3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

msdunkel wrote:
Amarantine wrote:
msdunkel wrote:
I am really struggling and was hoping I could get some help here. I've hit level 90 and it's been nothing but pain and suffering since (155 deaths and counting...) I can do up to about T12 maps without too much issue but I'm now at A4 on the Atlas and the conquerors have gotten extremely difficult to kill. If the Maven is healing the map bosses I can't out damage her heals. Lots of yellow trash 1-shots me and I'm hoping I can get some help instead of dumping the build and going to something else. I've had absolute garbage RNG this season -- I have only gotten 4/6 of the trials for Uber lab to spawn (and the same ones keep spawning over and over and over and over and over). I've also still not had an exalt drop with 3 days of playing time. Just not my league, so I've only got about 100c to start making changes.

I was hoping somebody could look at my gear and give me an idea of what pieces to replace and how to do so. I think I got my wand around level 20-30 and I still haven't been able to find/craft something better. The shield feels pretty good, the chest and belt should do for now. Everything else is garbage but trying to buy an upgrade will break my meager bank. Thanks for anyone who spends a few minutes trying to help me out, I appreciate it.

edit: not sure what other people can see, but my Ritual league Chieftain in-game name is nschoke

I took a brief look, important your char into PoB.

Honestly, it looks OK. Your stats are about ~6k health, about 67k dps per blade blast blade? That seems fine to me. Those are better stats than I had fighting A4, I think, in a group-self-found league.

The biggest thing I would change is I would craft the wand to a trigger spells on use, and I'd put flammability + wave of conviction + tempest shield in there. You get some good damage from auto-casting flammability + exposure so that should really help your dps. And then tempest will up your block, making you a bit tankier. Besides that, idk, more life?

The other thing I personally did was I would exchange vitality for clarity. For me, long boss fights, like Maven healing the boss, were hard primarily because I ran out of mana and the mana flask wasn't enough. Not being able to cast skills = massive dps loss, so I would try to get your mana regen up to maybe 80 or 90. That will help with long boss fights and increase your overall dps throughout the fight.

Your char seems fine to me otherwise, tbh.

Well crap I was hoping there was a smoking gun. FYI, I rarely use vitality but I've got room for it so it's there. I typically use Herald of Ash, Herald of Purity, and Skitterbots. I'll give clarity a try since I do often find myself OOM on single target boss fights.

Then hopefully adding clarity works for you. I had a similar problem with Maven healing, conquerors, etc: I couldn't do enough damage because of OOM. Adding clarity pretty much fixed the issue for me. It took some work- I had to use enlighten 3 at least and I might've taken some mana nodes. So hopefully this works for you. If you want a (somewhat bad) example of how to add clarity to your build, check my profile for "BunnyInChief" for an idea. Modify as it suits you.
IGN: OneEyedShadow
Last edited by Amarantine on Jan 27, 2021, 7:33:48 PM
Bergv wrote:
Shadafaka wrote:
Bergv wrote:
This build is working amazing for me. Just recently made this sceptre, amulet and helmet. The items were pretty easy to make! Crafting 'cannot roll attack mods' makes crafting these items a breeze.
Have a bit of work left to do on them (change res on amulet to minimum frenzy probably, get better cast speed on sceptre, and remove rarity of items on helm for something better).
Easily killed AW9 Sirus last night and have done the 4 shaper guardian, 4 elder guardian, and 4 breach boss fights.
Going to be attempting Maven and Shaper, Elder, Cortex, Chayula, and Atziri fight soon! Thanks for the build!

Can you explain how you made the sceptre?

Yeah no problem! I started with a sceptre that was ilvl84, warlord influenced and had the +1 to spell skill gems mod on it already (this is because there isn't a way to force that mod on there, and it's one of the lowest weighted mods in the game).

You ideally need the +1 to spell gems to be the only prefix on there. You also need two suffixes on there (ideally ones that you can target remove, that aren't caster tags). Once you have the 1 prefix and two suffixes, you craft 'cannot roll attack mods'. This fills up your suffixes with three.

