⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

helloicanseeu wrote:
memory vault got a slight nerf? whats the rationale behind that? lol

Hello helloicanseeu! Nice to crawl & stitch again!

Because armour formula (and determination and grace with iron reflexes) were buffed 50% - 100% more effective I guess memory vault would have been imbalanced and could have been combined imba op with new keynote divine shield.
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 9, 2021, 3:10:07 PM
Is there a transcendennce variation of the build by any chance ? Or a good transcendence build to recommend ?
Is there a transcendennce variation of the build by any chance ? Or a good transcendence build to recommend ?

Hey Zgurf,

militant faith glorifying maxarius with transcendence is recommended in the build against a lot elemental damage dealing bosses like maven or ueber atziri. It's perfect fitting, was often used, and in the spoiler "boss-hunting", point 9), the pob and all explanations are found:


9- For bosses like Ueber-Atziri or Maven with mainly a lot elemental-damage you can take in a timeless jewel militant faith, glorify Maxarius, for the keynote "transcendence".



120000 Armour transforms to instead 90% elemental damage reductions added to 70% (5% lowered) resistances results into total 97% / capped at 90 % elemental reductions. You will get almost unvulnerable to elemental damage-dealing hits.
But it also does not protect against elemental aoe and elemental dot-damage.

Insert and activate it next to "Pain attunement". Probably you need 10 more dex with this transformation. As downside in the cooldowns of molten shell and frostshield you take much physical damage. Add "enduring composure" on a cluster for basic physical damagereductions when you are playing with transcendence.

When you have enough mana (with helmet enchant) another option is to take in "aspect of the crab" or "arctic armour" for more pdr.
You also can regret 4-5 passives "anointed flesh", take instead eventually needed dex, discord artisan, more small clusters uncompromising for mana or an additional endurance charge instead and change your minor Pantheon to Soul of Grutkhul for pdr. You can change iron reflexes to phase acrobatics or +2 gemlevels on bodyarmour if you want more evasion or more damage while using transcendence and still have a lot transformed armour.
Example POB: https://pastebin.com/xDzNaLQM

Militant Faith / Keystone Transcendence:
Courthouse Synthesis, facetank all fire-explosions T18:


Don't take "transcendence" for bosses with much physical damage like Sirus, Shaper, UE.

When you use transcendence often combinate it with some more pdr like endurance charges or arctic armour for the cooldowns of molten shell and choose divergent frostshield (instead default) and/ or use evasion instead iron reflexes.
You reach easy 99% overcapped elemental reductions against hits with it, or 54% evasion and 92% overcapped physical damagereduction. Against Sirus or shaper change transcendence out of course for physical damagereductions of 120k-140k default armour. In 3.16 transcendence is much buffed in the build with the same new formula like armour I guess.

Last edited by Chromino on Oct 10, 2021, 11:50:34 AM
Congratulations to ThreeFivteen_Templar to nice level 100!


60 virulences, without whispers of doom/ serpentine spellslinger, instead some curse- and critreductions and armour in templar-area, farming with headhunter-buffs, increased gemlevels on armour and rare amulet - that are fine 100 steps, Maven & Ueber Elder kicked down, and until now 36 of 40 challenges won already.

Congratulations! Let the spiders dance!
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 11, 2021, 3:09:51 PM
The allstars in [3.16] Scourge

The teaser awaits this week 14. october and the allstars will bite, sting, stitch and drop new arachnophobias and scourges on their neighbors soon.

3 manifestos are showing a lot changes. New keynotes, buffed keynotes. Dodge is nerfed, block remains. Armour is buffed into the top as well as flasks and ailment avoidances. So here the build will be probably pathing:



One of the biggest 3.16 buffs, armour gets up to 100% more effective. We need less pdr and less substain. In combinations with iron reflexes, buffed Grace, extreme buffed flasks, buffed ar- and es- base stats on gear and in the variant militant faith/ transcendence against maven/ ueber-atziri a lot balance is to try and work out.

With our possibilities of maxed layers of defences, armour combined with substain and es we will probably benefit most of all ascendancies of these buffs.

New keynote Divine shield

Waiting for numbers and percents, but this looks awesome and covers perhaps safe our last weak spots degen and dot. We are born to shield. We are gods of physical damage preventions. Perfect. An interesting addition to es/ block or variant to bottled faith or watcher's eye es on hit mod.

GGG: "New Keystone Passive Skill called Divine Shield: Percentage of Total Physical Damage prevented from Hits Recently is Regenerated as Energy Shield per second. Cannot Recover Energy Shield to above Armour. We're still deciding on the specific value."


10-20% buffed stats on gear means perhaps we can switch out clarity mod on watcher's eye and taaaataataaaataa gain a free gemslot instead clarity as easy variant.

