[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

anyone has a step by step to craft a big boi +5 fire staff with +1 endurance charge?
Hikakundesu wrote:
Hey, OP!
I chose ur build for this leaague and it's pretty nice!
Also i follow ur character changes, tried both staffs and so on, BUT:
I don't like realm ender w/ frenzy's
I dont like Eye amulet, cus i see ignite on me in debuffs very rarely and about 2-4sec (dunno why)
So, on bosses we don't have frenzy's and self ignation not full time - we lose dmg.
How u look on rare +3fire/dmg per endur staff and rare +1fire amulet?
Dps comparison below, according to my character (default, not on Sirus):

Realm Ender and Eye

Rare +3fire/dmg per endur/fire dot staff and +1fire amulet:

Here we have stable dps.

Also, i have only 1 Kaom ring for now and no uberlab (btw, did "cover in ash" works with discharge?).

In plans: 2Kaoms, not soon: +1endur boots, hunter/shaper fire dot gloves
and so on.

Thx again.

We use the Eye for charge generation, not the being ignited part. You'll want to craft a %chance to gain frenzy charge when hit chest to enable frenzy charges on bosses easily. And yes, crafted staves can be really good, just depends how much you want to sink on crafting a great one.

Stanner3108 wrote:
anyone has a step by step to craft a big boi +5 fire staff with +1 endurance charge?

Chances of hitting all the mods we need are pretty brutal, to do so on a warstaff would be even worse. I'm not a good enough crafter to give you a step by step but if you manage it for less than 50ex I'd be surprised.
which alternate quality gems would you suggest we try and get to improve the build?
bodhe wrote:

We use the Eye for charge generation, not the being ignited part. You'll want to craft a %chance to gain frenzy charge when hit chest to enable frenzy charges on bosses easily. And yes, crafted staves can be really good, just depends how much you want to sink on crafting a great one.

Aw shi~ ofc, from "take 100 dmg'? This works like "hit" for chest?

As for staff, i want take +3/16% per endur/30% fire dot for 1ex
Guys anybody can help me pls ? I dont know how to craft end game staff this build. It's seems soo hard. Anybody tell me step by step pls craft strategy ?
Alright, so, minor discussion.
I'm now sitting at a comfortable 15m ignite damage, did A4, A5 and A6 with relative ease and 2 deaths on each and am hitting a wall with the build. (Please note mine is slightly different from Bodhe's, same concept, basically same build with some very slight differences).

It is SO unbelievably squishy. I'm coming from a place of someone who generally runs agnostic MoM characters, so my "squishy" is compared to that. I'm STILL very prone to 1 shots, despite having 5.5k health and 25% conversion of Phys into fire, 9 endurance charges pretty much up all the time, enduring cry, etc etc etc.

I'm breaking my head trying to figure out how to make this tankier because losing 6 exalted into the boss of "Break the Unbreakable" (unique Heist contract) kinda hurts too much.

Suggestion, Bodhe? Maybe move to the scepter/Redblade Warbanner version and incorporate block?
Last edited by gtankbr on Sep 26, 2020, 9:56:14 PM
gtankbr wrote:
Alright, so, minor discussion.
I'm now sitting at a comfortable 15m ignite damage, did A4, A5 and A6 with relative ease and 2 deaths on each and am hitting a wall with the build. (Please note mine is slightly different from Bodhe's, same concept, basically same build with some very slight differences).

It is SO unbelievably squishy. I'm coming from a place of someone who generally runs agnostic MoM characters, so my "squishy" is compared to that. I'm STILL very prone to 1 shots, despite having 5.5k health and 25% conversion of Phys into fire, 9 endurance charges pretty much up all the time, enduring cry, etc etc etc.

I'm breaking my head trying to figure out how to make this tankier because losing 6 exalted into the boss of "Break the Unbreakable" (unique Heist contract) kinda hurts too much.

Suggestion, Bodhe? Maybe move to the scepter/Redblade Warbanner version and incorporate block?

Use kaom heart, then add more %life in tree. You can get over 9k life. Still need tankier? take some block node and blue nightmare.
Swap sunspite for a boot 100+ life too.
I'm at 6k5 life now and feel quite safe in t16.
I have 197% Life on the tree...
Kaom's might be NEEDED, because I feel absurdly squishy. The problem is, what to remove?

T16s aren't a problem, I barely even get scratched there (140/154 atm). I'm more worried about the REALLY hard hitting stuff.
Removing Sunspite would remove the self ignite which would be a noticeable hit in the damage/leech from the amulet.

Last edited by gtankbr on Sep 26, 2020, 11:08:23 PM
gtankbr wrote:
I have 197% Life on the tree...
Kaom's might be NEEDED, because I feel absurdly squishy.

T16s aren't a problem, I barely even get scratched there (140/154 atm). I'm more worried about the REALLY hard hitting stuff.
Removing Sunspite would remove the self ignite which would be a noticeable hit in the damage/leech from the amulet.

If you scare of big hit, i'd recommended take blue nightmare, some block node for staff and glancing blow.
+1 max endurance charge boot is still better i think?
You will lose about 20-30% damage for tankier.
gtankbr wrote:
I have 197% Life on the tree...
Kaom's might be NEEDED, because I feel absurdly squishy. The problem is, what to remove?

T16s aren't a problem, I barely even get scratched there (140/154 atm). I'm more worried about the REALLY hard hitting stuff.
Removing Sunspite would remove the self ignite which would be a noticeable hit in the damage/leech from the amulet.

I'm picking up Glancing Blows and considering grabbing Whirling Barrier right next to it. Would give considerable block chance with very minimal investment. Coupled with a Rumi's, could be pretty good defense for almost nothing.

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