You will then 'augment item with a physical modifier' twice! You are guaranteed to get the +1 to physical spell skill gems and the % of phys as extra fire damage. You should now have 3 prefixes, along with 3 suffixes.

Now is the time to try and remove the 2 suffixes that aren't 'cannot roll attack mods'. Once I did that for mine, I used the 'augment item with a new influence modifier'. I got pretty lucky getting the fire exposure mod, but there is not a 100% to guarantee you get it.

After I got the fire exposure mod, I used the 'augment item with a speed modifier' harvest craft. This guarantees a cast speed modifier.

And lastly of course, I craft on 'trigger a socketed spell' over the 'cannot roll attack mods'.

I got a bit lucky with my augment influence modifier roll. It's safer to just multi craft the item at that point and put on 'increased fire damage' and 'chance to deal double damage'. But it's up to you!

I hope this helped.

Thank you :) this is very helpful.
msdunkel wrote:
Amarantine wrote:
msdunkel wrote:
I am really struggling and was hoping I could get some help here. I've hit level 90 and it's been nothing but pain and suffering since (155 deaths and counting...) I can do up to about T12 maps without too much issue but I'm now at A4 on the Atlas and the conquerors have gotten extremely difficult to kill. If the Maven is healing the map bosses I can't out damage her heals. Lots of yellow trash 1-shots me and I'm hoping I can get some help instead of dumping the build and going to something else. I've had absolute garbage RNG this season -- I have only gotten 4/6 of the trials for Uber lab to spawn (and the same ones keep spawning over and over and over and over and over). I've also still not had an exalt drop with 3 days of playing time. Just not my league, so I've only got about 100c to start making changes.

I was hoping somebody could look at my gear and give me an idea of what pieces to replace and how to do so. I think I got my wand around level 20-30 and I still haven't been able to find/craft something better. The shield feels pretty good, the chest and belt should do for now. Everything else is garbage but trying to buy an upgrade will break my meager bank. Thanks for anyone who spends a few minutes trying to help me out, I appreciate it.

edit: not sure what other people can see, but my Ritual league Chieftain in-game name is nschoke

I took a brief look, important your char into PoB.

Honestly, it looks OK. Your stats are about ~6k health, about 67k dps per blade blast blade? That seems fine to me. Those are better stats than I had fighting A4, I think, in a group-self-found league.

The biggest thing I would change is I would craft the wand to a trigger spells on use, and I'd put flammability + wave of conviction + tempest shield in there. You get some good damage from auto-casting flammability + exposure so that should really help your dps. And then tempest will up your block, making you a bit tankier. Besides that, idk, more life?

The other thing I personally did was I would exchange vitality for clarity. For me, long boss fights, like Maven healing the boss, were hard primarily because I ran out of mana and the mana flask wasn't enough. Not being able to cast skills = massive dps loss, so I would try to get your mana regen up to maybe 80 or 90. That will help with long boss fights and increase your overall dps throughout the fight.

Your char seems fine to me otherwise, tbh.

Well crap I was hoping there was a smoking gun. FYI, I rarely use vitality but I've got room for it so it's there. I typically use Herald of Ash, Herald of Purity, and Skitterbots. I'll give clarity a try since I do often find myself OOM on single target boss fights.

Something else you could try is a cheap and underrated (imo)
. This will give your BF a nice 39% more damage, plus tightening up the spread for better BB coverage of that boss, and the reduced mana cost per endurance charge is VERY nice. I haven't used a mana flask since Act 9.

Edit: I recommend dropping the 2 point for versatility near the marauder start point, and instead take the 2 point Precision near templar start for 20 dex AND 5% ms AND 6% cast speed :)
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Last edited by Bjorn_Angannon on Jan 28, 2021, 1:07:08 AM
Hey there, I recently respecced into this build after tectonic slam chieftain wasn't that fun for me. Mapping around T15/16 is fine now, but I lack a lot of single target damage against bosses now. Maybe someone could take a look at my gear and tree to suggest what I have to change to improve. (Or is it just because my gems aren't completetly leveled yet?) I have around 7 EX to spend atm.