2 paths of third defences in combination with high ar, high es/ block and high es:

I. evasion with grace/ divine shield/ withering step ? / defiance banner? /

II. Full block: bastion of hope/ riposte ? attack / tempest shield/ the red nightmare/ replica pure talent/ evt. unique amulet stranglegasp


Nice buff, perhaps going without time of need is a new possibility perhaps, buffed wicked ward is worth another try.


With our free slots of stats on gear perhaps we get much more variants and increased ailments-immunities.

Buffed Purity of elements is another interesting alternative instead grace with iron reflexes, also hatred, haste or pride of course too when we reach on gear high immunities with the buffs of 3.16.

New passives

Armour and es synergies - absolute great, more maxed elemental resistances - very interesting

More passives with spellblock - very nice and perhaps there are some other paths opening of maxblock than glancing blows (bastion of hope, clusters, etc.).

Vaal molten shell

gets now with 40% damagereductions and +850 armour - nice

Other changes

With divine shield also the new buffed wicked ward can become a new keynote-variation in the build.



Blindings raised our ehp 25% until 3.16, but were not mandatory because top defences and the long row layers of defences, as for example the op-combination of frostshield and molten shell.
With buffed armour and buffed evasion we can compensate and are still buffed top in defences. Of course our high recovery es on block helps a lot and triggers much more often our healings on block.
The knockbacks of divergent sniper's mark, a cluster "bodyguard" or "conjured wall" or of the unique flask Lion's roar raises our ehp, the damagereductions of frostshield to 60% and the capacities of molten shell + frost shield as well as alternatives to blindings.
Frost walls linked to cws, as used in the Tank-edition, is a very strong alternative for our ranged CI-build. Also anomalous sigil of power works great with 20% added damagereductions, - or phantasms support in HoA links or zombies/ spectres/ animate guardian in a hungry loop - ring added as shielding meat shields.
Cyclopean coil with a bit strength added raises to be a nice variation instead stygian belt or more es and immunities on a rare belt or stats like spellblock, chance to hinder for our own or summon-phantasms spells, or increased attackspeed of minions.
As alternative we can easy reach 50% evasion and more with buffed grace, our maxed out global defences and auraeffects, switch out iron reflexes for other keynotes or increased hoa-gemlevels, and keep doubling the capacities of maxed molten shell and frostshield with untransfered extreme buffed evasion. We wait for the concrete patch.


With our 3 auras and aul's uprising aura we should perhaps be buffed like written and anounced in manifesto.
We need to change 1× uncompromising to Self-Control on one small cluster.

But we need still also again to wait for the slow shortlegged crawler as always: how manareservations of the herald and reductions on circle of nostalgia, helmet enchant or discord artisan are patched were not mentioned until now, let's hope they remain unnerfed as heralds, there is zero-null aura-tag on the gems so I am very optimistic.

Memory vault

Compensated by buffed determination, buffed grace, buffed vaal molten shell and perhaps new passives, and buffed base stats of gear and passive tree. Overall all our defences are buffed 80% and more even with nerf of MV.

Edition "make hatred, not grace": elemental-equilirium

Buffs of elemental exposure on triggerwand compensate a bit. Rare amulet with +2 increased gemlevels offer almost the same damage, cold iron point dagger or hungry loop for supportminions add the same damage, culling strike is another variant, or physical-damage-buffs with impale/dreadbanner/pride or only dread banner as a smaller buff or more curses like vulnerability and punishment etc.

Vaal grace

Vaal grace offers now 15% evasion - we will still use it as back-up for all other cooldowns like vaal discipline, but with the small nerf we can probably switch out "increased duration" on rainbow-boots for more valuable gems like taunts of defiance banner or cws- frostwall/ holyrelic/ golem & feeding frenzy etc.


With the new 50% - 100% buffed armour formula perhaps we easy change iron reflexes to increased gemlevels for much more damage, combinate our recovery with new keynote divine shield and add on top watcher's eye es on hit perfect fitting for ball-lightnings as well as dropping clarity mod with new buffed es-stats on gear for a new free skillsocket too. With all the ar, es, flasks, ailments-immunities buffs we should reach extreme tankyness with less investments and could balance into different stats or uprising damage.
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 17, 2021, 6:51:32 AM
I thinking about giving this build a go in the new league. Seeing as my build of aurastacking golems does not really exist anymore, I want something that is pretty tanky, which it looks like this build is possibly the poster child for tanky builds, and something that still has decent damage.

How would you rate the map clear with this?

I'll wait until the patch notes come out but the build looks really nice, so I might be here next league bothering you guys with questions since I've never played a HoA build before.

Take care all, remember to make sure your account is linked to twitch during the live stream if you want the free MTX.
So after finishing the feared and all other bosses with the standard Iron Reflexes version of the build... I've decided to go headhunting and trying to see how that works out currently.

