[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

anyone else running into mana issue at single target with the crit arc version? I can get unnatural instinct but really dont see how it helps. Or you think it's worth the price?

Meanwhile I am doing DI which is pretty strong. Just missing the clean clear from storm brand a bit. I may also try out ek or spark later.
imRadial wrote:
Is there any map mod we cant run with EK?

And im exactly at 100% mana reserved when I run Haste, what can I do to fix this with my current setup.

Also feels really slow mapping, in terms of movement speed >.<

Would really appreciate the help!

Bumping this post as it got lost in the previous pages.
Hey Guys, been playing this build and loving it.
I am currently level 95, got 3 7-voices and maxed most my gems on 20/20
Now I got about 24 ex to spend after selling a lot of stuf and I would like to know what my best upgrade option are. Should I invest in better gear, awakended gems, a better arc gem, level 21 aura gems or 5- passive voices? Dont have a preference in going more defensive or offensive.

I dont know how to link my gear so my char is set on public on my acount, thanks alot
Last edited by Apocallyon on Apr 18, 2020, 8:58:12 AM
any ideas, how to bump up your chaos resistances to a maximum other than running chayula ammy ?
many there are some juicy small chaos res cluster jevels

allso important question, atm i`m lacking 60% damage while affected by herald on medium cluster jewels

i have ones with minion damage (bought it cheap, long time ago)

doest that 60% dmg is really worth it to upgrade my jevels from minion version ?
Just an idea...


+17% to Chaos Resistance
Unaffected by Poison
Last edited by ArisFuser on Apr 18, 2020, 9:42:20 AM
ArisFuser wrote:
Just an idea...


+17% to Chaos Resistance
Unaffected by Poison

thanks !
nice, it fres a spot for better pantheon :D
Hey great build sir, i would like to try it with Blade Vortex. How would you link that skill ? Thanks
Zebedin wrote:
ArisFuser wrote:
Just an idea...


+17% to Chaos Resistance
Unaffected by Poison

thanks !
nice, it fres a spot for better pantheon :D

Works nicely in a pinch as well....
Coresong wrote:
Zebedin wrote:
ArisFuser wrote:
Just an idea...


+17% to Chaos Resistance
Unaffected by Poison

thanks !
nice, it fres a spot for better pantheon :D

Works nicely in a pinch as well....

1.8% ES regen with zealoth oath seems nice too

about poision, some monsters are reaaaly nasty
spiders for example. if you not immune to poision they can destroy you
Last edited by Zebedin on Apr 18, 2020, 11:03:43 AM
I am thinking of getting a ring with Wrath, that will give me extra aura slot for Purity of Elements and I can use Watchers eye with 50 to chaos res while affected by PoE. is it the best defensive thing i can get? I don't need any more damage

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