Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

Krazlam wrote:
Aisoi wrote:
DeadManx29 wrote:
What a joke.. this was how me and my fiancé enjoyed playing the game, as dps + auras together. That was our fun. Supports exist in other games.. POE isn't a group friendly game unless you're all specialized to certain roles. I don't understand all the hate and want, to nerf shit into oblivion, especially when it doesn't even affect you as another player. You all had to bitch and whine so much, to ruin the fun of others. Again..
Boy I can't wait to see this launch.

Yeah :( *Am the fiancé here* .. I play Aurabot, because I'm not very good at finding gear for myself or dps (The OP of this post, my fiancé is the person who helps me with all my gear <3) .. so I like to help him via Aurabot. He loves this game a lot (has almost 3500 hrs in the game by himself), and I love him a lot!, so I play Aurabot to help him enjoy the game to the maximum. Because who doesn't like loads of DPS? It's fun for us to just zoom around, enjoying each others company in game, because we can't enjoy each others company in real life (Stupid covid..)
I have a feeling that we're going to have to jump ship from PoE and find something else to play, because it just won't be enjoyable anymore.
Too many people are complaining about this, when they don't even play with an Aurabot.. or are effected by it.. they're just hating on the subject because they don't have a person to play with and because they see some HCSFF streamer complaining about the subject, which also doesn't effect them. :(
It's really sad that these people are taking joy in taking away the fun from other people.
PoE was the first game that we played together that we actually fully enjoyed the complexity, the builds and each others company. I've put literally 1200 hours into this game.. as an Aurabot.
Thanks GGG and everyone else for ruining the time that I get with my fiancé because you want to whine about a game aspect you never partake in.

You and your fiance should know that you'll still be fine. Looking at your aurabot build, you probably won't be able to stack quite as many auras and their effectiveness will likely be a little lower, but you'd still be a massive damage and survivability boost. Just slightly less massive.

I'm actually surprised that someone looked at my builds haha.
I really hope that you're right, because it's the only thing that him and I have to play right now.. and we're excited for the new league just not the nerfs :(
Overall good changes. EE and EO as one-point-wonders in DoT builds was kind of silly, but glad to see the damage brought back up to mostly compensate for those losses.

I'm pretty confused by the burning arrow nerf though (and it is a MASSIVE single target nerf):
Burning Arrow is too complex for a level 1 skill.

Redesign the skill without a secondary stacking burning effect, but with high added fire damage against Ignited enemies.

No longer has a stacking Burning Effect. Now deals 150% base Damage at gem level 1 (unchanged), up to 214% at gem level 20 (previously 184%). Now adds 3 to 4 Fire Damage to Attacks against Ignited Enemies at gem level 1, up to 201 to 302 Fire Damage at gem level 20. Now has an Attack Speed of 90% of Base (previously 100%). Now has a 25% chance to Ignite (previously 50%).

Too complex? Really? This is path of exile. And even if we granted that level 1 skills need to be simple, just make it higher level. Besides, new version isn't that much simpler.

BA had good single target potential because of the IMHO very interesting interaction of replica emberwake with the BA debuff. Now it is likely outclassed by any number of other skills for single target ignites.
Komscha wrote:
I don't think people realise that the parties will still do the same stuff, it isn't aurabots that got hit, but any build that used 2 or more auras to keep themselves afloat. Same with EE changes etc killing minion builds.

It's exactly the other way around. Reservation changes provide more value on the lower end investment.
Before, RMR was: linear stacking with exponential returns, stackers were at huge benefit.
Now it's how it should be: linear stacking with diminishing returns.
WTF ggg? If u want "more playerbase" u must BUFF not NERF Ur game...
Chico1988 wrote:
I really need someone to explain the new aura efficiency, because I didn't get how it is better at low investment, worse at high.

Now I fell sorry for the guy who loves aurastacking (no irony). I didn't like the way they initially gutted it, as it was transformed in a build almost exclusive to high investment, and I have fond memories of doing a weak version of it at ssf and having loads of fun. Having your favorite build being not viable at all is hard to deal, as I felt that this league.

Currently, reduced reservation is just a linear -%. As in if you have 10% reduced reservation, then reservations cost 90% their original cost. If you have 20%, then they'll cost 80% and so on. This is works out exponentially and it's why it's so strong. In the two examples I gave, the first 10% give you an 11% resource reservation boost (100/90 = 1.11) whereas the next 10% gives you 12.5% (90 / 80 = 1.25). Taken to the extreme, we'll start seeing things like at 70% reduction, that last 10% grants 16.7% (70/60 = 1.67). Thus at low investments we barely get anything but at high investments it increases in effectiveness. If you can reach 100% reduced, it becomes an infinite bonus because reservations will cost nothing other than the socket or affix.

The change to Reservation Efficiency instead makes it diminish, and ends up having more of a linear effect. If you get 20% reservation efficiency now, skills will cost around 16.6% less to reserve (100/120=0.83) the diminishing effect can be seen right away and you'll notice that with very high investments it becomes punitive. 50% reduced (or 100% efficiency) is where they intersect. The reason it's a buff is because they doubled most (if not all) sources.
Burning Arrow was fine as is. I would suggest simply swapping Burning Arrow as a reward with something more simple that already exists. Allow Burning Arrow to be received as an optional quest reward somewhere in Act 1 or 2. Reworking an entire skill simply because it is: "Too Complicated for a starter skill" is silly. Just swap it with one of your other dozens of skills that are simpler.
Looks good to me..
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
Does Reservation Efficiency go over 100%

It does.
100% increased Reservation Efficiency halves your reservation (1/2 cost).
200% increased Reservation Efficiency make them reserve 1/3 of the original amount, and so on.
Ashriel wrote:

Yeah, you're not the only one that's made builds and spent money on things that don't work any more. At this point we should be trained on that just being how this game works. Even if you play Standard (LOL) you and your legacy crap are not safe.

Anyway though, you weren't playing a build, you were collecting items and running around doing nothing, so, nerf justified in this case. Sorry bub.

I think you're confusing aurabot with aurastacker. I played aurastacker, not bot.

Bots run around doing nothing but spam vaal auras, stackers actually cast spells and have to dodge shit so they dont die.
Very cool mirror Service:
freud19821215 wrote:
Essence Worm now grants 80% reduced Reservation Efficiency (not specific to mana), instead of 40% increased Reservation.

what? 80% reduced reservation efficiency means 400% increased reservation required, it's insane
Yeah, this value seems off.

I think the current penalty is harsh enough; this ring isn't enabling aura stacking or, in general, anything over the top. Nerfing it this heavily ends up indirectly hurting the defences on any MoM/Agnostic builds currently using the ring. 30% would keep the ring where it is, 50% would be a big nerf (you'd have to run something like Hiero _and_ Sovereignty to get close to current net effect on off-ring reservations), 80% is just plain silly.

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