Reworked and Changed Ascendancy Classes in Path of Exile: Echoes of the Atlas


looking fine to me. Some less, some more and some different. lets see the real effect of this once it hits pob...^^

And ppl seem to not be as hyped as me about for example the collossal scion - slayer buff.

There seems to be a lot of fun stuff to try, like deadeye (mirage archer^^) or slayer or witchies (except necro maybe. haha).

This community is so emotional when it comes to patchnodes, to some degree a good thing i guess, but some drama (before actually confirming stuff is really "unplayable") feels more over the top than mid day soap operas...

Let's see and have a blast and embrace new challanges (pun intended. kinda). YAY!
Am I reading this right? Does rapid assault just give permanent onslaught now?
Kaendor012 wrote:
I expected CoS to be nerfed and that's alright. But nerfing most of the champion ascendancy?, Master of metal was mostly why people chose champion, and not a lot of people played it outside of CoS Slams last league, so where is the reasoning for this?. Almost nobody went for Unstoppable hero, and it got
Also for Jugg, the amount of people that played that ascendacy has been minuscule, and yet the undeniable node got nerfed badly. Heck even the charge duration got nerfed, and nobody ever saw a problem there.
Where is the reasoning for these changes??, I was going to go with one of these two ascendancies for my leaguestart playing and offmeta build but even that got gutted.

Read carefully, it's been buffed lol
Absolutely glorious! Thanks for finally bringing heavily needed nerfs for the Meta and leaving us able to find new Ways to play instead of having to blast through the game with the same freakin build every season all over again to be competitive i love the changes and it was a personal glory to read through pages of pages of crying necros, tricksters and golemancer, aura stackers and all the other shite that has dominated the game in these last seasons. Im happy to tryout new stuff now!

Greetings Nogrul
holy_victory wrote:
Kaendor012 wrote:
I expected CoS to be nerfed and that's alright. But nerfing most of the champion ascendancy?, Master of metal was mostly why people chose champion, and not a lot of people played it outside of CoS Slams last league, so where is the reasoning for this?. Almost nobody went for Unstoppable hero, and it got
Also for Jugg, the amount of people that played that ascendacy has been minuscule, and yet the undeniable node got nerfed badly. Heck even the charge duration got nerfed, and nobody ever saw a problem there.
Where is the reasoning for these changes??, I was going to go with one of these two ascendancies for my leaguestart playing and offmeta build but even that got gutted.

Read carefully, it's been buffed lol

The only way undeniable's changes could be cosidered a buff is probably if you are a stregth stacker. You still loose these two bonuses:
30% increased Accuracy Rating if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds
30% increased Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds
Ehhhh its k 7/10
"yay nerf to the meta"
i genuinely face palm at you simps.... they dont remove meta,they JUST SHIFT IT,THERE ALWAYS WILL BE BROKEN ASS SHIT BUILDS,this WILL NOT CHANGE.
CoS,Archamge was league broken shit,and this league there will be,and new META "BROKEN" builds this CHANGE NOTHING,it only MUTILATE FUN FOR AVERAGE PLAYER.
they buffed the shit out of MOBS because of the power creep,now they blatantly castrating power creep that they themselves implant BUT DID NOT NERF MOBS,i see they are just adjusting the game for the PoE2,but letting PoE MOB balance stay.
Last edited by Nibelton on Jan 11, 2021, 7:56:04 PM

"yay nerf to the meta"
i genuinely face palm at you simps.... they dont remove meta,they JUST SHIFT IT,THERE ALWAYS WILL BE BROKEN ASS SHIT BUILDS,this WILL NOT CHANGE.
CoS,Archamge was league broken shit,and this league there will be,and new META "BROKEN" builds this CHANGE NOTHING,it only MUTILATE FUN FOR AVERAGE PLAYER.

Of Course there will always be broken builds, but we can finally find out which ones that will be again instead of having to run the same shit all over again to stay competitive ... Call me a Simp if that makes you feel happy, nonetheless a great part of the fun for me is playing the game to find out new builds and try out new shit. We had Lots of Leagues now in which you were able to play your favorite meta build, now deal with the fact that Spell Raiders, Trapper Sabos, Tri-Elementalists etc. might be good now and get used to a new build and if you dont like Any of the new Builds, i wont keep you from crying and quitting, just contributes to my entertainment.

Greetings Nogrul
ok I usually like the changes and the challenges that it entails. I like the way they present the changes. I like that they eliminate things to improve others. But I don't understand, they removed damage to improve nonsense?

I am sure that various builds will not die but they will be more difficult to use and improve, that can be problematic at the beginning of the league and worse for inexperienced players.

I'm going to try golems for the first time, hope to see results.
I can't believe they removed the DOT from the trickster and occultist, I wanted to experiment with vortex and I know that at the beginning it is very difficult to scale DOTS skills, ill try before complain and do test on standar xD

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