3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

On the topic of dex issues; I've gotten myself a corrupted Soul Tether with %increased dex and int as implicit. While it doesn't completely solve dex issues, it sure as hell makes it easier. Thought I'd leave this as a heads-up for my fellow blasters.
If my post contains typos, blame my phone and my fat fingers.
lordfratos wrote:
is it possible to make this build in SSF?

you can see my char in standard ssf. got 1 tapped by the heist ball at lvl 96 in hc ssf(see video some pages back, or gamer for live youtube), my push for the maven fight.

with the gear presented there i was doing all content like awakener ect(had not spawned maven yet).

thanks for the quick answer dude.
If my ring has herald of thunder on it, could I change that via harvest to herald of ash?
I saw a couple versions of this build, and none of them take the nodes up to heart of flame ultimately. How come? Am I at a point where I should node away from those? I no longer know what I'm doing :D
centrumsilver wrote:
I saw a couple versions of this build, and none of them take the nodes up to heart of flame ultimately. How come? Am I at a point where I should node away from those? I no longer know what I'm doing :D

They're not bad value but a good cluster jewel is just more efficient. Should be more damage plus two jewel sockets for life and damage
Hi ! Any recommendation for my build ? I'm feeling a bit weak against bosses. What should be my next upgrade ?


I know some of the things i'm missing (awakened gems, +1 gem amulet, better weapon, also chaos res on my gear...) but everything is becoming expensive, so I'd like to know on what I should focus first. Thank you !
Amarantine wrote:

Yeah, you absolutely need blade fall to detonate blades. Otherwise, what is blade blast denotating? That one explosion? A few more things to help:

1) Do not use conc effect for blade blast- you want that to be increased aoe if you wanna go down that route so your blades overlap more (after you fix the not-using-bladefall issue).

2) Why are you using shiversting? Probably even lifesprig and putting bladefall in that is superior. Or any wand with spell damage.

3) Use herald of purity. You don't currently use it. I think you're high enough level to use it?

Bladeblast/blade fall leveling is actually pretty good. The issue here is you switched from your melee build while keeping all your equipment for your melee char rather than a spell char. You also don't use the right skills. Fix those and you should have a breeze. This build isn't really a mess, tbh, it's more the weird things you did to setup your char in your transition.

If it makes you feel any better, I too made the mistake of not using bladefall when I made my first bladeblast char/transition. My friend pointed out to me I need to use bladefall with it, and oh boy did that make all the difference. I'm sure the same will be true for you.

I've figured most of it out now, thanks for pushing me in the right direction.
I just get really frustrated when guides throw a lot of fragmented information at you and don't really tell you what to do with it, making you waste tons of time trying to piece things together yourself. Yes, many things are individually explained, but the overall building process is missing key information and that really bothered me, because people seek guides to be guided, not piece together elaborate puzzles. I was definitely a little abrasive before though, sorry.

Regarding point 1, that was definitely a mix-up on my end; I was reading a different gem setup while switching.

2+3) Shiversting is just what I was using while leveling with melee, and I had no idea I had to switch to spell gear when switching to Blade Blast, so I had no alternative gear prepared. Also the switching process was a train wreck for me, so I gave up and left a really scuffed gear setup on. I also did not know Blade Blast was supposed to be used in combination with other spells to work effectively.

Anyway, I've now made it to maps in SSF HC using this build, and I want to highlight a few things:

- Unleash support is top priority for Bladefall. Massive DPS increase for both Bladefall and Blade Blast. I was using a 3-Link for a while and this is the one support I left out for about 25 levels(lol) and there was a night & day difference after adding this. Spell Cascade should be next in line for priority.

- You might want the +30 Dex passive on the tree to give yourself room to breathe.

- Don't bother with the Imbalanced Guard(double armor/50% cap) keystone while leveling. It does very little and may even nerf you, and you unspec from it soon anyway.

- Get Valako, Storm's Embrace from Lab2 and get the +1 Endurance Charge from tree at the same time(earlier than guide). This makes a massive difference to the build's survivability. You will pretty much always have 5 Endurance Charges just from walking around, and you get a lot more life regen with this. You should probably take Tsalio, Cleansing Water 3rd to mitigate more phys damage and aid potential resistance struggles or better gearing after Kitava2. Also ignite immunity and more stacked regen as a bonus. This puts Hinekora, Death's Fury last.

- Beginning leveling might need a rework or you should put off switching until 45+. Switching requires 25+ refunds if you take the first melee tree and switch after Lab1. It's probably better to skip some melee paths or adjust its pathing in preparation for the switch so you don't have to refund as much. Switching a bit later also requires fewer refunds if you connect other paths. I'd still recommend Smite+Ancestral Call+EDWA(100% ele damage with Ngamahu, Flame's Advance), because it can clear full packs in one swing. It's strong enough where you could get away with taking fewer melee passives in the starter tree.

- How do you make room for Skitterbots and how important are they? I'm currently level 72 and I can barely use Ash+Purity+Clarity. I desperately need Clarity with how much it regens, but am I supposed to drop it later with more regen or leech? Or mana gain on hit? I already have the shield mana passives, but it's nowhere near enough to drop Clarity. I'm totally fine just sticking to these 3 and not worrying about mana, though.

- Is there anything important I appear to be missing on my current character? Not sure what to focus next.
This is my first HC character, and first SSF, so I'm hoping to get the lvl 80 and 90 achievements. 80 should be easy, but 90 might be sketchy.
Last edited by Brian on Jan 31, 2021, 3:58:44 AM
Guys, how would I get this build to be able to run RF without dying? Even in Hideout I mean. My gear is pretty much amazing at this point...looking for how to get it to next level...which for me involves making mapping better. Bosses already melt but mapping is slow and i have to stop and hit the skill once in a while.

https://pastebin.com/BY13G33p MY POB
Last edited by lve2raft on Jan 30, 2021, 8:41:03 PM
lve2raft wrote:
Guys, how would I get this build to be able to run RF without dying? Even in Hideout I mean. My gear is pretty much amazing at this point...looking for how to get it to next level...which for me involves making mapping better. Bosses already melt but mapping is slow and i have to stop and hit the skill once in a while.

https://pastebin.com/BY13G33p MY POB

not using soultether but a recovery elder belt like linked in the guide, if need more, make warlord+crusader chest to get recovery surfix there to. and drop skitterbots for vitality, maby not all of listed is required. soultether is a stricked nerf in substaining RF since it adds 7% extra HP pool that you dont recover from by regen.
Last edited by DUKE_OF_SNUFF on Jan 30, 2021, 9:45:52 PM
Once you get high damage mapping is pretty fast... i just kill pretty much all packs with a single blade blast without even using bladefall

ill blade fall blade blast only if its like unique enemies. even rares die fast with bb spam.

I have pretty high cast speed as well.

Another solid alternative is to just use headhunter if u wanna map faster.

Currently pushing like 4m+ dps for 1 blade (without nagamahu's flame active)

pob: https://pastebin.com/mzyBP61s

for some reason copying the pob URL wont work but you can copy the raw long text string and paste in pob i guess lol
Last edited by BuDiu on Jan 30, 2021, 11:10:05 PM

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