[3.17]Blazer's Flicker God![League Starter as Cyclone-Supreme Tank-35M+ DPS Maxed-Fast]ALL CONTENT

Is there good differences between Replica and standard farrul's fur?
Is there good differences between Replica and standard farrul's fur?

yes, simply repilca is better. cause it grants endu charges, which means more durabiliy, res, regan. and also onslaught which makes up for the lost power charges. and we gain power charges while mapping from assassin's mark on hit ring anyway.
Ugh, should i get myself a decent Para or save for a top-notch foil?
Cuz rn a good Para is like - half price of foil. And i don't like dumping currency on "middle" gear. But, i feel my Scaeva is not enough anymore on t16+ xD

Or maybe a belt would be a solution? But then again, my res would drop down.

Man, that build is hard to manage :C
The belt does alot in my opinion.

A good para atm is round about 70ex. Like my one on of the best with 220 pdps. Good foils are alot more I think.
Mekrat wrote:

A good para atm is round about 70ex. Like my one on of the best with 220 pdps. Good foils are alot more I think.

The thing is - it's not.
The top dps foil on the market is 100ex(not online and priced 20 days ago tho).
The near-top foil with 520dps is 70ex.
And you can get a-ok one for around 50ex.

Sooo...idk man.

And a deal with belt - i won't have capped res then, unless i invest a fair sum into Unnatural Instinct to get my res from there(which is 550c rn).
Last edited by Prof549 on Oct 25, 2020, 8:39:20 AM
Prof549 wrote:
Ugh, should i get myself a decent Para or save for a top-notch foil?
Cuz rn a good Para is like - half price of foil. And i don't like dumping currency on "middle" gear. But, i feel my Scaeva is not enough anymore on t16+ xD

Or maybe a belt would be a solution? But then again, my res would drop down.

Man, that build is hard to manage :C

a top notch para is equal to ~520-540pdps foil with 2 attack speed. so you just pick what u want/can afford.
and ryslatha's coil is pretty much mandatory. so you have to get it and manage your res elsewhere
Somehow infested valley boos dropped a head hunter. After I have some fun with it, what would you say I upgrade to get this build to the next level?
Other than a 2 impale pride watchers eye
SuckLord3000 wrote:
Somehow infested valley boos dropped a head hunter. After I have some fun with it, what would you say I upgrade to get this build to the next level?
Other than a 2 impale pride watchers eye

lol nice. it's probably cause of the 8% chance for unique map bosses to drop a unique item from awakening 8 bonus. and I really don't have the time to check anything right now. but these would be some nice ups if u don't have them yet:
- bottled faith
- 550pdps foil or a very well rolled paradoxica.
- abyssus with 40% flicker enchant or blood rage grants additional 12% attack speed enchant
- watcher's eye with 2 addtional impales is one of the best upgrades if u don't have it already xD lol
- ryslatha's belt if u don't have one yet.
- awa multistrike and other awa gems
IS there some guide to how to make a +1 frenzy/+1 strike gloves?
sorry if youve answered
Hey, what are the actual benefits of running skitterbots and herald of purity over the classic setup?

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