Clarifying the Ascendancy Changes

kiljoy wrote:
cimerea wrote:
Tell me if my math is right.
The whole Avatar of the Chase branch of Raider ascendancy gives me onslaught, +210% onslaught effect and 30% to evasion.
210% onslaught effect = 62% increased att speed and ms.

Let's use lightning arrow build I used this league - no GMP and Death Opus.
Death's Opus' att/s is 1.32.
So applying beefed up onslaught would get me 2,14 att/s

No GMP + D's O = 3 arrows per shot.
Let's take a look at Deadeye's Munitions (through Ricochet path). 2 more arrows alone is 40% more dmg. +20% projectile dmg, +20% global accuracy and +1 chain...

Definitly going Deadeye this league.

cool you have applied the new info to the old passive tree and none of the new changes to gems, passive trees, new items and rest of changes to harvest, heist and the new added by ritual.

Or you have seen all the changes 100% so could you share the rest of the changes that are coming?

oh no look! someone posted something positive, let's bash him guys! XD
I don't understand why you would even touch the juggernaut for any other reason than to buff it? No one is even playing it!!! Why?? It's not popular and its not taking players away from any other build. Marauder deserves some long awaited buffs just to make it close to being on par with any of the top builds and yet you think you needed to make it worse? Where's the logic in that?
kiljoy wrote:
cimerea wrote:
Tell me if my math is right.
The whole Avatar of the Chase branch of Raider ascendancy gives me onslaught, +210% onslaught effect and 30% to evasion.
210% onslaught effect = 62% increased att speed and ms.

Let's use lightning arrow build I used this league - no GMP and Death Opus.
Death's Opus' att/s is 1.32.
So applying beefed up onslaught would get me 2,14 att/s

No GMP + D's O = 3 arrows per shot.
Let's take a look at Deadeye's Munitions (through Ricochet path). 2 more arrows alone is 40% more dmg. +20% projectile dmg, +20% global accuracy and +1 chain...

Definitly going Deadeye this league.

cool you have applied the new info to the old passive tree and none of the new changes to gems, passive trees, new items and rest of changes to harvest, heist and the new added by ritual.

Or you have seen all the changes 100% so could you share the rest of the changes that are coming?

Other things are mostly additive, and even if not, for the same build both ascendecies would go identical or nearly identical passive tree and the effects would be basically the same.
Gem difference would be that Deadeye wouldn't need Chain Support (lightning arrow build I ran this league used it, cause I ran Raider) so one free support slot.
In effect - better coverage -> faster clear speed, higher damage, slower movement speed, lower single target overall damage if we consider attack speed alone but higher dmg per arrow one more support gem slot to mitigate,
I love assassin nerf. Every time I play a new skill, I always wonder if the assassin is better, faster, and cheaper. Now, I don't have to.
Completely screwed over assassin (the poison ascendancy) so doesn’t matter what you say.
GGG opened a box with whiners and they attacked the forum.
So fun to see it. =)

To perceive fixes as a deterioration of the game is stupid. Just the game was made different and the gameplay will now be different, it will not get worse, there will be a new imba and not one. Disgruntled people in any case will not be happy.
If their character will not change - they will complain.
If their character will change - they will complain.
If game is too easy - they will complain.
If game is too hard - they will complain...
Very foolish not to trust the opinion of the developers of the game, it's like to think you're smarter than God (If he was)
ikkuhnoob wrote:
Thanks GGG for the hard work and clear reviews as always! This has clearly not been said enough!

Looking at all the ascendency class changes, it is obviously clear that most popular options had a nerf (necromancer, assassin, trickster, hierophant). Yes, this is a fact, but in the long run this isn't really an issue. Power does clearly not come from ascendency classes alone, as the skill tree, skill gems, gear, enemy stats and player aptitude play just as important a role.

Regardless of whether the changes were nerfs or not, I do think many ascendency classes look a lot more interesting and have more nodes that work as specializations just like GGG intended. So a great job on thinking out of the box with some of them! (Love the new raider, deadeye, elementalist, slayer and even occultist, because they got more generic and specialized at the same time, great thinking there!)

It does make sense though, that nerfs to ascendancies impact the entire community as they are one of the few reliable ways for player with 'LITTLE INVESTMENT' to power up. If a player only has limited funds or limited time to play, they cannot invest in maxed out gear, which does seem to get more and more important to be able to comfortably play this game as of recent and the impact of gear is just too large. The trade system often also prohibits players from getting the gear they truly need to power up their ascendancies' inherent powers fully.

Offensive power has never really been an issue in path of exile, which did see the most changes in ascendencies, but defensive power is still a problem. The only true defense comes from EHP, because there are so many different high enemy damage mechanics out there nowadays. Go for eva/dodge and a huge hit still one-shots you, go for armor/block and DoT still melts you away. EHP is what hasn't seen a real boost in the last few years, despite enemy damage/amounts getting higher and higher. Life improvements came mainly from rare stats on rare chest armor and (too rare/expensive) catalysts. Where Energy shield has been rebalanced all the time, but also only saw minor improvements (unless maxed-out gear). Especially in a league where you fight several bosses at once, the total damage taken won't be too much of an issue with overlapping defensive mechanics, but getting "shotgunned" will get statistically many times more likely, when several bosses damage you in a short time interval with multiple different damage mechanics.

Key focus points: Defense over offense, trade system, Non-endgame / low-tier players.

Anyways, this league does look like a lot of fun and I for one am looking forward to trying the new ascendency classes and see how they hold up in the amazing new content! You have my support (also in terms of the new astonishingly beautiful supporter packs).

Cant take any of your post seriously, when you start it by listing heirophant os OP and one of the most commonly played.
new league = changes, new builds, starting over and figuring out or waiting for someone to figure out the new op builds.

each league this has happened, there is no race.
The same accounts will be mastering it instead of whining about it.
kiljoy wrote:

each league this has happened, there is no race.

have you been living under a rock ? there is literally a poe race

Completely screwed over assassin (the poison ascendancy) so doesn’t matter what you say.

because poison assassin BV was meta.
this is GGG balance logic: kill it with fire and drop a nuke for good measure,everything else is collateral damage,who gives a shit ? (hint: not GGG)
there was a time when double dipping poison was a thing,then it wasnt alongside with poison for a long time,then the buff came few league later. this have been like this since begning of time.
Last edited by Nibelton on Jan 12, 2021, 7:28:11 AM
POG!!! Thx for these changes, 3.13 going to be the best patch for me.

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