[3.14] Tectonic Slam+Earthshatter 2H Chieftain, 20mil Damage slam, Screen-wide AoE, 2.5k HP/s regen

Mortest wrote:
Quick question, how do the warcrys get instant?

Hey, Mortest. They don't for this build. But overall there is Call to Arms keystone.
Aervanath wrote:
I'm having a great time with this build, the clear speed on tectonic slam is really good. Even managed to get a 2nd Tidebreaker pretty early, by scrounging up the div card, although I've only managed to 5-link them so far, with Infernal Cry 6-linked on chest.

I will say that it's a build where I'm really glad I watched the YouTube guide to get a sense of how you're supposed to play it. It's not necessarily the most intuitive playstyle for me.
It took me a lot of time to get into the rhythm of slam-warcry-slam-warcy, while paying attention to which warcries still have exerts left, and making sure not to waste Seismic Cry's 150% boost on the last exert by using it too early.
It also always takes me a few seconds to adjust when I switch to Earthshatter. The rhythm there is slam-warcry-slam-warcry, which mathematically is the same rhythm as Tectonic Slam but I think Earthshatter's animation timing is different, so it can really throw me off.

In short, it's a good build but can be challenging to adjust to and I would recommend it for players with at least one or two leagues under their belt. There are too many different mechanics necessary for me to recommend it to a newbie as a league starter.

Hey, Aervanath. Thank you for your feedback! It does take time to get used to warcrying. It definitely is one of the cons for this build. In my second league with this build my hand movement on warcries is not automatic but it's definitely not perfect as well.
I am slowly getting the build going with gear. How do you handle mana sustain? I am sure its written somewhere in the guide but I might be overlooking it, do I just need to run a mana flask early on, I am only lvl 70 and here is my gear so far

Also if anyone has a upgrade path on things to get in order of importance that might help I am still feeling out the gear and just have random pieces on right now but picking up the pieces one by one

Last edited by krut0n on Oct 4, 2020, 3:40:10 PM
krut0n wrote:
I am slowly getting the build going with gear. How do you handle mana sustain? I am sure its written somewhere in the guide but I might be overlooking it, do I just need to run a mana flask early on, I am only lvl 70 and here is my gear so far

Also if anyone has a upgrade path on things to get in order of importance that might help I am still feeling out the gear and just have random pieces on right now but picking up the pieces one by one


In the "Tree and PoB" there is Anoint section. Use those for mana leech and sustain. I did all my acts with man flask.
I would suggest getting boots with +1 max endurance charge. But I think with the Anoint you should be pretty much coverted until final bosses. Just need levels.

By the way, are you sure that your gloves apply Elemental weakness instead of Enfeeble? I think those are useless. I read somewhere that the highest level curse will be applied. Does it work with highest "increased effect" this league...? In any case - I would suggest going into Delve darkness and hitting some enemies to see what curse is applied.
Today I did a stream where I cleared all the end-game content with pretty much maxed no-cluster-jewel (Tier 4) version of the build. Conquerors, Influenced bosses, Guardians, Elder, Shaper, Uber Elder and 100% Delirium map (Took forever). There will be a video coming but for anyone that is curios here is the stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/760424807
There are some time-stamps in chat for when I finished a boss or event.
9v1d0 wrote:


In the "Tree and PoB" there is Anoint section. Use those for mana leech and sustain. I did all my acts with man flask.
I would suggest getting boots with +1 max endurance charge. But I think with the Anoint you should be pretty much coverted until final bosses. Just need levels.

By the way, are you sure that your gloves apply Elemental weakness instead of Enfeeble? I think those are useless. I read somewhere that the highest level curse will be applied. Does it work with highest "increased effect" this league...? In any case - I would suggest going into Delve darkness and hitting some enemies to see what curse is applied.

I guess that is why I should of consulted someone that knew better before spending 2ex on the gloves :) So after looking around on the forum and reddit it seems that the curse applied is the first that comes in the alphabet, so in my case Ele Weakness should be the one that is always applying and enfeeble never applies

I did some extensive testing with like 6 different gloves and I've come to the final conclusion of what curse it applies.

It doesn't matter what order they're in, it doesn't matter what level they are. Strangely, the curse that gets applied is the one that comes first in the alphabet.

With Despair + Ele Weakness gloves, Despair ALWAYS applied over Ele Weakness no matter what. Ele weakness could come first, last, have higher level, lower level, same level, doesn't matter. Because Despair comes first in the alphabet.

But if you get Enfeeble and Ele Weakness gloves, Ele Weakness ALWAYS applies, because it comes first in the alphabet.

Last edited by krut0n on Oct 4, 2020, 4:39:18 PM
krut0n wrote:
9v1d0 wrote:


In the "Tree and PoB" there is Anoint section. Use those for mana leech and sustain. I did all my acts with man flask.
I would suggest getting boots with +1 max endurance charge. But I think with the Anoint you should be pretty much coverted until final bosses. Just need levels.

By the way, are you sure that your gloves apply Elemental weakness instead of Enfeeble? I think those are useless. I read somewhere that the highest level curse will be applied. Does it work with highest "increased effect" this league...? In any case - I would suggest going into Delve darkness and hitting some enemies to see what curse is applied.

I guess that is why I should of consulted someone that knew better before spending 2ex on the gloves :) I actually am not sure which of the curses its applying. So these are trash you are saying? I will look for ones that match yours I suppose

In any case - I would suggest going into Delve darkness and hitting some enemies to see what curse is applied. Also, try to Divine and get elemental weakness a higher Increased effect. That might fix them as well.
This is my first melee build in a long time, but it's very satisfying to slam and delete the entire screen. Resists are a bit of a struggle but once endurance charges are up, it's not a problem. I'm now on the search for clusters, but the specific combos either don't exist or cost a ton. Are they very difficult to roll by themselves on the clusters?

I am still very much getting used to pressing warcries and slamming, but what is the correct sequence of actions to land the biggest hit to chunk a boss? I am pretty sure I am just setting it up wrong.

Also, for the Sirus gloves and the elemental weakness on hit, how do you determine the enemy fire resistance in POB? (if it's 40% increased effect vs 48% increased effect, what is that in terms of the amount of how much it's reducing the resist by)
Last edited by obake1 on Oct 5, 2020, 6:43:02 AM
Hi! Started this build last day, got my tide breaker for 7.5 exa, second one is out of my bank yet. So i use tectonic slam links and swap out only slam-earthshatter for bosses? For now i am folowing ur links in the league.
Last edited by ShatteredEssence on Oct 5, 2020, 3:52:17 AM
obake1 wrote:
This is my first melee build in a long time, but it's very satisfying to slam and delete the entire screen. Resists are a bit of a struggle but once endurance charges are up, it's not a problem. I'm now on the search for clusters, but the specific combos either don't exist or cost a ton. Are they very difficult to roll by themselves on the clusters?

I am still very much getting used to pressing warcries and slamming, but what is the correct sequence of actions to land the biggest hit to chunk a boss? I am pretty sure I am just setting it up wrong.

Also, for the Sirus gloves and the elemental weakness on hit, how do you determine the enemy fire resistance in POB? (if it's 40% increased effect vs 48% increased effect, what is that in terms of the amount of how much it's reducing the resist by)

Hey, I am glad you are enjoying the build.
The only expensive ones are Overlord and Master of Fire and they are expensive for a reason. Both of them are really strong and both of them have very low weight when crafting (low chances to roll).

Check the gameplay video at the top of guide on how I do it.

In PoB on the right side in Configuration section there is a selection of "Is enemy a boss?". Select Sirus there.

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