[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

What's the best method of crafting the -mana res and vitality jewel?

spam alts for -mana and aug/regal and hope for vitality?
My Last Upgrade ;-)
Hey guys!

I'm quite satisfied so far but at the moment I'm at around 5.4k ES and I'm trying to figure out ways to take it closer to 8k.

Please feel free to give my build a look and let me know what needs to change.

My focus now is to get a neck with vit so I can run RF but my ES will take a hit.

Watershed wrote:
Hey guys!

I'm quite satisfied so far but at the moment I'm at around 5.4k ES and I'm trying to figure out ways to take it closer to 8k.

Please feel free to give my build a look and let me know what needs to change.

My focus now is to get a neck with vit so I can run RF but my ES will take a hit.


You should try to get some 4-5 passive cluster instead of 6 so you can free up some nodes
So I have around 85ex, maybe 100ex if im able to sell a few stuff in the next few days. I already have two 7 passive Voices, for the budget option, should I use 3x 7 passive Voices, or just the two along with a rare 2 socket cluster? I'm guessing 3x 7 Passives would leave me point starved?

Not sure if its worth giving this a try with just 80ex, I still have my build that took me to 40/40 without selling gear from that, so the 80ex I have now is completely surplus with nothing else to do other than gamble. Thought I would give this build a go before it gets gutted next league since I've proved to myself I can handle A8 Sirus and UE and full Wave 20 clears deathless without a busted build, so having fun with it wouldn't be a crutch for me lol.

Here's mine.
@froztyxx you should use Mana Life Catalyst that will give you 26 Vitality and 6reduced Mana
_TheQue_ wrote:
@froztyxx you should use Mana Life Catalyst that will give you 26 Vitality and 6reduced Mana

26 vitality is just a visual bug, still Lvl 22, but def do it for the 6% mana reserved thou
dor961 wrote:
They are at 1%. im running it exactly like the guide.
6 hearldry and 2 endbringer.

for 2 points you can get another 4% reduced mana reserved on the top of your tree,should help a lot
Last edited by gnarjay on May 4, 2020, 1:54:04 AM

Could you give some suggestions for optimal mods on Nebulis? I currently just have +3 to 7 cold damage to spells, but i am not sure if it is worth paying multiple X for another Nebulis, if it would only give me slightly more damage.

Many thanks for your help.

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