Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Chris Wilson : "This launch has been rough, to say the least."

Me : Well, how unusual!
skimbre wrote:
You should make restart to the league streamers are already level 70 and 80 and we still strugle to pass act 2

As in any previous leagues, even without the problems of this launch, at this time streamers would be level 70+ and you would still be in a2, pal.
Restart the fucking league!!
Is this the return of betrayal league or ultimatum??
FightFW wrote:
skimbre wrote:
You should make restart to the league streamers are already level 70 and 80 and we still strugle to pass act 2

As in any previous leagues, even without the problems of this launch, at this time streamers would be level 70+ and you would still be in a2, pal.

So according to that logic streamer priority queues had absolutely nothing to do with one group getting more playtime?

Ok, I will believe you because you sound smart.
So you admit it was a huge mistake, and affected the fairness of the league launch and we still don't get a reset.

I'm so glad I held off on buying any packs. ActiGGG, hope you enjoyed my dollars while you got them. I'm not sure who gave the greenlight for streamers jumping the line, but the fact that it was ever even a thought shows how out of touch you are with the majority of your community.

You paid streamers for 2 hours of PoE coverage, losing that to a login screen was akin to setting a big pile of "money on fire". I wonder how much more money you have set on fire by spitting on the people that have stuck with you all this time.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
First of all, very happy to see that you seem to have fixed the issues. Must have been very stressful and frustrating for all at GG and hopefully you can now enjoy a bit of what the weekend has to offer.

For me personally I dont mind at all that a few streamers get a bit preferential treatment yesterday but I can see where other (more dedicated to trading and racing) players might have an issue with it. You made a quick descision on the fly yesterday about prioritizing streamers, realized in retrospect that it wasnt probably the best call and have noted this and will take a diffrent approach for future leagues and events. What more can be asked for, really? We all make mistakes.

Have a good league, everyone.

Last edited by McCullogh on Apr 17, 2021, 8:44:17 AM
Nice. Pls Reset league
woolf2001 wrote:
Restart the fucking league!!
Is this the return of betrayal league or ultimatum??

Clearly the leauges title is missleading.
This is the true Betrayal League.

now we see the true face of chris or ggg.

well. since i already played a betrayal league, i skip this until it's ultimatum. chris said he wanted to have even playing field ? chris just lies.
it's just hot steam... an even playing field at this point can be achieved by resetting the league, not justing talking some marketing bullshit @chris !

we, your supporters for years, WONT forget.
Last edited by aHz1984 on Apr 17, 2021, 8:45:32 AM
I woke up this morning expecting there to be a league reset time later today; setting a fair playing field for all. This did not happen. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is now ruined.
Bhaykar wrote:
Thank you for the update, surely I'm not the only one on these forums who can tell the difference between playing PoE as a job (big streamers) and as a hobby (us).
It's not like GGG has planned the bad start and then decided to give streamers priority. If it wasn't for the unstable servers nobody would have an issue with streamers having a separate queue.

I agree the league should be restarted but the hate, rage and entitlement is unjustified, unnecessary and not what PoE community has been all about. Ever.

Demands to get freebies, threats of leaving, conspiracy theories,


you have a free game that has had many more ups than downs, why are we all forgetting that???

Bad start was bad, the game is still great,

Thank you GGG :)

More ups than downs?!?!?!? their last 8-10 leagues have basically been unplayable for the first 14-30 days because of bugs and bad servers... They should be happy that their community have been this patient.

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