[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

Vudujoose wrote:
I'm definitely going to try this, but man does that name sound like you're describing a venereal disease.

Hello firstly I will like to thank Bodhe for creating this awesome guide. I have just cleared Sirius A5 deathless with my current gear.

Some feedback that I can give that might help you guys decide if the build is right for you. This build is great at clearing maps at a decent pace, and also allows for a hit and run playstyle that is great for bossing as you can spend the time dodging game mechanics and ground effects.

For levelling, I actually went Juggernaut first, respecing before merciless lab to Chieftain, as I felt that charge generation was abit inconsistent in my experience levelling. I will recommend levelling with melee skills until you can use discharge + Valako.

While Eye of Innocence really makes the build shine, I will say it is not absolutely necessary, and you can work with just enduring cry + Valako for almost all content. I only got it after reaching level 88-89.

My current plans are to upgrade my belt and boots to incorporate cooldown and also try out the discharge gems with alternative quality, specifically the casting speed one as I sometimes die waiting for my discharge to trigger.

Glad your enjoying it so far, do you have Unwavering Stance? I died a few times getting stun locked when I would flame dash into a giant pack, but since getting unwavering it hasn't happened. Sometimes the cwdt chain will go ham and lag me out if I don't cast discharge fast enough to clear the screen also. I hate gem swaps but its really on needed for bosses
bodhe wrote:
Glad your enjoying it so far, do you have Unwavering Stance? I died a few times getting stun locked when I would flame dash into a giant pack, but since getting unwavering it hasn't happened. Sometimes the cwdt chain will go ham and lag me out if I don't cast discharge fast enough to clear the screen also. I hate gem swaps but its really on needed for bosses

Yes I did. However, it seems like in some fringe cases, I still look like I am "hindered", almost the same as getting stunlocked. This typically happens when there are alot of mobs attacking me, like in a delirium.
bodhe wrote:
Glad your enjoying it so far, do you have Unwavering Stance? I died a few times getting stun locked when I would flame dash into a giant pack, but since getting unwavering it hasn't happened. Sometimes the cwdt chain will go ham and lag me out if I don't cast discharge fast enough to clear the screen also. I hate gem swaps but its really on needed for bosses

Yes I did. However, it seems like in some fringe cases, I still look like I am "hindered", almost the same as getting stunlocked. This typically happens when there are alot of mobs attacking me, like in a delirium.

Are you sure you aren't just canceling discharge animation by moving too soon? It has kinda slow cast time naturally so I do this quite often and it ends up being really dangerous because discharge goes on cooldown without the cast going off. For this reason I also think the alternative quality discharge with inc cast speed would be perfect
Smerte wrote:
Are you sure you aren't just canceling discharge animation by moving too soon? It has kinda slow cast time naturally so I do this quite often and it ends up being really dangerous because discharge goes on cooldown without the cast going off. For this reason I also think the alternative quality discharge with inc cast speed would be perfect

Yeah that could be, I will be testing the inc cast speed discharge gem once its levelled. It cuts the cast time from 0.68 sec to 0.5 sec. Not sure how significant that is.
One small thing,

You have those boots listed as “Sunspire” which is an mtx. Actual name is “Sunspite”, took me a minute to find what you were talking about!
Clow wrote:
One small thing,

You have those boots listed as “Sunspire” which is an mtx. Actual name is “Sunspite”, took me a minute to find what you were talking about!

Thanks! I fixed it.
Hey guys, i started the league with this build and it feels amazing. Really smooth gameplay, good damage, amazing survivability. 87 JUGG here, crusing through yellow maps ATM. Using eye of innocence and a 5l searing touch. No CWDT setup, just enduring cry generates enough charges for me, i basically have 9 up at all times.
After reading the most recent posts, i see no reason to stay as a jugg and intend to respec into chieftain for more damage and regen. With ambu's replicas i can even get the aoe per endurance charge nodes, so it shouldnt really affect the clear, and the dps will be much higher. Also, the 100% to fire res should help alot, since this build uses a ton of uniques.
Anyone here playing as jugg disagrees? if so, why?

disclaimer: english is not my native language please be kind.

my POB atm https://pastebin.com/YXVrPDj9
Last edited by muzindeod on Sep 21, 2020, 6:34:24 PM
Am I going crazy, or does a 6l Realm Ender actually do more dmg (both ignite and initial) than a Searing Touch 6l? Cus if I'm not doing anything wrong in PoB, it sure does seem like it? I only have 18-19 gems, but I did try putting them to 20 as well, and still the same.

Or is PoB somehow not counting in the 50% fire dot multiplier from Searing Touch?
Hi there !
I just got a small cluster jewel with Enduring composure. Isn't it better than the amulet for charge generation ?
It opens amu slot for more stats too

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