3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

Thanks king. Three questions since this is my first bigger craft
The dex/int is recommended base. I got the pure dex base (though warlord). That’s ok right.
It says you don’t want stats on the blue but I would prefer dex over mana regen. That’s ok right
I slam it with a normal exalt? I guess somehow there are no other modifiers that can be added but the three noted?
This build is working amazing for me. Just recently made this sceptre, amulet and helmet. The items were pretty easy to make! Crafting 'cannot roll attack mods' makes crafting these items a breeze.
Have a bit of work left to do on them (change res on amulet to minimum frenzy probably, get better cast speed on sceptre, and remove rarity of items on helm for something better).
Easily killed AW9 Sirus last night and have done the 4 shaper guardian, 4 elder guardian, and 4 breach boss fights.
Going to be attempting Maven and Shaper, Elder, Cortex, Chayula, and Atziri fight soon! Thanks for the build!
Last edited by Bergv on Jan 27, 2021, 9:47:16 AM
What is the order of importance when it comes to awakened gems?
Dan_Krillson - Lvl 100 Arc Totems -
#2 Hierophant Betrayal
What is the order of importance when it comes to awakened gems?
Dan_Krillson - Lvl 100 Arc Totems -
#2 Hierophant Betrayal
Bobbyde3e wrote:
What is the order of importance when it comes to awakened gems?

I'd probably start with the cheapest and work your way up from there.

Awakened Fire Pen (27c/28c) -> Awakened Increased Area of Effect (130c) -> Awakened Elemental Focus (205c) -> Awakened Controlled Destruction (310c).
Bergv wrote:
This build is working amazing for me. Just recently made this sceptre, amulet and helmet. The items were pretty easy to make! Crafting 'cannot roll attack mods' makes crafting these items a breeze.
Have a bit of work left to do on them (change res on amulet to minimum frenzy probably, get better cast speed on sceptre, and remove rarity of items on helm for something better).
Easily killed AW9 Sirus last night and have done the 4 shaper guardian, 4 elder guardian, and 4 breach boss fights.
Going to be attempting Maven and Shaper, Elder, Cortex, Chayula, and Atziri fight soon! Thanks for the build!

Berg since I’m an idiot can you outline your steps for that amulet? About to start the journey and have a blue warlord with t1 life and +dex on the same base as you
Bobbyde3e wrote:
What is the order of importance when it comes to awakened gems?

awakende spell cascade is the most importent gem by a mile, no clue of prices(sc/hc) so it migth not be smartest if it cost more then all other gear combined to get that first.
I used an awakener's orb to create an amulet with +1 to dex skill gems and +1 to physical skill gems. I then got rid of the unwanted mods, and crafted 'cannot roll attack mods'. I then used the harvest craft to 'augment a physical modifier'. This could only pick between gain % of phys as extra fire or phys damage leeched as life. I got lucky with it hitting the extra fire. If it had hit the leeched as life, I would have then used the harvest craft to 'remove a life modifier'.

In your case, since it's only a warlord base, you won't be able to get the +1 to dex skill gems since that's a hunter modifier. But no worries, we can still make a good item.

You will need to regal your item as the first step. It needs to be a rare to do the rest of the crafting. After regaling, you pretty much need to hope that you hit a modifier that you can get rid of using any of the available harvest crafts. Look at the tags on the new modifier and see if it's something you can target remove. For example if it's % increased armour, you can use a 'remove a defence modifier' harvest craft. Once you're left with just your life and dex rolls, we can have some fun.

You will need to craft on 'cannot roll attack mods' at the crafting bench. This is a craft you get from the Plaguemaw V prophecy, or you can just find a community crafter to put it on for you. It costs 1 ex to craft it on. You will then simply 'augment an item with a physical modifier' two times! This guarantees % physical as extra fire damage and +1 to physical skill gems. After that you are left with two open suffixes with which you can do whatever you like. You can use the harvest craft 'augment an item with a caster modifier' to guarantee cast speed, then you can craft something on with the last available suffix at the bench if you want. Something like % increased fire damage or +1 to minimum frenzy charges.

