[3.17]Blazer's Flicker God![League Starter as Cyclone-Supreme Tank-35M+ DPS Maxed-Fast]ALL CONTENT

Virel_360 wrote:
Give give me wrong, I love the build . You did a really great job I don’t mean to sound argumentative or combative.

Maybe I’m not explaining myself well enough, whatever build you keep mentioning that you needed impale chance on the paradoxica doesn’t need impale chance on the paradoxica if you swap to the two alternate quality gems I mentioned earlier dread theater and impale support, those 2 and one point will remove the need for the impale chance to be on the paradoxica. Thus reducing the cost of a good weapon. That’s the point I was trying to make. I hope you understand LOL.

I don’t understand how you can’t understand what I’m saying when you keep mentioning in several post that you need to get impale chance on the paradoxica this is just a simple cheap way to get around that for now.

of course you need 100% impale chance >somehwere<, talentpoints or weapon or gems. whether you go with talentpoints or gear, for a budget means by any means :)
Blazer780 wrote:
you probably won't be able to get similar jewelries though so I suggest dropping Aul's uprising and getting a rare amulet with:
and if go this route, drop the 2 additional auras which were Herald of purity and skitterbots

Trying calculate mana but this won't work.
-4% mana reservation from tree.
(Only vaal Haste is used right? So no reservation.)

flesh and stone - 25%
pride - 50%
+ enl. 3

blood and sand - 10%
precision - 19mana
aspect - 25%

dread banner 10%
+ enl. 4

How this can work? I haven't free Pride with Aul's amulet.
attronach wrote:

aspect - 25%

No reservation from chest?
Last edited by Prof549 on Oct 25, 2020, 12:11:05 AM
Been improving quite a lot, i transitioned kinda ok from slayer to this build but im still using cyclone. Gonna test flicker later!

that reminds me, why regular fliker tho? Its 20%Q doesnt give us nothing since frenzy charge on hits is useless (they are already 100% up and running because of farrul's fur)

Anomalous Flicker Strike (0–60)% increased Cooldown Recovery
Divergent Flicker Strike (0–20)% increased teleport range

Maybe any of the alternate quality is better?
"Look! More hidden footprints!" (2012)

Thanks Blizz/Activision for showing me the right path :)
Virel_360 wrote:
Give give me wrong, I love the build . You did a really great job I don’t mean to sound argumentative or combative.

Maybe I’m not explaining myself well enough, whatever build you keep mentioning that you needed impale chance on the paradoxica doesn’t need impale chance on the paradoxica if you swap to the two alternate quality gems I mentioned earlier dread theater and impale support, those 2 and one point will remove the need for the impale chance to be on the paradoxica. Thus reducing the cost of a good weapon. That’s the point I was trying to make. I hope you understand LOL.

I don’t understand how you can’t understand what I’m saying when you keep mentioning in several post that you need to get impale chance on the paradoxica this is just a simple cheap way to get around that for now.

oh, yea gotcha. I thought u were saying that the only way to get to 100% impale chance is either with paradoxica, watcher's eye or the 2 alt quality gems. which isn't true cause you can just get to 100% from passive tree. So yea probably I understood wrong lol. might do some editing soon to include this, then. Thanks!
Townerr wrote:
Blazer780 wrote:
Townerr wrote:
Hey man i've just made the switch over to this build and it's pretty fun so far.
I have what seems like quite a dumb question but I see you specify getting Aspect of the Cat on gloves, is that actually an important factor? As I have it on boots lol.

Also is there anyway you could give me a potential "upgrade order" based on my current gear. Not sure whether my foil is better than a paradoxia etc. Also I do not have an impale watchers eye.

Thanks in advance mate :D

it's ok to have it either on boots or gloves :D so no worries.
watcher's eye with 2 additional impale should be your next goal. as for the sword I can't see the pdps and too lazy to calculate it lol but a very well rolled paradoxica is equal to ~540pdps sword with 2 attack speed and 6.6+ crit.
also, you really need accuracy on your gear. x2 t1 if you are not planning to invest points in accuracy. you have only 1 low tier accuracy mod on gloves.

