[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

Please help!

How does this build generate endurance charges?? I have chosen ALOT of the passive skills that buff endurance charges, but I never generate any?

Hi, as pointed out in the ascendancy section, you will take Valako in your first lab.

Then you can generate one endurance charge per second once you perform any warcry.

Make sure you use seismic cry every 5 attacks (4 before Measured fury), use intimidating cry before boss. Then you will always be at full endurance charge.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Please help!

How does this build generate endurance charges?? I have chosen ALOT of the passive skills that buff endurance charges, but I never generate any?

You need the notable "Disciple of the Unyielding" below Golem Blood and the 2nd ascendancy point Valako. Then you will be swimming in plenty of charges.

This is my SLammerboi. am i missing something crucial? cauze my DPS is a third of yours with similiar items.
I also have some decent GLoves with exerted attacks have 50% more dmg.

Ty for ur help
hi everyone, would anyone have a tip on how to get their mana consumption under control? I'm with the 1st maps and constantly empty of mana. For resi reasons, I can no longer wear the practice ring and all mana leech notes are far from our skills.
As a Marauder with the skill tree you also have almost 0 mana reg

ahh i forget Thrill seeker Note over Amu...test it
Last edited by Beelzebob on Jan 16, 2021, 5:57:31 PM
Beelzebob wrote:
hi everyone, would anyone have a tip on how to get their mana consumption under control? I'm with the 1st maps and constantly empty of mana. For resi reasons, I can no longer wear the practice ring and all mana leech notes are far from our skills.
As a Marauder with the skill tree you also have almost 0 mana reg

ahh i forget Thrill seeker Note over Amu...test it

use a mana leech jewel
Any tips on using harvest to get some juicy gear for this build? I skipped harvest and have no clue how to leverage sacred grove :(
miskov95 wrote:
Any tips on using harvest to get some juicy gear for this build? I skipped harvest and have no clue how to leverage sacred grove :(

you probably need to watch some videos about harvest mechanics first.

Then you can check out the gears I crafted in Harvest (under mirror-tier gear section)
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Hello Currently following your build but seems like i don´t have enough dmg on act 2, never played any melee build before any suggestions? and for link gems need to get space for some support gems i guess on early leveling for ground slam what are your advices? anything else! super fun to! play!
Perzival3 wrote:
Hello Currently following your build but seems like i don´t have enough dmg on act 2, never played any melee build before any suggestions? and for link gems need to get space for some support gems i guess on early leveling for ground slam what are your advices? anything else! super fun to! play!

Hi, the easiest way to improve damage is to spend 1 alch and find unique 2h weapon on trade, the higher physical damage on weapon the better.

As for skills, I used ground slam but there are many other options, choose whichever one you like.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
JennoJoyce wrote:
Perzival3 wrote:
Hello Currently following your build but seems like i don´t have enough dmg on act 2, never played any melee build before any suggestions? and for link gems need to get space for some support gems i guess on early leveling for ground slam what are your advices? anything else! super fun to! play!

Hi, the easiest way to improve damage is to spend 1 alch and find unique 2h weapon on trade, the higher physical damage on weapon the better.

As for skills, I used ground slam but there are many other options, choose whichever one you like.

Nice! i would do that but which support gems do you recomend in like 3L or 4L at the early game before tectonic slam? yeah im playing with ground slam to easy!

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