Make sure you take it step by step and take your time. You don't want to make a mistake and brick your item! You can use the The Forbidden Trove discord to find people selling their Harvest crafts.

Also, this website should be your best friend. It allows you to see all of the available mods for anything so that you can plan your crafting.
Last edited by Bergv on Jan 27, 2021, 11:31:35 AM
Bergv wrote:
I used an awakener's orb to create an amulet with +1 to dex skill gems and +1 to physical skill gems. I then got rid of the unwanted mods, and crafted 'cannot roll attack mods'. I then used the harvest craft to 'augment a physical modifier'. This could only pick between gain % of phys as extra fire or phys damage leeched as life. I got lucky with it hitting the extra fire. If it had hit the leeched as life, I would have then used the harvest craft to 'remove a life modifier'.

In your case, since it's only a warlord base, you won't be able to get the +1 to dex skill gems since that's a hunter modifier. But no worries, we can still make a good item.

You will need to regal your item as the first step. It needs to be a rare to do the rest of the crafting. After regaling, you pretty much need to hope that you hit a modifier that you can get rid of using any of the available harvest crafts. Look at the tags on the new modifier and see if it's something you can target remove. For example if it's % increased armour, you can use a 'remove a defence modifier' harvest craft. Once you're left with just your life and dex rolls, we can have some fun.

You will need to craft on 'cannot roll attack mods' at the crafting bench. This is a craft you get from the Plaguemaw V prophecy, or you can just find a community crafter to put it on for you. It costs 1 ex to craft it on. You will then simply 'augment an item with a physical modifier' two times! This guarantees % physical as extra fire damage and +1 to physical skill gems. After that you are left with two open suffixes with which you can do whatever you like. You can use the harvest craft 'augment an item with a caster modifier' to guarantee cast speed, then you can craft something on with the last available suffix at the bench if you want. Something like % increased fire damage or +1 to minimum frenzy charges.

Make sure you take it step by step and take your time. You don't want to make a mistake and brick your item! You can use the The Forbidden Trove discord to find people selling their Harvest crafts.

Also, this website should be your best friend. It allows you to see all of the available mods for anything so that you can plan your crafting.

i would suggest augment fire on neck instead with the can not role attack mods its eather phys as fire or firepen both are good.
Bergv wrote:
I used an awakener's orb to create an amulet with +1 to dex skill gems and +1 to physical skill gems. I then got rid of the unwanted mods, and crafted 'cannot roll attack mods'. I then used the harvest craft to 'augment a physical modifier'. This could only pick between gain % of phys as extra fire or phys damage leeched as life. I got lucky with it hitting the extra fire. If it had hit the leeched as life, I would have then used the harvest craft to 'remove a life modifier'.

In your case, since it's only a warlord base, you won't be able to get the +1 to dex skill gems since that's a hunter modifier. But no worries, we can still make a good item.

You will need to regal your item as the first step. It needs to be a rare to do the rest of the crafting. After regaling, you pretty much need to hope that you hit a modifier that you can get rid of using any of the available harvest crafts. Look at the tags on the new modifier and see if it's something you can target remove. For example if it's % increased armour, you can use a 'remove a defence modifier' harvest craft. Once you're left with just your life and dex rolls, we can have some fun.

You will need to craft on 'cannot roll attack mods' at the crafting bench. This is a craft you get from the Plaguemaw V prophecy, or you can just find a community crafter to put it on for you. It costs 1 ex to craft it on. You will then simply 'augment an item with a physical modifier' two times! This guarantees % physical as extra fire damage and +1 to physical skill gems. After that you are left with two open suffixes with which you can do whatever you like. You can use the harvest craft 'augment an item with a caster modifier' to guarantee cast speed, then you can craft something on with the last available suffix at the bench if you want. Something like % increased fire damage or +1 to minimum frenzy charges.

Make sure you take it step by step and take your time. You don't want to make a mistake and brick your item! You can use the The Forbidden Trove discord to find people selling their Harvest crafts.

Also, this website should be your best friend. It allows you to see all of the available mods for anything so that you can plan your crafting.

Thank you! I'm going to farm some currency tonight and give it a go. i very much appreciate this thorough walk through. And Duke, of course thank you to you too for this nice guide and build.

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