
I did this calculation for the rest of them
25 R (*5) - 92% total increased
30 R (*6) - 178% total increased (+86)
35 R (*7) - 278% total increased (+100)
40 R (*8) - 393% total increased (+115)
45 R (*9) - 525% total increased (+132)
50 R (*10) - 672% total increased (+147) [/quote]

thank you got this info. But where can I see my radius? Is that a line item on pob?[/quote]

Yes. It's in the main column after DoT DPS before Mana Cost. It's called AoE Radius in PoB.[/quote]

Got it! tyvm. I'm at 27 radius rn. Seems hard to get to 30. Even with a second large cluster with broadside/temepered arrows and dying sun it puts me at 29.

Any suggestions? I already have a 47% carcass.
Remicaster1 wrote:
hwan wrote:
What stats scale this build the most? i am a bit confused.

All stats must be balanced, the lower amount will scale the damage the most. For instance I will take the basic DoT calculations

DoT * Dot increase * Dot multi

All 3 of these stats must be balanced, if DoT multi is higher than DoT increase, then scaling DoT increase will have a larger impact.

It really depends, but generally AoE scales the damage the most, but you must hit the breakpoint
^^ This.

But treat AoE like it's own separate scale since it requires chunks of added percentage on a non-linear scale to reach exponentially greater "overlap breakpoints" on radius.

Taking AoE out of the mix for individual +DPS mods, as a result, the scaling priority is DoT Multi > Duration > Attack Speed > Chaos/DoT/Projectile/Damage/Damage with 2h/Chaos with bows/DoT with bows. (Do NOT get anything with +attack damage or +bow damage as those only effect arrow hits and not the DoT)

DoT Multi does have the most benefit to DoT DPS. But like Remi said, if you don't have enough choas/dot/projectile, then you will have diminishing scaling on the DoT Multi.

After that, though, +duration is huge DPS because it effectively becomes another DoT Multi on your overlaps. So it basically does the same thing as DoT Multi, but only on any pods that overlap, while also extending the time DoT's are applied on arrows/pods/DoT's outside your overlapping DoT's, too.

And then, of course, attack speed is effectively another multiplier, but it's on arrow/pod/DoT generation/amount rather than multiplicative on actual " increased/more damage percent".

And understand, if your DoT Multi is really low, then Attack Speed could actually be your top damage generator. So needless to say, get atk speed whenever possible.
Last edited by SkylerOG on Sep 24, 2020, 10:35:21 AM
Zyaak2point0 wrote:
Got it! tyvm. I'm at 27 radius rn. Seems hard to get to 30. Even with a second large cluster with broadside/temepered arrows and dying sun it puts me at 29.

Any suggestions? I already have a 47% carcass.

Sources of AoE:

TR standard 20% quality= +10%
Nature's Reprisal (ascendancy) = +50%
Broadside on large cluster = +25% each (need x2)
Carcass Jack = +40-50% (try for 48%+ w/ divines)
AoE/Area Damage craft on Amulet = +12%

Then just need ~8-10% more from another source.

Which could be the 1st node leading to Versitile Stance (+10%... must be running Flesh & Stone), or the 2nd node leading to Heavy Draw (+8%), or 2 nodes at Lethal Assault (+5% & +10%).

Or, there's a Conqueror/Warlord mod you can put on a ring that I think can hit +10%.

Or, a Megalomaniac medium cluster jewel with another Broadside on it, which is of course another +25%.
Last edited by SkylerOG on Sep 24, 2020, 10:26:41 AM
Alt/Regal , Chaos spam, or fossil craft best for large clusters?
oweng24 wrote:
Alt/Regal , Chaos spam, or fossil craft best for large clusters?

I might have gotten super lucky but I alt/regal'ed my large cluster jewel. For the medium one though, craftofexile shows you can do it with an average of 4 aberrant and 4 primitive resonators. I've only tried 2 (no resonators) and no luck BUT I again tried regal/alt and hit it in less than 10 regals.
Hi friends,

I am at the point I don't know what to upgrade next.... I was hoping for some advice, I sold my league starter and started this character yesterday. Having lots of fun!



I got these 2 quivers, with these 'important' mods. BUT...

What are the proper steps for crafting further, and which mode should I start from? DoT multi or chaos DoT multi?

Can someone tell me what should I do next with lowest posible chance to fck up these mods? Any guide for TR quiver craft?


Last edited by drunkydragon on Sep 24, 2020, 6:22:36 PM
So until i get a enlighten level 5 what auras should i run? F&S and Malevolance or F&S and Skitterbots?

And what anointment on my amulet until i get a golden oil for hardened scars?

Ma23ck wrote:
So until i get a enlighten level 5 what auras should i run? F&S and Malevolance or F&S and Skitterbots?

And what anointment on my amulet until i get a golden oil for hardened scars?


If you have mana sustain issues, the latter. If not, the former.

Corruption is an alternative anointment
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
drunkydragon wrote:

I got these 2 quivers, with these 'important' mods. BUT...

What are the proper steps for crafting further, and which mode should I start from? DoT multi or chaos DoT multi?

Can someone tell me what should I do next with lowest posible chance to fck up these mods? Any guide for TR quiver craft?



Honestly i dont think alt regal is the way as you want high life. You can only get dot multi from normal quiver, means that you wont be able to stack it with cdot multi. Usually if you go with alt regal is because it have strong mods with multimod but it's not the case for quivers

Your quiver base is wrong btw.

Imo fossil would be the way for a good one
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1

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