[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

WyattPOE wrote:
This build is REALLy good, to be honest. Probs the best not herald build of delirium. This is my gear rn currently saving for the OP watchers eye but does anything stick out as easily replaceable from the items I linked?

Amulet rare (crit multi, mana, % mana, % ES), gloves (higher mana cost), wand (trigger on it, crit multi)

Possibly rings also with crit multi but you'll need a big budget for those last time I checked.
Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 29, 2020, 10:51:27 AM
Can someone please check my pastebin and gear ?

Thinking to remove shield charge as I can't get used to a double movement skill, and feel that flame dash is good enough for me.

I feel now my Brand Recalls cooldown isnt as quick as before, as I had RuneSmith. Where should i put the empower-brand recall-second wind to ?


Last edited by Valant on Apr 29, 2020, 2:10:56 PM
Valant wrote:
Can someone please check my pastebin and gear ?

Thinking to remove shield charge as I can't get used to a double movement skill, and feel that flame dash is good enough for me.

I feel now my Brand Recalls cooldown isnt as quick as before, as I had RuneSmith. Where should i put the empower-brand recall-second wind to ?


You should get rid of flame dash and use dash, and get rid of arcane surge as you should have it in your tree from arcane capacitor, or even from hiero if you took that route
Valant wrote:
Can someone please check my pastebin and gear ?

Thinking to remove shield charge as I can't get used to a double movement skill, and feel that flame dash is good enough for me.

I feel now my Brand Recalls cooldown isnt as quick as before, as I had RuneSmith. Where should i put the empower-brand recall-second wind to ?


Get rid of your energy leech. Id probably suggest putting in elemental focus.

Id probably do a 4L with empower/secondwind/recall/arcane surge. Put it your boots/gloves/helm doesnt really matter.

If you're set on using lightning golem i guess you might as well put that on your gloves to take advantage of the +1 there but its rather trivial.

Lastly, when youre ready, get a watchers eye with clarity energy shield on it. Thats what you should save up for. Your dps would more than double when you switch out of sanctuary ascendency.
Is anyone able to slot awakened chain and 7 fevered minds (I'm using a 3 passive voices)?

I can make it work with Concentrated Effect (and the DPS is hilariously through the roof), but not Awakened Chain due to the 10% higher mana multiplier.

Even with 40% mana cost voidbringers, and 0% quality on archmage, I'm like 500 mana shy of being able to cast it with A.Chain. Can anyone think of a way to bring down mana cost short of unslotting the 7th fevered mind?

I know this is entirely unnecessary but I'm almost done with the league and throwing all my currency at this build.
LordOxid wrote:
Is anyone able to slot awakened chain and 7 fevered minds (I'm using a 3 passive voices)?

I can make it work with Concentrated Effect (and the DPS is hilariously through the roof), but not Awakened Chain due to the 10% higher mana multiplier.

Even with 40% mana cost voidbringers, and 0% quality on archmage, I'm like 500 mana shy of being able to cast it with A.Chain. Can anyone think of a way to bring down mana cost short of unslotting the 7th fevered mind?

I know this is entirely unnecessary but I'm almost done with the league and throwing all my currency at this build.

You can try just casting it with archmage out and putting archmage back in after you have them all out.
It'll be a pain if you lose any but if youre running recall lvl 11 it shouldnt ever fall off.
Using any golem is utterly useless as it will constantly die. Better save that or those gem slots for something more useful.

Brand recall 11?? hmm.. how do you manage that. max level 7 from vaaled brand recall+empower 4.. makes it level 10, not 11.

Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 30, 2020, 6:27:25 AM
So what exactly does it take to be able to run 100% delirium maps?

Playing a lvl 93 Storm Brand Hierophant. I can run A8 Sirus deathless, 20 Simulacrums deathless but getting wrecked hard in 100% delirium maps. Is it solely a defense issue? Or maybe it's damage? Any input is appreciated!

My POB: https://pastebin.com/FjkdHi2t
Last edited by Maliblue on Apr 30, 2020, 6:50:00 AM

Status : Keep getting 1-shot in Red T13-15 Map.. Dont know why. Need advice. Just change from Sanctuary of thought to Arcane Blessing. Previously 8k ES.

ES :- 5.3k
Mana :- 10k.

Kindly check My PoB : https://pastebin.com/vk0WQxgD

Thanks in advance
fexilex wrote:

Status : Keep getting 1-shot in Red T13-15 Map.. Dont know why. Need advice. Just change from Sanctuary of thought to Arcane Blessing. Previously 8k ES.

ES :- 5.3k
Mana :- 10k.

Kindly check My PoB : https://pastebin.com/vk0WQxgD

Thanks in advance

Me too.. This is not a build that you can just rush in and storm through everything.. the porkypines or whatever those ranged mobs are called are lethal to this build.

I assume you are using the right upgraded pantheons for the situation. Can't see anything wrong with your POB/build that I can think of. Other than that damage could be higher. More damage, mobs die faster, less damage taken.. Sounds simple but with a squishy build like ours it does come down to that. And never walk in straight lines towards mobs when you can't see what is on the edge of the screen.

Not sure why are using a 2nd low level wave of conviction on CWDT when you are already constantly triggering it with your trigger wand. There is a cooldown so chances are it will not even trigger on CWDT. Better use something more useful. Can't really think of anything as I'm not using CWDT but even a lightning golem might be better.

And yeah.. ES is low without the watcher's eye. If arcane cloak is popped and you'll take big damage you'll be out of mana and defenses in no time. Bleeds though to ES and with 5K you'll be done quickly.

I've was constantly convinced a watcher's eye wasn't necesaary without sanctuary but got a great one yesterday anyway with the mana->ES and mana regen on damage taken (both clarity).

I can say it makes a world of diference but even then you will get one-shotted if you are not careful.
Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 30, 2020, 8:53:21 AM

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