I do have 3 nodes on the tree into accuracy and res (on your level 96 budget tree)
I have put 3 points into swift skewering which takes my chance to impale up to 110% (80% without) was wondering if it was worth it or to just go into life nodes and stick with 80%. (Not alot of currency so finding it difficult to get an impale watchers eye/good sword). I play in STD on this character so everything's mega expensive lmao.

it's worth it. just stay at 100% impale. don't remove anything :D
attronach wrote:
Blazer780 wrote:
you probably won't be able to get similar jewelries though so I suggest dropping Aul's uprising and getting a rare amulet with:
and if go this route, drop the 2 additional auras which were Herald of purity and skitterbots

Trying calculate mana but this won't work.
-4% mana reservation from tree.
(Only vaal Haste is used right? So no reservation.)

flesh and stone - 25%
pride - 50%
+ enl. 3

blood and sand - 10%
precision - 19mana
aspect - 25%

dread banner 10%
+ enl. 4

How this can work? I haven't free Pride with Aul's amulet.

aspect reserves no mana if you r using farrul's fur...
I will share my feelings about this build (flickerstrike)
I currently have 80 lvl and gear worth 2.3k c
when it comes to cleaning mobs it's super fast.
As for killing boses.
It's a drama.
Dps is low boses t16 beats about 30 sec and suddenly I have a break in attacking the flickerstrike which leads to death.
I do not know what I am doing wrong, please give me some hints
Juantxuu wrote:
Been improving quite a lot, i transitioned kinda ok from slayer to this build but im still using cyclone. Gonna test flicker later!

that reminds me, why regular fliker tho? Its 20%Q doesnt give us nothing since frenzy charge on hits is useless (they are already 100% up and running because of farrul's fur)

Anomalous Flicker Strike (0–60)% increased Cooldown Recovery
Divergent Flicker Strike (0–20)% increased teleport range

Maybe any of the alternate quality is better?

it's not useless. it actually helps. cause uptime is still not 100% from farrul's alone as u might still run out. I would say that Anomalous flicker might be better tbh. I didn't test it yet. Aspect gives u maximum frenzy charges every 4 secs, and flicker has an innate chance to generate frenzies. but still sometimes in between those 4 secs, there is a very small chance to run out of frenzies. so I would say both normal flicker or Anom flicker are the way to go.
Blazer780 wrote:
Juantxuu wrote:
Been improving quite a lot, i transitioned kinda ok from slayer to this build but im still using cyclone. Gonna test flicker later!

that reminds me, why regular fliker tho? Its 20%Q doesnt give us nothing since frenzy charge on hits is useless (they are already 100% up and running because of farrul's fur)

Anomalous Flicker Strike (0–60)% increased Cooldown Recovery
Divergent Flicker Strike (0–20)% increased teleport range

Maybe any of the alternate quality is better?

it's not useless. it actually helps. cause uptime is still not 100% from farrul's alone as u might still run out. I would say that Anomalous flicker might be better tbh. I didn't test it yet. Aspect gives u maximum frenzy charges every 4 secs, and flicker has an innate chance to generate frenzies. but still sometimes in between those 4 secs, there is a very small chance to run out of frenzies. so I would say both normal flicker or Anom flicker are the way to go.

60% increased cooldown recovery seems huge to me, but i doubt i can sustain that more spam of the skill (dont have any rings with -manacost because im running cyclone atm) gonna test it tonight althought im not the best person to test it lol

just fucking around with regular flicker and doing some testing.. i feel dmg is lacking quite a lot.. i know tooltip dps is shit but went from cyclone 120k dmg to flicker 20k using almost the same gems wtf
"Look! More hidden footprints!" (2012)

Thanks Blizz/Activision for showing me the right path :)
Last edited by Juantxuu on Oct 25, 2020, 1:27:19 AM

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