[3.25] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

i'm a little confused about fist of war.

it looks straightforward. it really buffs your attack and then has a cooldown.

however i've noticed sometimes that i get ready for a boss, run my warcry's, hit and ... do very little damage and don't see the FoW animation.

then on a subsequent hit i'll see the graphic and boss dies immediately (especially since i'm on 2nd or 3rd attack).

so what i'm wondering is, as long as i've gotten past the cooldown from a previous attack, shouldn't the FoW buff always proc on the first attack ?

also, i know this has probably been asked before, but is investment in cooldown worth the effort ? we have so many things cooldown dependent it seems like 20 or 25% reduction in cooldown could really help.

I am about to invest 2ex in a weapon. should i go for 2H staff or any 2H weapon is fine? I ask because I see 2H staff is in the skill tree for high end investment. Is it still going to be the same this league?

i am not able to one hit the bosses, it sometimes takes 3 hits. I think think this is mostly because i bought a new armor with 6 red sockets, i shifted to fortify.
Last edited by Sinz0000 on Jan 22, 2021, 12:37:48 PM
was able to get this one, it's the end game thing right? no need to even think about changing it right?

plus, i've been loving the build so far! great guide as well!

Edit: please if you can as well, look at my profile and see if there's any recommendations or if anything i'm doing wrong.
Last edited by deathfinder2k17 on Jan 22, 2021, 2:24:48 PM
first of all i want to thank you for the build.
I'm playing it in SSF SC Ritual, and for now it looks amazing.
I beat Sirus A5, The Elder, Mastermind lvl83 and i'm doing Red Maps T16 without problem.
I changed the build a little bit to adapt it with what i found.
My project is to switch to crit, and try to find an end game 6l to destroy Maven and all other endgame bosses.
I share my build for now,and i wanna ask if the impresence that i found it can be good someway in the build

Last edited by Ertigre on Jan 22, 2021, 2:26:54 PM
Hey, thank you for this amazing build, it's really refreshing to play something like that and feelsgoodman when you oneshot the boss of a map.

Speaking of oneshotting, I am struggling to oneshot yellow map bosses and I don't understand why, I made a PoB with my gear and inserted all the missing points based on your 2ex PoB, and I don't undersdtand why my average damage is like 4 times lower than yours, even if I replace your weapon with mine...

Can someone help me with that please?

Here is the PoB: https://pastebin.com/v9ed1NnE

glhf ;)

Is this staff good enough to progress into the critical build? Was thinking about have multiple modifiers added + hits can't be evaded, but wanted to make sure it was worth it. Thanks!

The build works great, i advise everyone who has trouble with it to carefully read the q&a to really get how it works.

Thanks Jenno it's a lot of fun so far !

What would be the best process in order to craft a staff?

I was thinking warstaff ilevel 84 minimum, no influence on it (shaper, elder, crusader...) then spam alteration until 150% phys. minimum + another good mod then multimod.

What do you think about that process, i'm new at crafting.

Thanks again for the build !
Last edited by nocx13 on Jan 22, 2021, 3:39:40 PM
Can u plz look at my build and gear? Died on sirius first time( could be my mistake). But i cant real get all the damage out put. And my pob says way from your dps.

Link : https://pastebin.com/AgZ3dyuA

I love the build :D But got a problem here
Got a question about the medium clusters. Do you still take the blinding cloud node on your jewels? Since we run Unwavering stance blind does nothing. Dont know if this was already said somewhere in the thread.
POB skill tree doesn't make any sense.. I am level 68 and have almost completed the POB you have layed out. What am I missing?

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