[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!


There are lots of good ideas floating around about those jewels. @stoudtlr is rocking an awesome version using Bastion of Hope.

If and when you transition to using these jewels please let the thread know how it works out for you. Good luck!

That was actually 8r3nt's idea to go Inquisitor with Bastion of Hope thru flesh and flame jewels.

I did try it though and it worked great. Almost as much ehp as my pure Guardian version, but about 4mil more dps.
stoudtlr wrote:
Made the switch back to Guardian and went CI. About 60% of the damage of Inquisitor. 10mil when finished compared to 18mil, but still hitting max stacks almost instantly. The deaths I had before was from not paying attention to my life pool when fighting chaos monsters like the ghosted rogue exiles so I think I'll like this version.

Need to spam some Eldritch currency on my gloves to get the Unnerve implicit.

What’s your ES pool with CI? I’m thinking about going actual low life. And take advantage of radiant faith and go back to glancing blow.
8r3nt wrote:
stoudtlr wrote:
Made the switch back to Guardian and went CI. About 60% of the damage of Inquisitor. 10mil when finished compared to 18mil, but still hitting max stacks almost instantly. The deaths I had before was from not paying attention to my life pool when fighting chaos monsters like the ghosted rogue exiles so I think I'll like this version.

Need to spam some Eldritch currency on my gloves to get the Unnerve implicit.

What’s your ES pool with CI? I’m thinking about going actual low life. And take advantage of radiant faith and go back to glancing blow.

Once finished almost 7k es and 90k armour fully buffed.


I'm currently at 6.3k es and 75k armour.

I'd like to see what you come up with for LL as I think you should have a real good amount of armour that we don't get in any of the other versions along with having a higher es pool since you won't need the unique belt.

Are you thinking of going Shav's and adding more aura's or going Ivory Tower and just moving some of our current aura's to life instead to free up mana for the chaos damage?
Last edited by stoudtlr on Feb 20, 2022, 7:26:32 PM
8r3nt wrote:
stoudtlr wrote:
Made the switch back to Guardian and went CI. About 60% of the damage of Inquisitor. 10mil when finished compared to 18mil, but still hitting max stacks almost instantly. The deaths I had before was from not paying attention to my life pool when fighting chaos monsters like the ghosted rogue exiles so I think I'll like this version.

Need to spam some Eldritch currency on my gloves to get the Unnerve implicit.

What’s your ES pool with CI? I’m thinking about going actual low life. And take advantage of radiant faith and go back to glancing blow.

I did this in 3.15 due to how expensive the unique belt was that league. Opening up the belt slot for a powerful rare creates the interesting possibly of using dual Circle of Anguish rings.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Feb 20, 2022, 8:14:07 PM
stoudtlr wrote:

That was actually 8r3nt's idea to go Inquisitor with Bastion of Hope thru flesh and flame jewels.

Damn it, I knew that of course, I have no Idea why I said that :) I have fixed my post. Thanks!
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Feb 20, 2022, 8:16:29 PM
Has anyone gone through Simulacrum? I can't go above wave 23
snot1rod wrote:
Has anyone gone through Simulacrum? I can't go above wave 23

not yet. After I get to level 96, I am going to give that I shot.

Were you dying at Wave 23, or did you run into a DPS problem where you could not take down Kosis?


As an aside, I noticed you have 3 different forms of Fire exposure. You have it in Wave of Conviction, you have it in your Awakened Fire Pen and in your glove implicit. These do not stack, so you are wasting affixes.

What I did was roll something different on gloves, removed WOC from build and replaced it with Vaal Cold Snap for frenzy charges (while mapping and bossing) and then used the Fire exposure from the Awakend Fire Pen.

WOC is the strongest form of exposure in your setup but replacing it with Frenzy charge and allowing the slightly weaker exposure from the Awaken Gem will give you better overall performance IMO.

@Claeysken and I are both using Vaal Cold Snap and we both really like it.


I also noticed you are wearing rare gloves but are invested in Avatar of Fire. Do you regularly use Asenath Touch gloves and these rare gloves are only a temporary use for bossing?
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Feb 20, 2022, 11:28:01 PM
I very rarely use Asenath's Gentle. I think to refuse Avatar of Fire.

On the 23rd wave, I just one-shot. I use a vaal shield, it does not help (
Last edited by snot1rod on Feb 21, 2022, 12:33:50 AM
I hit level 96 and tried a simulacrum. Holy hell is that intense!

The first 20 waves you can almost do with your eyes closed but it really ramps up quickly after that.

Wave 27 Kosis turned out to be my daddy. He hits like a truck and is arguably the tankiest boss in the entire game. There was no way I was max stacking his ailments.

Still, Wave 27 is by far the furthest I have gone with any character. I have a couple of big improvements to make to the build that could see me get to Wave 28 or better but much comes down to RNG and whether Kosis spawns or not.

He spawned on 25, 26 and 27 for me :(. Bad Kosis!!

I took a break from playing after the simulacrum and did a little min maxing.

I now have perfect rolls on shield, helmet and weapon and added 30% quality to all of them.

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