Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

any compensation for the players?
Ghulaktar wrote:
[...]play instead of raging at GGG for unforeseen complications[...]

yeah. it's totally unforseen that it will cause a shitstorm if you split the playerbase into a few with more privileges (right now, i am PRETTY sure it's not the only thing. pretty sure they also give them special droprates. would also be logic because for chris it's only about the money. and giving influencers a higher droprate encourages new player when they see cool drops in the stream) and the rest of us that are supporting the game with our money.

totally unforseen complication.. mhm :)

and to top this, chris made a statement where he bluntly lies into the whole playerbase face that its about equal playing field.
it is not. if it would, he would also set an action. but there was no action. not a single action. he just wrote some words and thats it.

it doesnt need words to convince the offended supporters to keep supporting.
it needs actions. he can tell his lies all day long. i don't care about words. i care about actions. until now, nothing happend to make it equal, like he said. nothing.
For me, it's looks like a political game: when a extreme public disaster happened such like aircraft or train crash, you will see the government or management head people appear on the stage then say: "we do feel sorry for the ppl who lose their life in this disaster, we can feel what the victim's feel and pain, we'll on your side and always being wit you ppl", after some statement has been released, the last picture we saw is the person take a bid bow before the camera and flash light from every corner, then the person disappear that stage and looks like nothing happen, after one week later, nobody can remember this topic...

We are the player who deeply play GGG's product with our precious time, who press the "M" to support this game company, such like the nation ppl who paid the tax to their country, till the end, none of the politician or game owner who really care about the ppl! especially when COVID-19 start from year 2020, player like you and me stay at home and feed them inside the game product, and just when Cyberpunk will release period, players swallow another boring 45 days to help GGG away from new Ritual league conflict disaster, now look what player can get from them?

I really hope GGG and Mr. Wilson and all GGG staff can treat or offer us a fair/ nice playing environment, don't show their face like some politician inside the product, that's all.

One of my guild member who was so pits-off and ask for the mystery box for the compensation of today's server issue, I just told him "At lease, until you can login into your account First..."
Not touching this league even with a ten foot pool until GGG #resettheleague
I get the priority. I really do. It was just the worst possible combination of things plus adding that. However saying don't blame the streamer I completely disagree with. Not because it was their fault. But because a few of them made things MUCH worse by being entitled dickbags about the whole thing. One for example telling people life isn't fair in a game claiming to be about fairness. Another, being the mouthpiece of PoE basically telling people to deal with it, etc. Then you had streamers like Ziz being a proper representative (I know he technically isn't) and seeing from the get go it was a bad move and having himself removed long before others started worrying about their rep/money doing it. You add that into the frustration already happening and it was a recipe for disaster.

Is there an excuse for it? No. You put money before your playerbase. Will you learn from it? I expect so and ultimately thats all we can really hope for as a community.
Every hour that goes by makes it harder to justify restarting the league. I don't quite understand why the plug wasn't pulled 3-6 hours into the league when everything had clearly hit the tipping point and all the paid advertising should have ended. Nobody would have been upset losing such little progress in exchange for the legitimacy of the next three months. Mistakes were made and shit happens, but what I don't understand is the decisions made that followed said mistakes. They merely ended up compounding the issues with what can only be described as incompetency.
aHz1984 wrote:
Ghulaktar wrote:
[...]play instead of raging at GGG for unforeseen complications[...]

yeah. it's totally unforseen that it will cause a shitstorm if you split the playerbase into a few with more privileges (right now, i am PRETTY sure it's not the only thing. pretty sure they also give them special droprates. would also be logic because for chris it's only about the money. and giving influencers a higher droprate encourages new player when they see cool drops in the stream) and the rest of us that are supporting the game with our money.

totally unforseen complication.. mhm :)

and to top this, chris made a statement where he bluntly lies into the whole playerbase face that its about equal playing field.
it is not. if it would, he would also set an action. but there was no action. not a single action. he just wrote some words and thats it.

it doesnt need words to convince the offended supporters to keep supporting.
it needs actions. he can tell his lies all day long. i don't care about words. i care about actions. until now, nothing happend to make it equal, like he said. nothing.

Late, but good
Verdale wrote:
Every hour that goes by makes it harder to justify restarting the league. I don't quite understand why the plug wasn't pulled 3-6 hours into the league when everything had clearly hit the tipping point and all the paid advertising should have ended. Nobody would have been upset losing such little progress in exchange for the legitimacy of the next three months. Mistakes were made and shit happens, but what I don't understand is the decisions made that followed said mistakes. They merely ended up compounding the issues with what can only be described as incompetency.

totally agree that every hour it goes by its less likely they do the right thing that is reset the freaking league.

I also dont understand when they realised they made a mistake with the queues why didnt they reset it? well.. perhaphs it was neved on their intents to do so... maybe they believe that the guys who have jobs around this (streamers) will bring them new players to compensate for this ... maybe will take years... maybe not..

for now im just sticking arount to see what is their official answer when they wake up (its like 7 am in NZ)... and that another funny thing... BEX do reply on reddit but this is the official forum and they are always quiet after the first post.. what thread should i follow then? reddit or this?
xenogias wrote:
I get the priority. I really do. It was just the worst possible combination of things plus adding that. However saying don't blame the streamer I completely disagree with.

this ! i am absolutely on your side.
aside of the behaviour for e.g. empyrian gaming thats is absolutely disgusting (he's now on my blacklist forever. unfollowed the moment i've seen it) for me it's part of a statement to unfollow ALL poe content on ALL plattforms.
even my most beloved streamer, ziggyD is no unfollowed. not because it's his fault. (sorry ziggy, you are amazing !). because i wanna set a statement.
that chris bluntly lies and actions have an impact. not only on him and his company. also on the community. when chris swallows the pill for him, that he loose some revenue cause of players walking away after this... i hope at least that this statement reaches him at a very human side. that his actions are also affecting his biggest influencers and their income and revenue.

if everyone would do this, it's also the influencers that would make some fire under chris ass, not just we - the "lower class player". and since today, i know we are exactly that for them. a 2nd class. this time, it was just TOO obvious

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