
Anyone tested the wither gain with one glorious vanity Ritual of Shadows(25%change to gain a wither stack on hit)?

I found a vanity with wither and i am thinking about ditching the wither totem set-up for more gem slots. The totems die kinda fast in boss fights anyway.
Last edited by Hedrock01 on Oct 9, 2020, 1:37:30 PM
reskone wrote:

what should i upgrade as priority

i died like 2 times and i was spells so i was thinking putting atziri steps ?
Could do that. I'd also get Vaal Grace where Haste is so you can increase it's duration.

Between VG, phase acro, and lunaris pantheon, you can get yourself at your 75% attack and spell dodge caps for around 20 seconds of every 40-60 seconds depending on how quickly you get souls back into VG.

75% atk/spell dodge(which is pure damage avoidance) with hardened scars/fortify, wind dancer, endurance charges/+phys res, immortal call, flesh & stone(if you have it), blind/50-70% evade chance, capped resists, ailment immunity(if you get alchemist over toxicist), a constant 2k/s life healing from juiced up enduring hybrid flask, potentially 1000-1200/s life leech(if you went the leech version of build), and like 5-6k life...

I don't know how anyone dies with this build very often. It's tanky AF and that's an obscene amount of defensive layers.
How am i supposed to get endurance charges ?
reskone wrote:
How am i supposed to get endurance charges ?
Enduring Cry... but it's not easy to keep them up unless you consciously use enduring cry right while mapping and bossing.

As I posted earlier, I typically enter the screen with a mob pack, and just as they start their attack animation, I dash just barely on the back side of them and hit enduring cry before unleashing arrows, and that usually gets 2-3 endurance charges for like the next 8 or so seconds.

With a boss, you just have to add casting it in your mix while you're in between firing arrows. Mostly when you're dashing around to avoid projectiles/being hit. And it really helps if it's a boss that has minions, otherwise it's only really useful for the occasional heal.
Last edited by SkylerOG on Oct 9, 2020, 2:33:59 PM
Hey would be awesome if anyone that has time could look into my PoB (https://pastebin.com/xfveptxJ) and tell me what i should change to get more damage.
Drilley wrote:
Hey would be awesome if anyone that has time could look into my PoB (https://pastebin.com/xfveptxJ) and tell me what i should change to get more damage.

Just some of the ones I see

3 passive large clusters - yours need 6 passive, you can drop it to 4 on each and have 4 extra points you could spend either on the jewel socket under scion life wheel, or on avatar of the hunt - if you manage to get enough int to drop the 30 int node and switch clusters, drop the extra life node in scion wheel you could take the jewel socket on left and revenge of the hunted

For int, bless your amulet to max, replace one of your jewels with +int shouldn't be too expensive to get life/atkspd/dmg/int, or look for int on a ring which is my next (Or res and int and replace your sol nock jewel)

Despair on hit ring

You're running the broadside build so you should be aiming for 30 aoe and a 6th arrow (I think thats how it works) - theres many tips for this in the gearing section

Correct me if im wrong as im passing info to a buddy whos playing this, but as a Trickster, how much AoE % wise would you need to overlap the basic 5 arrows?
Totalubnub wrote:
Correct me if im wrong as im passing info to a buddy whos playing this, but as a Trickster, how much AoE % wise would you need to overlap the basic 5 arrows?
25. And it’s 5 radius for every arrow. So 30 radius for 6 arrows to overlap, and so forth.
SkylerOG wrote:


No problem, good luck.

Thanks for all the help. I invested all my newbie currency (about 200c) into your leech version. 4.5k life is where I would stand if I finished my last 2 jewels

The damage is insane. But the survivability still feels like an absolute joke. The issue does not lie with piano flasking - this feels very comfortable for me. Elder guardian bossing / some map bosses / occasional pack of map mobs / blight encounters / delirium / legion are still one-taps every once in a while and it doesn't feel good. I couldn't ever imagine playing this build on hardcore, at least not with whatever setup this is. If occasional random deaths are acceptable (thanks to 6x map portal town running) then this is not the game for me

I don't see where to improve, and thus I'm abandoning ship. I'm sorry. Thank you
Last edited by brickface1 on Oct 9, 2020, 9:44:00 PM
SkylerOG wrote:

Here is my PoB on standard server using ES leech, feed the fury, and supreme ego in place of swift affliction, broadside, and flesh & stone(because can have only 1 Aura), and using silent steps and stibnite flask to get blind back.

This thing mops up everything with ease and has insane durability, too. Like it's seriously one of the more tanky builds I've ever played. So not sure how some folks keep saying they die so often. I just don't think they're building it the same or playing it correctly. *shrug*

You can switch to the rare bow setup in it too, if you want. It jumps from around 13M sDPS up to around 21M sDPS. But the attack rate goes from 12.30 with Quill Rain down to 6.78 with rare bow, and it feels a bit more clunky, even though the DPS is clearly higher.

The rare bow with vicious proj (effectively turning it into a 7L) is legacy and only attainable on standard now. And yes, it's BIS, even over a +3 bow. Mine is just lacking T1 attack speed, otherwise it would be insane.

Here you go: https://pastebin.com/Efu4BzRt

Remember, you do this if you are willing to settle for 5 overlapping arrows because you don't think you can reach 30 AoE radius. Oddly, this version has nearly the same DPS as a build with 30 radius and 6 arrows overlapping, along with some life leech, which is actually why I prefer it.

It's cheaper, virtually same DPS(requires blood rage for this), virtually same or even better durability, and you end up with more passive points to spend elsewhere.

I was looking at the Pob for the Leech build and in the one cluster at the end you have a glorious Vanity do you actually put it there and get stats or is it a mistake? And what are your active auras that you always have up ?
Last edited by zelron101 on Oct 10, 2020, 12:45:21 AM

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