Do y'all have any advice for what I should do differently than currently? (The amulet is just a hunk of mostly garbage from my stash I needed to cap resists currently -- I imagine I want to look for +1 chaos and +1 dex along with the needed resists)

I'm not sure how to get the Auls with Hatred mixed into the build and still cap resists... so still thinking about that too -- maybe different boots? idk

Is maim still the best 3rd red support I can run since I can't find a 3g 2r 1b skin with the GG implicits?

I was planning on pathing to Unnatural Calm and anointing something else at some point in the future -- what other anoint do you think would be best to target?
sumfight wrote:
I thinking about giving this build a go in the new league. Seeing as my build of aurastacking golems does not really exist anymore, I want something that is pretty tanky, which it looks like this build is possibly the poster child for tanky builds, and something that still has decent damage.

How would you rate the map clear with this?

I'll wait until the patch notes come out but the build looks really nice, so I might be here next league bothering you guys with questions since I've never played a HoA build before.

Take care all, remember to make sure your account is linked to twitch during the live stream if you want the free MTX.
Map clear is excellent. Spiders do enough damage by themselves to kill anything short of bosses, and they are FAST.

The challenge has always been single target for boss killing. The solution here has been run a tank SO TOUGH, that it doesn't matter how long it takes to kill the boss. This is why Chromino has tongue in cheek renamed Sirus' DIE beam to a healbeam, because we can literally stand in it to restore our energy shield.

I've played the aura stacker, and the damage on bosses here is going to feel weak by comparison. The tank, on the other hand, isn't second tier to anything. :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
grimjack68 wrote:
sumfight wrote:
I thinking about giving this build a go in the new league. Seeing as my build of aurastacking golems does not really exist anymore, I want something that is pretty tanky, which it looks like this build is possibly the poster child for tanky builds, and something that still has decent damage.

How would you rate the map clear with this?

I'll wait until the patch notes come out but the build looks really nice, so I might be here next league bothering you guys with questions since I've never played a HoA build before.

Take care all, remember to make sure your account is linked to twitch during the live stream if you want the free MTX.
Map clear is excellent. Spiders do enough damage by themselves to kill anything short of bosses, and they are FAST.

The challenge has always been single target for boss killing. The solution here has been run a tank SO TOUGH, that it doesn't matter how long it takes to kill the boss. This is why Chromino has tongue in cheek renamed Sirus' DIE beam to a healbeam, because we can literally stand in it to restore our energy shield.

I've played the aura stacker, and the damage on bosses here is going to feel weak by comparison. The tank, on the other hand, isn't second tier to anything. :)

Thanks, I appreciate you letting me know.

Knowing the map clear is fine was really my biggest question. I watched a few of OPs videos and saw some boss damage, and yeah, that healbeam lol.

Gonna give leveling templar a try before the league, he's prob one of my least played characters. Figured I would run dominating blow till maps and then try and transition over.
Kujabuja wrote:
So after finishing the feared and all other bosses with the standard Iron Reflexes version of the build... I've decided to go headhunting and trying to see how that works out currently.

Do y'all have any advice for what I should do differently than currently? (The amulet is just a hunk of mostly garbage from my stash I needed to cap resists currently -- I imagine I want to look for +1 chaos and +1 dex along with the needed resists)

I'm not sure how to get the Auls with Hatred mixed into the build and still cap resists... so still thinking about that too -- maybe different boots? idk

Is maim still the best 3rd red support I can run since I can't find a 3g 2r 1b skin with the GG implicits?

I was planning on pathing to Unnatural Calm and anointing something else at some point in the future -- what other anoint do you think would be best to target?

Hey Kujabuja,

congratulations, well done!!
Yes, your amulet is not b.i.s., hehe. Without Aul's uprising rare amulet with increased gemlevels or for hatred Replica Hyrri's truth are the variants.

All other slots are extreme fine and b.i.s.
Cyclone is for some bosses not ideal to generate full virulences and full damage.
Resistances with headhunter are possible on bismuth-flasks or flasks-suffixes, on clusters, boots, gloves - but you get so many hh-buffs you can also deal with most maps when you miss the resistances only a little bit.

Best third red sockets are maim and almost equal awakened added fire damage.

Nice b.i.s. amulet-anoints are manareductions of charisma when you want to use the helmet enchant "HoA fires additional projectiles", it's like a lmp support with 30% more projectiles equal to 30% more damage, best and b.i.s. in high density like deliriums, Simulacrums, blight, delve, also awakened fork instead pierce is interesting there.

Instead for bossing high Energyshield with "utmost intellect" is strong beside unnatural calm or ailments-immunities/ freeze immunities with crystal skin for example.
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 12, 2021, 5:17:27 AM

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