Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

I've only read through the first 10 pages or so, so I dunno if anyone else has explained this already, but for those who might still be wondering how exactly this new reservation works, essentially it appears to be:

Old system:
20% reduction = cost x 0.8
50% reduction = cost x 0.5
90% reduction = cost x 0.1

New system:
20% efficiency = cost / 1.2
50% efficiency = cost / 1.5
90% efficiency = cost / 1.9

However since they said they doubled values for most things, that means lower values are now slightly more worthwhile, while higher values are much less so
Very sad of EE moved to Ranger side...

p.s. This article hasn't addressed monster ignite - will they do 125% damage per second after this change?
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers
One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin
One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror
Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap
Last edited by Heartsease on Oct 7, 2021, 10:42:15 PM

Exactly rf looking super healthy to me, sure it took some hits, but there are ways to work around it. Also as a league start I don't really expect to be doing t16 maps day one just as a safe clear speed build for hc where trash mostly doesn't care about the EE changes etc.

Also how do you think lethal shade will work with self poison? Would that lead to each new instance of poison refreshing the duration? Allowing you to use apeps supremecy and basically nuke the degen of rf? While also having decent es and max res?

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with lethal shade and won't be able to comment how that might work. They mentioned in the post about core defenses that they wanted to add more max resist on the tree, so we might be able to invest in more max fire res. At the very least, I'd imagine an amulet anointment would give us 1% more.
impulze3 wrote:
rip aurastacking.

gz on ruining another build archetype.

Over 150 skills mate, time to learn your game you've played for over a year has new skills you can learn. Enjoy or go play a new game.
Sorry your one build you know how to play isn't viable but literally anyone who has half a brain knew one day aura stacking would get nerfed.
From theses three days of info dumps I would expect to see changes to energy shield and more builds than CI or Shavronne's Wrappings. Currently I believe that chaos resist is a bit too rare and we need more options for getting Chaos Resist.
Why am I not surprised that they completely kill Aurastacker(solo gameplay) and not completely kill Aurabots(group gameplay).

They should be buffing people playing solo not nerfing them imo.
tUrNiTuP83 wrote:
Why am I not surprised that they completely kill Aurastacker(solo gameplay) and not completely kill Aurabots(group gameplay).

They should be buffing people playing solo not nerfing them imo.

They kill both. Read the post.

wow - playing the man, not the ball I see. i'll just ignore your rudeness though.

yes, aurabots were less powerful 7 leagues ago, but everything has scaled up - monster hp, monster damage, player damage. so *relatively*, aurabots will be much less powerful than before. they will have a lot less auras, and those auras will have much less effect.

so we might see 2 aurabots per party, who knows.

but the overarching issue here is, there is no rationale for nerfing aurabots. GGG has yet to provide one

Saying you'll ignore something is a direct contradiction to ignoring something.

Aurabots have always been a massive damage multiplier, that player damage has scaled up means aurabots have also kept up. Why are you saying player damage scaling up is a detriment to aurabots? It's not. In fact we've gained some massive auras with multipliers like zealotry and precision which simply didn't even exist back then. If anything I'd expect aurabots to be stronger than they pre-delirium, and they were already pretty damn strong back then. Ascendant also used to be a trash aurabot ascendancy until they revamped their necromancer and guardian nodes, which was again more recent.

If you're playing in pug parties, it's entirely possible you might see 2 aurabots instead of just 1. This was the case before. It's only recently with cluster jewels that we're seeing aurabots stacking more than 11 auras (which was the max before cluster jewels). I've seen plenty of parties that would take both a guardian and necromancer aurabot. If anything they'll be stronger now given auras like precision, zealotry, pride, smite, and banners simply didn't exist, not to mention alternate qualities and the buff to purity of elements.

GGG has publicly stated several times exactly why they're nerfing aurabots. Look it up, Chris Wilson specifically mentioned it several times in the podcasts that were live streamed in the past month or so.

The only thing I can tell from your complaints is that you're upset of the current power loss. Going from 3.15 to 3.16, you will see an absolutely massive devastating loss of power, but the thing is that's the point. Frankly I feel like these changes don't adequately destroy aurabots, they'll still be extremely powerful tools to party play and I guarantee you aurabot players, like yourself, will figure out soon enough that you're still going to be invaluable assets to parties. Just that you won't make a shit build into an amazing one, and you won't make an already amazing build astronomical. (I was going to say godlike, but... come on, we kill gods every day in wraeclast)
Krazlam wrote:

Exactly rf looking super healthy to me, sure it took some hits, but there are ways to work around it. Also as a league start I don't really expect to be doing t16 maps day one just as a safe clear speed build for hc where trash mostly doesn't care about the EE changes etc.

Also how do you think lethal shade will work with self poison? Would that lead to each new instance of poison refreshing the duration? Allowing you to use apeps supremecy and basically nuke the degen of rf? While also having decent es and max res?

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with lethal shade and won't be able to comment how that might work. They mentioned in the post about core defenses that they wanted to add more max resist on the tree, so we might be able to invest in more max fire res. At the very least, I'd imagine an amulet anointment would give us 1% more.

All good man basically my idea was because how lethal shade is worded:

"Take 75% reduced dot damage if you started taking dot damage in the past second"

If new instances of dot reset this self poison could basically keep this buff up 100% of the time. If thats how it works I plan on building around that as a trickster rf zoomboi
Last edited by TheGodAmongMen on Oct 7, 2021, 11:01:33 PM
Spell totems look likely to get nerfed thanks to FR totems.
The most popular spell totem build was Freezing Pulse(prior to FR this league), it really struggled this league.
So the likely nerfs (predicting to soul mantle) will make a suffering build, taste more pain because of one skill...

To be confirmed...

In one of the community podcasts Chris talked about totems getting a nerf(when only FR was the problem).

What a dogshit is?
Last edited by AlienCrimeLord on Oct 7, 2021, 11:02:45 PM

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