Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

impulze3 wrote:
rip aurastacking.

gz on ruining another build archetype.

How to kill another aspect of endgame and stomp a 10+ mir build into history.

I played this build for 5 leagues now, improving it bit by bit every league.
About 15-20 mirrors of stuff, soon to be obsolete.

Aura effect gone from clusters, clusters unuseable.
i'd need 588% increased reservation efficiency on my gear to run all my 16 auras, which is impossible with 2% on jewels.

this leaves a bad taste in my mouth, you disregard the time i spent on this build in one single patch because reddit crybabies are complaining about party play. again and again you kill things in collateral from multiple angles.

the solution was so simple, lowering aura effect on others and leaving reservation alone as it impacts other builds aswell. now you probably ruined a bunch of builds with those changes, not just aurabots and stacking.

we'll wait and see how it plays out. If 3.16 is not the ultimate bomb league mechanic to make up for this loss, i will quit this game

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Pictures of the rude pms i am getting. I guess you're allowed to be toxic in pms, but you're not allowed to show that to anyone.

Here is an accurate version without the name and shame

The balance team and chris being out of touch with their game isn't the only reason why this game is going downhill.
The community is more toxic than ever, more so than the community of eve online. Alot of people i play with in standard are chill, but this? I can't imagine what goes through your head that you gain joy from sending me those pms, does it make you feel powerful or that you received some kind of twisted justice? Does it statisfy your jealousy?


Last edited by itchy444 on Oct 7, 2021, 10:23:56 PM
One of the biggest brains in the PoE community makes this prediction over 2 months ago:

10 bucks says they still run a 6 man, change party comp slightly, and still destroy the game, making many mirrors in the first week.

Edit, meant to portray this as well: and of course those who like to play solo and like to do aurastacker get boned

Last edited by Alisia261 on Oct 7, 2021, 10:27:44 PM
you don't mention aura stackers, so by nerfing RMR you killed aura stackers, but let aurabots still working for their purpose of stacking only good auras instead of all auras, well done GGG, such a terrible job by your balance team again and again, killing a whole archetype of aura stacking builds just to let aurabots still working, not to mention hundreds of rmr mirror tier items are going to die after this change, hurting the already dead STD population...

i'll take a couple months away from this game again, too many terrible balances in a row.
I miss harvest, 36/40 never forget.
Mirror drop - Strand clear speed meta legacy league month "5"
Mirror drop - Canyon casual farming harby ultimatum league month "1"
now i'm a main standard league player.
league content on standard when? GGG! show us some love.
freud19821215 wrote:
Essence Worm now grants 80% reduced Reservation Efficiency (not specific to mana), instead of 40% increased Reservation.

what if I wear two Essence Worm rings? 160% reduced reservation efficiency that is minus 60% reservation efficiency, what does that even mean?

Like you use a 50% reservation aura alongside and it will cost 90% if you use one Essence Worm, and 130% if you use two?
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers
One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin
One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror
Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap
Standard league is a joke. If you're mad your character on standard got broken by a change, that's just too bad. The game is the leagues, it has been for a long time. Standard league will always be at best an afterthought. Best to get used to that.
Wtf. U made OK patch, not good, but OK, with new content, this league can be good. But u killed archetype and duo play, not party. Ppls mas bcos 6 man parties killing a9 sirus,uber and 5orbs in first 8 hours of league. Lol, they will kill all content not in 8 hours, but in 12, bcos take 2 aurabots.
And u are making new content, more harder and will not give more damage. For whom? Duo will be dead, aurastackers will be dead. Who will farm ur "new hard content"? 6 man parties with new setup, that all ppl blaming. GGG hello, the problem is full party play, bcos they can farm maps, bosses, trading, sustaining as good as 12 solo players that focused on one of this way. Ppls dont like when some1 better that u x2. Ur enemy not aurastackers, not duo player - ur enemy is full party play that wasnt nerfed. Just delete last manifesto and ppls will be angry only on 6man parties, but this manifesto in game and ppls will be angry on 6man parties, nerfed aurastackers, new content that noone can farm and dead duoplay
Krazlam wrote:
Snoofo wrote:
RIP Righteous Fire
how so? Rf looks great to me.

RF gained around 75% more base damage but lost EE and EO which is around 110% more damage against enemies with 0% fire res, more for higher res enemies and less for lower res enemies. Even stacked with flammability, elemental weakness, and exposure, pushing mobs deep into negative fire resist, RF builds are losing around 90% damage.

Overall this seems like a nerf to RF, bigger for lower budget builds and smaller at the high end where EE was slightly less impactful. Does this mean RF is dead? I wouldn't say so. But it does seem like an overall damage nerf which to a lot of people would mean it's dead.

