Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Drimli wrote:
Reset league or no more money...

If they reset, they loose half, if they dont, they loose the other half.
vortex315 wrote:
Light9 wrote:
First of, I want to say...
Thank You GGG! For making new content and keeping us up to date even though there`s so many negativy going on right now.

I was expecting these downtimes, can`t see why many others didn`t.
It`s pretty much expected, at this point, to see some downtime, when a big online game opens up and gets crowded.
It`s kind of a norm really, happens to other games too and for a long time in gaming history.
But for some reason the GGG Community really likes to hammer down on it.
People don`t understand these sorts of issues, that can arise at the start of a big launch (probably younger generation who aren`t used to this sort of thing).

I personally think, that giving the streamers the privilige to login was great.
It`s only a couple of people among many, many, many other players and having them stream content, while we wait, for the expected server downtime to be fixed, is quite okey for me.

To me, the forums right now, look like a big bunch of kids whining over nothing, with #ResetTheLeague. Be more patient and understanding of the situation.
Is resetting really neccessary just because a few people get to play a bit sooner, especially in a free to play game and we get to enjoy some content while we wait. Btw, I have spent money on this game and I think it`s still worth the wait.

I can understand if people follow up #ResetTheLeague with something like:
"I really wanted to go for that world first and now i can`t." or "There is the biggest bug/exploit in history and can`t be fixed unless we do a reset."
Sounds quite ridiculous to me. How many of you are actually going to go for that world first? And, there probably isn`t a bug in the game that big, that warrants such a drastic measure.

All in all, regards to those people who are patient with me on this matter and happy slaying "Soon, tm".

First of #ResetTheLeague

Let me tell you why you are wrong and mostly sound like an entitled idiot.

Excepting downtime in a game with this much $ and time to prepare who has reset league as often as it has for as many years as it has is wrong. YOU SHOULDNT EXCEPT THIS! THEY NEED TO DO BETTER! THEY HAVE DONE BETTER BEFORE.
This wasn't normal crashing issues and bugs...this was literally unplayable for millions

People saying it is excepted because it happens in other games is just foolish. Name another game that completely resets 2/3 times a year over 10 years of practice doing this. WoW had horrible launches but still much better than this with less practice and 100x the amount of people playing...

Streamer privilege is literally retarded. Might as well call it video game racism at this point. Can't play because you don't stream? Can't play because you are not a "big" streamer. There is literally 100k+ people with like 5 viewers or less streaming. Did they all get in? Not to mention allowing other streamers who were not part of the ads to get in. What about people's GF/BF and groups allowed in? Like WHAT!! Because you know someone who is a big streamer you get in?

What about the people who don't have a ton of time to play. People who took off work because it was the only time they had. What about them? People don't want to watch content....they want to play. Close down the servers. Launch the game 2 hours LATE BUT FIXED. That is what they should have done. Fair starts are important because some people want to race for fun first day and don't want duped items.

Not everyone wants to race but some people do. When someone is already to maps before you can even play, kind of unfair. And why? Just because they make a living sitting in a chair? I have both casually played and streamed this game. As both I am offended. As a content creator I am offended. Plenty of content creators didn't get to skip either.

And to your last quote. There are a TON of people who are competitive who don't stream or barely stream at all. AND THERE IS A BUG DUPING ISSUE CURRENTLY!!!

You probably got in...get your entitled head out of your ass and realize that you should demand MORE from a company. They promise this stuff won't happen every league and yet most of the leagues they fail due to human error almost every time.



+++++10000 Well written #RESETTHELEAGUE
I'm so glad I stopped playing leagues this game and only try some of the new stuff on standard from time to time.

Also GGG apologizes each time they f*ck up but still make worse the next time for each new league. Reminds me a bit of the BP apologizes in South Park (Of course it's just a game and it's not really serious stuff).
Congratulations, people are not complaining about Harvest anymore. Haha.

