Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Optimyst wrote:
guys i'm playing 12 hours straight and had just one dc. you are overexaggerating.

...so you are assuming everyone's experience is or should be the same as yours?

Ugh, get over yourself.
Optimyst wrote:
you are not. stop the conspiracy crap

no. but many of us invested and supported GGG with hundrets or thousands of $ !
no conspiracy shit here. i am all against conspiracy, but this is utter bullshit.
I always thought that streamer RNG/streamer drop rates was an urban legend. Now we know GGG gives streamers preferential treatment. It's not a stretch to think that it gives them slightly better/more loot too.

Think about it. It doesn't take much. Some currency early on. A good unique. A nice boss drop. That's all they need to get ahead of the pack.

I used to think this is all just a conspiracy theory. Well... not any more.
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AShugars wrote:
Optimyst wrote:
this "elite group" talk reminds me of those qanon fools. i didn't escape reality to face this same bs in this game. streamers are prioritised because they are advertising the game. you are not. stop the conspiracy crap

And for those who spent $480+ on the current core Supporter packs, got T-Shirts and hoodies (Still waiting over 4 months now for signed fan art book to be delivered)with PathOfExile logo, those aren't advertisements worth consideration to them?

We Supporters aren't getting any backstage pass to the front of the line even though we might be sporting these shirts and hoodies out in public constantly, so why should they also get this advantage when most are already monetized to begin with + receiving donations? Why should they get to skip the queue and not us supporters as well? Or is that too much to ask in all fairness? see the logic there?

ye, so in all fairness, if all can't skip in front of the queue on a supposed equal and fair playing field in a "Fresh Start economy", then nobody should ever again in the future. What happened to the days when we'd be in the queue, get in the game at the Twilight Strand but have to wait until the league actualy started? By then most players in the very least would be ready to start and not be in such a long queue by the time the league actually launched, and certainly bc of the reocurring launch issues with every league with all its sudden dc hiccups, there wouldn't be people instantly being allowed to rejoin back in with that advantage of being the 1st to do wth ever in those 1st to **** announcements in-game.

they bought supporter packs in oder to support the game but not to be prioritised at all. you can't just compare streamers who have thousands of viewers to stream over days and weeks with some guy who bought 50 hats. we all want to play poe2 one day and guess what... developing a f2p game costs a lot money!
Last edited by Optimyst on Apr 17, 2021, 7:12:36 PM
I bet the problem with serves is in the "priority groups" code.
That would be truly poetic irony.
aHz1984 wrote:
cybert2 wrote:
So many choices for new arpg's any suggestions? does not matter if online or offline

grim dawn i can suggest !
last epoch is also cool, but still very much "in progress" and unfinished.

already have Grim Dawn. Very good game.

Just got Warhammer chaosbane going to give it a go and if I don't like at least steam will give me my money back
If everyone gets treated equally I don't have a problem. It takes a big person especially the Boss to admit they may have been mistake. You have my respect Thank You :)
Last edited by Fasteddie1 on Apr 17, 2021, 8:41:14 PM
plz do something... restart the ultimatum or give us some compensation.

they won't. it's only for chris money now. the don't care about the people who grow with them and supported them. we are all 2nd class gamers.

get a streamer or be like me... nothing worth
I'm not a competitive player. I don't race, I don't care a jot about ladders or who is first to get into an instance or delve to the deepest or who gets to lvl 100 deathless first. Don't get me wrong, i think those features are good to have for the competitive types who value that experience, but it is not for me.

Also, I don't care about being a wealthy exile. Aside from decent endgame gear for my favorite builds, I do not need to dominate every area of the game. I am definitely a completionist, and I want to experience all the content the devs have put into the game, but I don't need to be the best or do it first, or even do it all in one league. I don't need a Headhunter. I like pursuing wealth and a Headhunter, of course, but it's the ongoing pursuit of the best RNGeesus has to bless me with that is the most fun for me, not having more compared to other players.

All that being said, I still think those upset about the unfairness of streamers and their friends having preferential access to a league that keeps crashing on the rest of us is justified. If the game is designed to take ladder competition seriously, and to take the in-game economy seriously, then it is hypocritical to flagrantly allow some players access while others must wait for more robust repairs. It's the principle of the thing.

And for the record, I don't mind advertising and promotional deals with streamers -- PoE is a free to play game and has never been Play to Win; GGG has to get revenue from somewhere. Let's not be naive about how much work it takes to make this game. Again, though, that being said, some kind of up-front disclaimer or disclosure of commercial relationships would let the community know certain streamers are, more or less... like sub-contractors or contingent workers or advertising partners -- that their access to the game and ability to play is not just their job, but an extension of the game's core marketing. Some kind of gesture of good faith and transparency to explain what feels like unfair preferential treatment.

It feels unfair, even if the bigger picture is that these streamers are not just playing the game... they are at work. This is their job. They didn't just wake up one day and have a million followers, either. Building an online following takes a ton of work. So even though many of us are feeling icky about it all right now, let's remember that the streamers who get preferential treatment aren't normal gamers to begin with. Streaming -- like television, film, professional sports, etc. -- isn't pureply for the sake of arts and entertainment, it's essentially about advertisement. The entertaining parts just keep eyeballs to tune into the advertising.

So the cognitively dissonant point of this post is: we gotta let it go about the streamers, folks. It feels unfair, but it's likely a marketing and legal contractual thing that is not personal. And also, GGG, y'all gotta be more congruent in setting up expectations to your players about what the game is and providing us the means to experience it the way you tell us you intend it.

I mean, I'm playing Standard this league (I'm tired of circular arenas with waves of monsters), and I still can't even finish a map with the game crashing and losing my map, my bench mods, items I found in the map, an master missions. I've been thru open Beta when we all lost everything with the launch. I think the folks in Ultimatum could endure a league-wide reset too.
Last edited by MackBesmirch on Apr 17, 2021, 7:23:08 PM
MMMMmmM the drama ):P

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