with it & adapt or leave? No one asked for any of these changes. People have been asking for positive change, not this. This is awful... I mean this sincerely. I try to look at the positive of the changes and I don't see much positive other than maybe spell suppression but it just seems like another gimmick mechanic that's disguised as good but will likely do less good than dodge or evasion ever did.

You've already messed with so many core fundamental mechanics, like flasks for instance. With this, you at least were able to admit that you went overboard but they will still be in a bad state because you are trying to fix something that did not need to be "fixed" in the first place. The only issue people had with flasks in the past is that you didn't allow us to flask macros, so instead of actually listening to this, you change the whole mechanic and nerf it because it feels like whatever you sink your time into "fixing" just ends with you decreasing it in power. You went overboard with mana changes by overlooking so many core mechanics and you "reverting" it was barely noticeable because skills STILL require more mana than they should, all while forcing players to invest more points into mana sustain, points that were already being squeezed out to be able to afford enough defense AND offense to stand a chance against the endgame even with all passives at lvl 95-100. You made positive change with 3.11 and 3.13 Harvest and then just essentially removed the mechanic. You added some small consolation with veiled crafting, then went back and made it mediocre as everyone expected. Curses for instance, were fine before you decided to change them with hex mechanics, so now Vixen's Entrapment gloves don't work properly anymore since they cast socketed curses, yet the curses were changed by you into hexes.

And this is just a small example, I haven't even mentioned what you've done to skills, many of which were nerfed to the point where there's little to no things to choose from anymore for decent DPS output, endgame being gutted. I mean just so much negative. Why would you "fix" something that's not broken and then the stuff that is actually broken that people have been complaining about for years, you just disregard. People have been asking for years for any type of QoL or trade improvements and the only thing I've seen for this is tab affinities. Look at how you were praised for this, yet it feels like it's asking for too much for you to make QoL features when people would prefer this over forced out content every 3 months. You had so many opportunities to improve the search function for stash tabs, yet haven't. Not even talks of any improvements to trade when you know you could make it better if you made drop rates lower for items. Still making us rely on 3rd party tools like the wiki, price checkers, etc. many of which have game developers implement into the game somehow. There is STILL no incentive for long term progression for leveling, so once you get to lvl100, you are just expected to make a new character, because that doesn't get old. AND why do we STILL have to go through the campaign with every new character just to be able to get to maps. How does that not get boring for anyone if you do it enough times with no other alternatives for leveling your character in a different way.

I mean so many things that could be worked on, and we just get changes to the fundamentals of the game that YOU think are broken when people are pointing out real issues with the game. Also, why does everything that is even slightly overpowered have to be gutted? What is the point if everything gets turned into mediocrity? What sense does any of this make? Why do I even bother writing any of this out anymore. I know that none of it will be listened to or taken seriously and likely even mocked by others. And the cycle will continue. People will stay addicted and put up with any changes to this game likely. Some will leave, others will adapt. But in the end, when the fun gets removed constantly enough times, league after league, at least we can say there was a fun game to play at one point, but turned into mediocrity and unreasonable expectations of playtime by overbearing devs who think making the game more difficult than it has to be is the right move.
People's logic on here:
"Can't form a valid argument? Easy, stalk the person's profile instead and attack their character.
Don't like or can't handle someone's opinion? Easy, label it as “toxic”."
Chris in Marketing Interview:„We are hesitant on implementing changes to auras, because we want to be sure of the implications“
Manifesto:“get rolled Reddit“
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