[3.10] HOWA Anyskill Split Personality Juggernaut - Beyond expectation! (3000 INT, 13000 ES)

gisabelle wrote:
could someone look at my stuff i don't understand what i am missing to get 3K int . I have 2k5 int .

Nutterum how did you craft your helmet ? spam chaos ?

Took a look at your gear. Small things like int corruptions on rings are nice. I also do not believe the shaper gloves will help you much outside of giving you 15% evasion rating (which in by itself is OK, but if you are chasing int, there are better options)

As for the helm - Spammed dence + sanctified until I landed %INT and decent ES with free slot for spider craft. Took me 50-ish attempts to hit, which is lucky. Craftofexile points it at arond 200 to hit.

Alternatively, you can get ilvl75 base. Dense fossil or chaos spam till you hit decent int and Es LOCK THE 3 PREFIXES and have free suffix. Then slam a hunter exalt for guaranteed +% int and hope it will be T1 slam, but even with T2 its still decent.
Last edited by Nutterum on Apr 29, 2020, 4:47:07 PM
Denisian wrote:
Is there any alternative for the Aspect of the Spider aura or should I start looking for a Ring that has it? Currently I have 30%+ unreserved which is a waste and can't really find a good aura or Herald that will give me a noticeable boost. Seems like some people use the Spider with fenumus boots, while others use it anyway even without the boots.

People use either boots and spider for the flat ES on hit, OR watcher's eye that costs like 17ex with FLAT ES on hit while affected with Discipline. I personally run both as it guarantees huge ES gains even on no leech and no regen map mods.
but the helmet as to be hunter base to craft with fossil ? or any helmet will do ?

i keep the shaper glove so i don't have to run a curse on hit set up .
Last edited by gisabelle on Apr 29, 2020, 5:08:52 PM
Do you guys have troubles for blighted map with MS ? Or i manage it wrong ?
Nutterum wrote:

People use either boots and spider for the flat ES on hit, OR watcher's eye that costs like 17ex with FLAT ES on hit while affected with Discipline. I personally run both as it guarantees huge ES gains even on no leech and no regen map mods.

Yeah, the Watcher's Eye is actually half that price now, so it was almost the first thing that I bought. Was more wondering if the Spider Aspect is still the best option even if you don't use the Fenumus boots, as they seem rather underwhelming with the exception of ES on hit part. Not many other options for 25% reserved mana.

gisabelle wrote:
but the helmet as to be hunter base to craft with fossil ? or any helmet will do ?
i keep the shaper glove so i don't have to run a curse on hit set up .

If you will craft with fossils, then the hunter base would be a bonus. Otherwise you can try to hit good ES and flat Int rolls on a normal base and slam it with the Hunter Exalted Orb.
I just bought a good helmet with nice ES rolls and MS enchant, and just slammed it for the %increased Int, as that was the course with least effort and risk required.
Last edited by Denisian on Apr 30, 2020, 2:18:30 AM
so to be sure

1 i buy a helmet with the enchant ilvl80+

2 i spam fossil to get a good roll es/int roll

3 i slam a hunter exalt org to get the %inc int . is it 100% sure you will get the inc int or you can roll something elese ?
gisabelle wrote:
so to be sure
1 i buy a helmet with the enchant ilvl80+
2 i spam fossil to get a good roll es/int roll
3 i slam a hunter exalt org to get the %inc int . is it 100% sure you will get the inc int or you can roll something elese ?

If the helmet is between 68-79 ilvl, the %Int roll is guaranteed (75-79 can roll 9-10%, 68-79 can roll 6-8%). If the helmet is 80+ ilvl there is roughly 40% chance to hit %Int. That's a risk you have to weigh for yourself. On the item you also need an empty suffix obviously, and it must have either 2 or 3 prefixes.
couldn't you spec into utmost intellect for 5 points and anoint soul raker on ammy anad save 2 points? This would also give you more ES...thoughts on this?
DrRats wrote:
couldn't you spec into utmost intellect for 5 points and anoint soul raker on ammy anad save 2 points? This would also give you more ES...thoughts on this?
Sure. It's an option if you wanted more flat int/ES/needed passive points.

As with all things, it's simply trading some stats for others. In this case from a glance you'd be looking at....

- 68% increased claw damage loss, 22% increased attack speed loss (less sustain and damage), charge stealing loss, base leech and leech rate boost loss


- +50 flat int and 2 passive points.

If those 2 passive points give you access to something that makes up for the losses, it could be worth it. Eventually, you should reach a point where it'll be worth investing those 2 points into those Soul Raker nodes.

You don't necessarily have to anoint Soul Raker in alternative setups. A few different ways you can manage mana sustain without it, I've just never found one that helped achieve preferable results for me.
For anybody who is interested, I've made a variation of this build using Champion instead of Juggernaut since I already had it leveled up and didn't want to start over on a second character. Gearing is pretty much the same as you would do with Juggernaut except I take multimod boots with "cannot be chilled" and "cannot be frozen". Pathing follows the same philosophy as the Juggernaut version (maximize travel distance for Split Personality), but travels in CCW direction from the Duelist start, over to Ranger, Shadow, Witch, Templar, Marauder and back around completing a loop to the bottom of Duelist region ending at Point Blank. Main difference is I pick up Art of the Gladiator and Finesse since they are immediately adjacent to my travel path. I also pick up the Rampart nodes since I have permanent Fortify and those are also right next to my travel path. I think damage and survivability is comparable to the Juggernaut version. You can look at my character, SonOfTorgue, if you want to see the detailed tree.
Last edited by MagnusParvus on May 3, 2020, 1:19:49 AM

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