Edit: They did mention including more sources of dotm, I don't really know how that will work without more details, in the end it might work out to be about the same or potentially a slight buff. I also forgot to note that Tempest shield's change gives very *very* easy access to shock immunity to RF, which is fantastic.

Exactly rf looking super healthy to me, sure it took some hits, but there are ways to work around it. Also as a league start I don't really expect to be doing t16 maps day one just as a safe clear speed build for hc where trash mostly doesn't care about the EE changes etc.

Also how do you think lethal shade will work with self poison? Would that lead to each new instance of poison refreshing the duration? Allowing you to use apeps supremecy and basically nuke the degen of rf? While also having decent es and max res?
Standard league is a joke. If you're mad your character on standard got broken by a change, that's just too bad. The game is the leagues, it has been for a long time. Standard league will always be at best an afterthought. Best to get used to that.


Working out new ways to play is the best part of this game for me
Good riddance to aura stacking boiz.

I can hear it now "oml, I can't run all 20 of my aura's now, this is horrible."

To be honest stacking "less buff cost" and "more buff effect" so you can just run every buff in the game isn't really a build. If you ever believed that to be the case, I'm sorry for ya.

Builds involve balancing specific attacking and supporting skills against your defensive options and uniquely cobbling that together across gear, skills, and passives to create a character that can stand up against the onslaught of challenges this game has to offer.

The REASON auras have reservation costs is BECAUSE they are buffs and should have SOME limitation to how many BUFFS you can have. They don't have a downside other than GIVING YOU POWER. They have a cost, but being able to reduce that cost to nearly nothing and then just RAMP ALL of their power up is like showing up at a DnD session and being like: "This is my character THOG! He doesn't really have like any ONE special thing he does, he's just really good at EVERYTHING. His weakness is that his power costs him money, but he's got this SUPER BIG COUPON BOOK, so it never really costs him anything."
Krazlam wrote:
Komscha wrote:
I don't think people realise that the parties will still do the same stuff, it isn't aurabots that got hit, but any build that used 2 or more auras to keep themselves afloat. Same with EE changes etc killing minion builds.

That's backwards from what's actually happened. Unless you're stacking more than 50% reduced reservation currently or heavily stacking aura effect clusters with the intent of it applying to your allies; the aura changes are a massive buff. People will be able to use 4-6 reservations way more easily now, just that people won't be able to stack over a dozen or so.

Minion builds will be fine, phys and chaos based minion builds are still very strong.

more than 50%? lol, I am an aurabot and I have 635% mana reservation, which I can get down to about 50 mana unreserved, enough for leap slam and smite etc.

from the numbers they have given, I think i *might* be able to run Banner, Grace, Discipline, Vitality 20, Clarity 1, Hatred, Haste, 3 Purities, and would have to drop precision, determination, purity of elements, wrath, anger, and zealotry.

oh, and aura effectiveness would drop from 400% to about 250%, but only if I can get 9 more points for the tree, because like most players, i don't use small cluster jewels....

so, aurabots are going to be pretty useless now[/quote]

An attention needy aurabot apparently.

My comment has nothing to do with you. The person I was responding to said 2, TWO, auras and I mentioned that it would be a nerf to builds that stack a dozen or so (you named 10, that's pretty close to a dozen, not to mention the extra freebie auras you get as guardian, necromancer, or ascendant) and I specifically said that aura effectiveness stacking would take a big hit. So, what are you adding with your comment? Oh, just another cry for attention.

For someone who's been playing aurabots since breach league (supposedly), you seem to have forgotten that aurabots were a thing before cluster jewels and they will very likely continue to be a thing; just not as overtly powerful as they have been since delirium league. I guess that's what happens when you don't play 7 of the leagues and barely played most of the other leagues since Breach.

I can't begin to fathom how you can qualify a character that grants a dozen auras with 3.5x effectiveness to an ENTIRE PARTY as "pretty useless". It's much weaker than it is currently, but with your "expertise" as you say, you should be well aware that aurabots will still be a very viable and strong option to party play.[/quote][/quote]

wow - playing the man, not the ball I see. i'll just ignore your rudeness though.

yes, aurabots were less powerful 7 leagues ago, but everything has scaled up - monster hp, monster damage, player damage. so *relatively*, aurabots will be much less powerful than before. they will have a lot less auras, and those auras will have much less effect.

so we might see 2 aurabots per party, who knows.

but the overarching issue here is, there is no rationale for nerfing aurabots. GGG has yet to provide one
Last edited by InsiderTradingX on Oct 7, 2021, 10:34:28 PM

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