I’ll be home soon, gonna give it a try. :P
what is that shit with ligue restart??

normal players play for fun, streamers do their job ... streaming to finance their life.

they will always faster, they will always have tons of currency in their stashes.

any other players play to have fun .. no 8 hours or more a day playing poe , get bored by stupid marathon map grinding.

casual player came home from work. start playing and relax. no rushing necessary. need a brake ? yeah, one hour away for a walk with the dog maybe.

all i see is fear of coming up short.


Play YOUR game. do not care about others you want fun ? just play. its not ggg that ruins your happiness. be envious is creating bad energy and takes all your fun and yourself is the source of all.

Think about it. ;)

P.S.: i am shure there are many mistakes in these sentences :D
but be a little bit gracious with me. english is not my native language. my last lesson was about 30 years ago in school :D
so I hope the meaning has not been lost due to my poor knowledge of english

Last edited by burns3016 on Apr 17, 2021, 7:13:18 AM
zj0ckez wrote:
I will never buy a supporter pack again, let your streamers finance the game if they are your priority

Same. GGG done fucked up.
Who's the moron that thought giving Prio and paying streamers was a good idea?
After the Harvest nerf pissing most of the playerbase off, they made this stupid decision?
Then, you know how to fix it, but decide to let us crash and DC for the next 12 hours because you don't want to take the servers down to fix it? What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're so fucking disconnected from your players you can't even do things that require common sense.
Do right thing and #ResetTheLeague
Thank you for your thoughtful post. I have been looking through the replies and naturally I am seeing a lot of anger from a lot of players. As you've mentioned yourself, I don't think they are necessarily wrong to feel that way, but I did want to add my voice to the chorus and remind you all at GGG that there is a sizeable, though probably less vocal chunk of the player base who are not interested in demonizing you, or claiming that the only explanation for what's happening is that you all are lazy or apathetic or don't understand the privilege you have as the creators of such a popular game. I think that probably couldn't be further from the truth, and I imagine reading such things can be pretty tough, especially if you've been working long weeks trying to make the game great.

I happen to be a developer myself, and it also just so happens I spent the better part of my work week trying my best and working hard to debug the mysterious behavior of a distributed system, so that I would have free time this weekend for league start. And so I feel a great deal of sympathy for your plight this past 24 hours. I know the feeling of being frustrated and mystified by the behavior of a system I've spent dozens of hours tuning, trying to anticipate every possible problem and immediately being stymied by the one thing I didn't think of. I'm sorry that's happening, and I'm glad it looks to finally be getting resolved.

I also did want to respectfully weigh in on the issue a lot of people have been emphasizing, which is a desire to see the league be reset. I am not a racer; I am probably slightly slower and less experienced than the average player, and so the "Fairness" issue of league start does not really affect me. However, I am sympathetic to that perspective, and I would like to see the game well-positioned for competitive play and able to continue attract talented competitive players. Furthermore, the experience of playing myself yesterday did feel scuffed; I will set aside the rumors that are flying around about duplication exploits, which I assume you'll be able to address if they are true. Just the experience of frequently getting disconnected right after finding something valuable, and not knowing whether it would happen to show up in my inventory next time I managed to connect, made the items feel less weighty, and made the league as a whole feel a lot less "real" to me. So even though it doesn't directly affect me from a competitive perspective, I would also not mind, and ultimately, would be in favor of, a league reset today. I also understand this is probably not the way you'll go, as it risks angering even more players than it satisfies, and also introduces further technical risks right as you've gotten things working again. And that's fine by me. Just thought I'd add my two cents.

Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication towards this game. Your enormous passion for the genre is evident to me whenever I play it. Although yesterday was indeed frustrating for me as well, I do not regret a single cent or moment I have spent playing PoE. I think it is a beautiful, fascinating, stimulating, sometimes messy and fearlessly experimental, game; a years long work in progress. It is already a remarkable technical and artistic achievement. It is also already one of my very favorite games of all time, and I look forward, as I'm sure you do, to its future, which I certainly intend to witness and participate in (and spend my money on). I hope you all can get some rest in the coming days and enjoy seeing Ultimatum played in the wild.

- Orren Saltzman

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