[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand


Managed to snag this. What should I craft on it?

Tbh it is not good enough to spend serious currency on it.

Missing a lot of spelldamage, crit multi, possible trigger, cast speed...

Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 28, 2020, 3:14:28 PM
Noob question, what makes this build a low life build? Thanks.

The Prism Guardian Shield supports gems in it with Blood Magic which will make auras reserve life instead of mana. Using that to get your available life under 30% lets you utilize the Pain Attunement keystone that gives you 30% more spell damage.

Guys, just spent all my currency on a skyforth. Now it feels my build should be a step further. If anyone could help, how to enhance my build overall? gems, gear, all of it ? About the tree, I am already putting exactly the same as the "90Goal" in the guide's pob, but maybe my pob link will be the old version.



Quality on boots and shield, better amulet that you can quality, potentially different annoint if you want more of a mana/dps combo. Low mana and no enchant on Skyforth, low mana cost on Voidbringer, mana or res quality on rings, whicever is more needed. Maybe better belt with more resists, phasing on abyss jewel. Drop one mana flask for a Cinderswallow flask. Replace Rotgut with a quicksilver with the utility you need. Drop another mana flask for a diamond flask with appropriate utility. Low roll on Healthy Mind, but that's not as important.

Just keep leveling the gems. I'd probably use Conductivity over AssMark. Go for 21/20 or 21/23 eventually and replace some supports with Awakened Supports.

Valant wrote:
With Flame Dash and Shield Charge in the build, what would the playstyle be like now ? Do I just spam both these movement skills ?

Use Shield Charge for general movement and then Flame Dash over ledges. Can keep shield charging to kite packs while Storm Brands kill.

Managed to snag this. What should I craft on it?

I looked for a wand with high lightning or cold added damage to spells, high mana and crit, then multimodded for trigger and spell damage/extra as chaos.
Last edited by PrincessRevolver on Apr 28, 2020, 3:55:52 PM
Valant wrote:
With Flame Dash and Shield Charge in the build, what would the playstyle be like now ? Do I just spam both these movement skills ?

Yeah, I Shield Charge around the map and sprinkle Flame Dash in when I know Shield Charge will be finicky. And of course when you need to go through a door or over a gap. It's really nice having both.

This is my chars gear at the moment i have the healthy mind + 1 fevered mind jewel, besides Gem levels and general character levels, what should my next upgrades be?
Last edited by Astrologic on Apr 28, 2020, 9:56:07 PM
Astrologic wrote:
This is my chars gear at the moment i have the healthy mind + 1 fevered mind jewel, besides Gem levels and general character levels, what should my next upgrades be?

Most of your armor have no quality and none of your flasks do either. Your abyss jewel is minimally useful, maybe a little more so if you need the strength but that's the slot to squeeze in phasing. Wand could use more mana, boots aren't that great and Skyforth is probably a next step upgrade along with balancing resists on the rest of the jewelry and adding quality to those pieces.
chipawa wrote:
Sygnal wrote:

All things considered, your dps alreayd seems solid enough to clear everything. (maybe not t16 juiced deliriums) but everything short of that should be a breeze.

Yeah. Overall, my dps is completely fine. I'm just trying to min-max to the best of my ability. The rings should stack crit multi. What other mods are most important for the rings to prioritize. Are increased mana and energy shield not as high of a priority as the crit?

I just realized that my vaal clarity was making my POB numbers be way lower. It says my damage is about 13 mil/brand currently. I should be able to use POB to min max reliably now. Thank you for your suggestions.

I need to also check on that amulet to be sure. I can only cast 1 brand for about 9k mana atm.

Rings and belt are also the only place where we can really get some rest. (We're running uniques on shield/gloves/boots/helm/chest/amulet(some people).

I would get your resistances, then some more es, then mana, then crit multiplier after that if you can fit it in.

Thats my order of preference but i also feel like i have so much dps that i wouldnt benefit for more and rather build more ES.

You only need to cast 1 brand. If you want to get started, take off your archmage, cast your brands, then put it back on.
can anyone tell me how to craft wand and rings, belt of this build ? thanks
What is the best defensive WE mods for the build? I have enough damage for everything. Can farm simulacrum easily. I am using

(15-20)% of Damage taken gained as Mana over 4 seconds when Hit while affected by Clarity for second WE mod but are discipline mods better?

+(20-30) Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline

(20-30)% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline

Regenerate (1.5-2.5)% of Energy Shield per Second while affected by Discipline

(30-40)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge while affected by Discipline

Any idea??
This build is REALLy good, to be honest. Probs the best not herald build of delirium. This is my gear rn currently saving for the OP watchers eye but does anything stick out as easily replaceable from the items I linked?

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