Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

But even after a league reset, we now know that GGG prefers and promotes groups that use all game mechanics to the limits and abuse everything they can.

A very bad taste for the future of POE.
Light9 wrote:
First of, I want to say...
Thank You GGG! For making new content and keeping us up to date even though there`s so many negativy going on right now.

I was expecting these downtimes, can`t see why many others didn`t.
It`s pretty much expected, at this point, to see some downtime, when a big online game opens up and gets crowded.
It`s kind of a norm really, happens to other games too and for a long time in gaming history.
But for some reason the GGG Community really likes to hammer down on it.
People don`t understand these sorts of issues, that can arise at the start of a big launch (probably younger generation who aren`t used to this sort of thing).

I personally think, that giving the streamers the privilige to login was great.
It`s only a couple of people among many, many, many other players and having them stream content, while we wait, for the expected server downtime to be fixed, is quite okey for me.

To me, the forums right now, look like a big bunch of kids whining over nothing, with #ResetTheLeague. Be more patient and understanding of the situation.
Is resetting really neccessary just because a few people get to play a bit sooner, especially in a free to play game and we get to enjoy some content while we wait. Btw, I have spent money on this game and I think it`s still worth the wait.

I can understand if people follow up #ResetTheLeague with something like:
"I really wanted to go for that world first and now i can`t." or "There is the biggest bug/exploit in history and can`t be fixed unless we do a reset."
Sounds quite ridiculous to me. How many of you are actually going to go for that world first? And, there probably isn`t a bug in the game that big, that warrants such a drastic measure.

All in all, regards to those people who are patient with me on this matter and happy slaying "Soon, tm".

First of #ResetTheLeague

Let me tell you why you are wrong and mostly sound like an entitled idiot.

Excepting downtime in a game with this much $ and time to prepare who has reset league as often as it has for as many years as it has is wrong. YOU SHOULDNT EXCEPT THIS! THEY NEED TO DO BETTER! THEY HAVE DONE BETTER BEFORE.
This wasn't normal crashing issues and bugs...this was literally unplayable for millions

People saying it is excepted because it happens in other games is just foolish. Name another game that completely resets 2/3 times a year over 10 years of practice doing this. WoW had horrible launches but still much better than this with less practice and 100x the amount of people playing...

Streamer privilege is literally retarded. Might as well call it video game racism at this point. Can't play because you don't stream? Can't play because you are not a "big" streamer. There is literally 100k+ people with like 5 viewers or less streaming. Did they all get in? Not to mention allowing other streamers who were not part of the ads to get in. What about people's GF/BF and groups allowed in? Like WHAT!! Because you know someone who is a big streamer you get in?

What about the people who don't have a ton of time to play. People who took off work because it was the only time they had. What about them? People don't want to watch content....they want to play. Close down the servers. Launch the game 2 hours LATE BUT FIXED. That is what they should have done. Fair starts are important because some people want to race for fun first day and don't want duped items.

Not everyone wants to race but some people do. When someone is already to maps before you can even play, kind of unfair. And why? Just because they make a living sitting in a chair? I have both casually played and streamed this game. As both I am offended. As a content creator I am offended. Plenty of content creators didn't get to skip either.

And to your last quote. There are a TON of people who are competitive who don't stream or barely stream at all. AND THERE IS A BUG DUPING ISSUE CURRENTLY!!!

You probably got in...get your entitled head out of your ass and realize that you should demand MORE from a company. They promise this stuff won't happen every league and yet most of the leagues they fail due to human error almost every time.


This is the most disgusting display of blatant favoritism I have seen from this company. I'm not often mad at game companies, because I know no amount of outrage will change the faceless monolith. Clearly you are the same as them, the same launch incompetence, the same streamer favoritism, the same faceless, loveless, worthless triple aaa company, and by jove you've got the gutless "apology" routine down pat too! Not even a simple "We're sorry" in that whole thing. I'm mad,I'm furious even, but mostly disappointed.

Edit: Ah, my apologies, there was one sorry. Not for their mistake, no, how silly. for delivering their hollow post late. oops.
Last edited by Majgamer on Apr 17, 2021, 7:09:28 AM
Please reset...

zj0ckez wrote:
I will never buy a supporter pack again, let your streamers finance the game if they are your priority

this. i bought supporter packs for pc and xbox.
this ends right now. the streamers are prio, the streams should pay you.

still trying to get a refund on a 60usd supporter pack i bought for this league.
but they don't answer. they don't care.
This situation shows what kind of community this is when you have streamers who are all mostly lowkey happy and some even come out and say things like "Well unlucky you bro", "deal with it". Instead of standing up for the majority of players and viewers that help your shit grow... GGG also chose not to do that.

In moments like this you realize who is who. Just disgraceful really.

I have to say I am looking forward like never before... to playing other games.
BettieCannon wrote:
No more money from me ever again. You say you won't give queue skip to streamers again. I don't believe you. Pathetic.

they may not give streamers queue skip but they may do something even worse... or hell there might already be some hidden 50% iiQ for the "whitelist streamers"

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