[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

gearlles wrote:
Question about the 10M DPS version -- I noticed you use two movement spells: shield charge and flame dash. Would you mind explaining the use case for both of them? When do you one instead of another and why we have both?

you only use flame dash to evade telegraphed attacks from bosses or to jump walls, in every other situation shield charge + faster attacks will give you more movement speed and fortify
hypocraties wrote:
Laxxus wrote:
hypocraties wrote:
From what are we leeching ES on?

Illuminated Devotion Ascendancy gives ES Leech when Arcane Surge is up.
If you dont have a setup with basically 100% Arcane Surge uptime you should probably use Energy Leech support.

I have that ascendancy and i have arcane surge linked with flame dash+brand recall. Arcane surge is level 4 so procs every time i use flame dash.

Im not feeling the leech very much, perhaps its not enough leech?

Are there other ways of gaining more leech than energy leech support?

You are most likely at the ES leech cap easily even without Energy Leech Support.
The Max recovery of ES through Leech is 10% per second, we double it to 20% with Ghost Reaver, so that's all you get, no matter how much ES Leech you have.
I mean, you could get nodes like Wicked Ward for a little bit more but I doubt those would be useful spent points.

When you take Ghost Reaver on the tree, you leech ES instead of life. So I think that's how it converts to ES leech.

Yes of course... Was referring to the description on the ascendancy itself. Ofc through ghost reaver it will become ES leech. :) Silly me.
gearlles wrote:
Question about the 10M DPS version -- I noticed you use two movement spells: shield charge and flame dash. Would you mind explaining the use case for both of them? When do you one instead of another and why we have both?

Shield Charge + Fortify gives you Fortify for reduced phys dmg taken. Shield Charge is faster covering large distances when there are no physical obstacles (pillars, rocks, etc).

Flame Dash is way better in areas with obstacles, or changing elevations.
Doublecross wrote:
Just wanted to chime in on my variation of this build as there is a lot of flexibility with builds this league which I love. With this gear I can do 100% delirium but I honestly think its more worthwhile for me to fly through juiced up t16 farming splinters and bases. Obviously my gear is very expensive and I have lost track of how many exalted I have poured into it. It tops out currently at 12.5m shaper dps.

Before I went double curse and dropped Energy Leech I even tried a super juiced corrupted t16 100% delirium with double beyond and was able to clear through most of it even though it was lagging like all hell and as you know once you die it can be hard to get your momentum back on this build

Here is my gear:


I crafted my wand, belt and cerulean ring but it didn't turn out quite the way I wanted with the cold damage but its not bad. The sapphire ring dropped as is and I will possibly craft the prefixes and hope for the energy shield prefix but another cerulean would be better.

I swapped a perfect Foible for Astramentis which really solves the dex and str requirements that this build has difficulty with and allows for slightly more flexibility with gear. I noticed that using Astramentis was actually only a slight dps decrease and an energy shield increase (str = life = energy shield on top of int), especially with Utmost Intellect anoint that gives huge energy shield. Also Split Personality is really great in the Mind Drinker slot but I dropped it when I went double curse on hit.

I also think Energy Leech is not worth it as Cinderswallow offers insane sustain (which also makes Foible's mana regen worthless).

I toyed around with using:
I think these amazing items for enabling Rampage this league which offers even faster clear speeds. Null and Void is amazing for Simulacrum. I just swapped in another Fevered Mind into the Mind Drinker slot when I still pathed to it.

I'm really interested in hearing if there are any other ways that you think I can optimize it beyond what I currently have done so far. Definitely ask if you have questions but I don't have as deep of game knowledge as some of the others on here.

POB: https://pastebin.com/shKGnbT9

how did you craft your wand and cerulean ring?

Very nice damage and gear.. That dps is insane. Not sure many people have the currency to sink that amount of EX into a build. No clue what to improve as your damage is already pretty sick. 12+ mil dps per brand.. hmm.

I guess we all need to find mirrors or head hunters and sell them.
Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 10, 2020, 4:47:36 AM
froztyxx wrote:
Here's my updated POB: https://pastebin.com/4HxesEnu

Haven't considered Skyforth tho. Basing on my POB, if I use skyforth I'll have the following:
+ 6m++ effective DPS bump
- Around 2000+ ES lost
- From -10% Chaos resist to -60% Chaos resist
- From 9k Mana down to 8k Mana
- Storm brand would cost me 6k per cast, which means I can only cast it once in a while. Compared to the 3k per cast on 9K max mana, I can cast it thrice. And would make my life easier. :) Just my thoughts.

Ehm, using Skyforth doesn't mean that you have to switch to Arcane Blessing. There's no way only switching the boots has this much impact :P

According to the PoB With Skyforth you seem to lose around 200 ES and all the chaos res but gain some damage with power charges and basically stun immunity.
Killed AL7 with Level 19/Qual 0 gems. Gear still has a way to go. Thinking about the Watcher's Eye, but not sure if I want to spend that money on another build.
Taking overcharged is also a way to get basically permanent power, frenzy and endurance charges during clear. If you can spare the passives.
For that purpose you use an Unnatural Instinct in order to get the 2x Charge on Kill nodes and dont have to waste too many passive points on it.
Last edited by McGrath_ on Apr 10, 2020, 8:52:10 AM

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