Thanks anyway :)
BuDiu wrote:

bfbb chief does really big single target dps... even without mirror tier stuff..
it's hard to see what you're doing wrong without seeing you play, but to me one of the most fundamental aspects of the build is really scaling cast speed. this felt like a world of difference for me.

i have pretty good gear and im playing an eb+mom variant but here are some vods:

Cortex boss


t16 Delirium map (no headhunter for funsies):

just to piggyback on this, i have been playing around with the devouring diadem and EB mom variant that he uses and it feels so much smoother. dps is a fair bit higher and not relying on the mana flask just feels so much better.

in terms of numbers the normal variant is about 23m sirus dps/39m with the fire buff. with diadem the dps is 33m/56m with the buff. it's 30% more damage in exchange for around 10% survivability. so for SC then i think it's definitely worth trying it out if you hate the reliability on mana flask. just bare in mind you will need an avoid ailment ring to go fully immune which are a bit of a pain in the ass to roll. but it's worth it for end game for sure
Shatiya wrote:
Hey there, I recently respecced into this build after tectonic slam chieftain wasn't that fun for me. Mapping around T15/16 is fine now, but I lack a lot of single target damage against bosses now. Maybe someone could take a look at my gear and tree to suggest what I have to change to improve. (Or is it just because my gems aren't completetly leveled yet?) I have around 7 EX to spend atm.

Thanks anyway :)

I would personally aim for the following things:
scaling up your cast speed, weapon and gloves is a good starting point
get frenzy charges, I have mine on my chestpiece
+1 physical gems on amulet
wise oak flask
use lvl 1 spell cascade
link combustion to bladefall

as well as leveling all your gems and getting lvl 21 blade blast you should see a huge boost in dmg
Hello everyone!

First thing - thank you for this build, I really enjoy it :) I always wanted to do something with Bladefall, and it turns out that blasting them is the best choice :D

Guys, I'm using this build for a few days now, and I'm loving it but I'm not sure how I should prioritize my eq upgrades. Also, it's my second time on hardcore and I'm totally terrified all the time :D Right now I'm doing T1-T5 maps, but when should I go do eg. Atziri or Shaper are there any tips for that?

Could you guys take a look at my gear and tell me what's next, or what I need to change ASAP please? :)

Also is my character - Yorgnantrag any good for higher maps or content and I'm just too scarred? :D
Last edited by Tyrgaroth on Jan 28, 2021, 6:27:25 AM
Hello all!

I'm in dire need with my gear. It feels too slow, too low survivability and the dps really feels lacking.

I i know i need more castspeed. But how much, and where to get it ?

If anyone could spare the time to help out, it would really be apriciated! <3

Budget for uppgrades is relativly low. 250 c

My Gear:

Last edited by Nandjin on Jan 28, 2021, 7:51:17 AM
Explo Chest, Lvl 21 Bladefall, Amulett with +1 gems, Cinder Flask, more cast speed
Nandjin wrote:
Hello all!

I'm in dire need with my gear. It feels too slow, too low survivability and the dps really feels lacking.

I i know i need more castspeed. But how much, and where to get it ?

If anyone could spare the time to help out, it would really be apriciated! <3

Budget for uppgrades is relativly low. 250 c

My Gear:

there is nothing to say about it, that any wise guy can say here that you dont know your self. look at your gear, seach on trade or try to figure out to craft some items. most your items can be upgraded without big effort. abit castspeed would deffently help, and generally more life/defences on the items. dont hope your to lazy to realise alot of simple upgrades you easy can do. ill give you one tip. change steel skin for immortal call, with this build IC is a really gg layer of defence.
Last edited by DUKE_OF_SNUFF on Jan 28, 2021, 11:04:23 AM

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