Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

If it makes you aura stackers feel any better.
Spell totems look likely to get nerfed thanks to FR totems.
The most popular spell totem build was Freezing Pulse, it really struggled last league.
So the likely nerfs (predicting to soul mantle) will make a suffering build, taste more pain because of one skill...

To be confirmed...

In one of the community podcasts Chris talked about totems getting a nerf(when only FR was the problem).

What a dogshit is?

They're not going to nerf spell totem into the ground they're literally just going to change either how totems can't sacrifice life for spells or fr can't work with totems.

Murmur95 wrote:
From theses three days of info dumps I would expect to see changes to energy shield and more builds than CI or Shavronne's Wrappings. Currently I believe that chaos resist is a bit too rare and we need more options for getting Chaos Resist.

They have been buffing sources of chaos resist. In the first post, they mentioned increasing arakali's god powers. Reduced damage over time taken increasing from 5% to 10% and chaos resistance to damage over time increasing from 25% to 40%.

You might think "That's just damage over time, what about chaos hits?" I'd be surprised if you could name a few hard hitting chaos hits. A vast majority of chaos damage in the game (including that from players) comes from some form of damage over time, making arakali a massive widely accessible defensive tool.

On the note of energy shield builds, there are plenty of people that do hybrid builds, but those are far more complicated to build and it feels bad when you die when you don't realize you're taking chaos damage because your energy shield is still full.
impulze3 wrote:
rip aurastacking.

gz on ruining another build archetype.

Over 150 skills mate, time to learn your game you've played for over a year has new skills you can learn. Enjoy or go play a new game.
Sorry your one build you know how to play isn't viable but literally anyone who has half a brain knew one day aura stacking would get nerfed.

I never played an aurastacker (too poor for that), but some ppl play the game and only have fun with specific gem skills, why the F would you tell somebody else how they suppose to enjoy a game? just stfu and say nothing.
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
a lot of this looks good, but either please make the crafting of items easier OR put power back in supports. by taking damage away from supports you made high-end items far more necessary without giving people the ability to craft them (if you need 10's of exalts to craft decent items, it's not doable for 90% of the playerbase.)

They're not going to nerf spell totem into the ground they're literally just going to change either how totems can't sacrifice life for spells or fr can't work with totems.

I hope you're right.
AlekzZz84 wrote:
impulze3 wrote:
rip aurastacking.

gz on ruining another build archetype.

Over 150 skills mate, time to learn your game you've played for over a year has new skills you can learn. Enjoy or go play a new game.
Sorry your one build you know how to play isn't viable but literally anyone who has half a brain knew one day aura stacking would get nerfed.

I never played an aurastacker (too poor for that), but some ppl play the game and only have fun with specific gem skills, why the F would you tell somebody else how they suppose to enjoy a game? just stfu and say nothing.

Most skills can be played more than one way.
If they like the skill so much they can just play a different version of it.
Any skill is good with mirror tier gear so if they're good enough to farm out 100 mirrors+ of gear for aura stacker they can do similar on any build man
Great changes. Now I can run more auras instead of picking the best 2 out of 3 that I need for my build.

Great nerfs to aurastackers. Please more nerfs to aurabots. Thanks
ima gonna need to see you Devs showing off some game play, spficaly minion high end, then you can start telling me why this isnt a problem.
Heartsease wrote:
freud19821215 wrote:
Essence Worm now grants 80% reduced Reservation Efficiency (not specific to mana), instead of 40% increased Reservation.

what if I wear two Essence Worm rings? 160% reduced reservation efficiency that is minus 60% reservation efficiency, what does that even mean?

Like you use a 50% reservation aura alongside and it will cost 90% if you use one Essence Worm, and 130% if you use two?
From the wording ("Reservation Efficiency works by dividing the cost of the Reservation Effect"), you can calculate effective reservation cost by R/E, where E=1+S is reservation efficiency and S is the sum of increases and reductions to reservation efficiency. Your numbers seem to suggest you perhaps think of it as a negative of the old reduced/increased reservation of skills? (We know it isn't that, and wouldn't accomplish what they are trying to do here.)

When S = -80%+-80%, your effective reservation cost would be negative. I'm willing to bet that at S >= -1, you just can't reserve, but the request for clarification seems justified.
Thnak you for finally killing the build Ive been running and sinking all of my currency into. I can finally quit in peace and full dive into New World. Good luck with your remake of diablo 2.
IGN - RevsArcLight
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