[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

Hmmm maybe I missed some discussions, but Dynamo doesn't work with a CWDT Molten Shell, just tested it
Kirbynou wrote:
Hmmm maybe I missed some discussions, but Dynamo doesn't work with a CWDT Molten Shell, just tested it

It works, just tested myself. You should check again.
ngtrungkhanh wrote:
Kirbynou wrote:
Hmmm maybe I missed some discussions, but Dynamo doesn't work with a CWDT Molten Shell, just tested it

It works, just tested myself. You should check again.

Doesn't work for me fore sure.
I took off all mana regen, got oom, get hit to proc CWDT, molten shell activated and no mana gained.
If I cast manually molten shell it works fine.

A Clarity level 3 isn't enough, maybe later with more mana regen.
For now I have taken Battle Rouse, easy self sustain discharge (playing Abberath's Hooves / Ngamahu's sign).

It's 3 passives points, maybe there are other better alternatives I don't know of (Spirited Response jewel or other mod on stuff)
Last edited by Kirbynou on Sep 27, 2020, 11:10:55 AM
Kirbynou wrote:
ngtrungkhanh wrote:
Kirbynou wrote:
Hmmm maybe I missed some discussions, but Dynamo doesn't work with a CWDT Molten Shell, just tested it

It works, just tested myself. You should check again.

Doesn't work for me fore sure.
I took off all mana regen, got oom, get hit to proc CWDT, molten shell activated and no mana gained.
If I cast manually molten shell it works fine.

A Clarity level 3 isn't enough, maybe later with more mana regen.
For now I have taken Battle Rouse, easy self sustain discharge (playing Abberath's Hooves / Ngamahu's sign).

It's 3 passives points, maybe there are other better alternatives I don't know of (Spirited Response jewel or other mod on stuff)

Yes, it not work with CWDT =(
We have to USE guard skill.
I took shaper notable for now.You can try jew with 20% mana regen rate while moving, or just use a mana flask with enduring prefix.
Should we take aspect of spider instead of skitter bot for more mana then?
Hmm, that's interesting. It says use, not cast. So it should work as we use it, but we do not cast it. I was worried about it at first because thought it said cast. I will change it up. I'm running a level 2 clarity and I can discharge on cd in my hideout around 15 times before I start to hit 0. Which in practice mapping or bosses I never run out.
Bodhe, thanks for this guide, enjoying the build so far, wanted to ask you a couple things..
what do you think about going glancing blows + whirling barrier + rumi instead of divine judgement?

also what do you think about putting combustion on wave of conviction, and putting swift infliction in our main 6link instead of that? our discharge would have 95% chance to ignite still

i was thinking of dropping orb of storms and inc crit strikes, and keep the 4link as WoC + hextouch + flammability + combustion

and making our CWDT a high level 20 with a 20 VMS + inc duration / second wind (since i think the lv10 is bit too weak)

also i wish there was an easy way to get some chaos res, this build has too many uniques its kinda hard to get stats :D

Thanks for your input as always.
Paintherapy wrote:
Bodhe, thanks for this guide, enjoying the build so far, wanted to ask you a couple things..
what do you think about going glancing blows + whirling barrier + rumi instead of divine judgement?

also what do you think about putting combustion on wave of conviction, and putting swift infliction in our main 6link instead of that? our discharge would have 95% chance to ignite still

i was thinking of dropping orb of storms and inc crit strikes, and keep the 4link as WoC + hextouch + flammability + combustion

and making our CWDT a high level 20 with a 20 VMS + inc duration / second wind (since i think the lv10 is bit too weak)

also i wish there was an easy way to get some chaos res, this build has too many uniques its kinda hard to get stats :D

Thanks for your input as always.

I am about to test Whirling Barrier now. 40% spell block and 75% attack block with Rumi's.
Thanks for the build, may try it next. Looking for something comfy, tanky and straightforward so its this or a minion build. The idea of phat ignites is appealing though cuz I love DoTs
How do you deal with the 100 fire damage when you ignite with mobs? I insta-gib myself in packs even with the Tasalio node.

Nevermind, I saw a few pages back to replace Aberath's with Sunspite or rare boots! Will do that!
Last edited by tempustasis on Sep 27, 2020, 4:15:03 PM
Any good solution for the porcupine mobs? I usually end up killing myself on them, and need to be very careful. Bloodrage helps some, but still not enough always. Luckily I don't see them very often.
Last edited by DuFFzbar on Sep 27, 2020, 7:21:03 PM

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