3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF

mr_headcut wrote:
Wazzouf wrote:
it seems like the CWDT - Wave of conviction - curse on hit - flammability setup isn't applying Flammability. If you remove curse on hit it works but otherwise it doesn't

As Wrecker mentioned at the bottom of the section, cwdt and coh must be outside of each other's level range. One skill cant have 2 triggering support skills.
Hey Wazzouf!

mr_headcut is correct. Keep your CwDT gem at level 1 and Wave of Conviction at level 7. Keep Curse on Hit and your curse linked. Once CoH and your curse have a required level of 39 or higher, it'll work as mentioned.

Thanks for clarifying, I missed the level requirement difference part between the CWDT, CoH and the curse.
southcabeza wrote:
... got rise of the phoenix...

There is no 'right' answer, but I prefer this:

You lose 1% max Fire Res, but you GAIN 4% each of Cold and Lightning. You lose the block, but gain spell block plus a bit of damage.

As said, there is no 'right' answer to which shield is best :-)
Last edited by Cyzax on Mar 22, 2020, 3:17:38 PM

Many thanks to Wrecker for his builds.


This is me messing around with cluster gems. shows level 96, but i have in-exonerate anointed, which freed up 5 passives. this is also a Wrecker 3.9 cyclone build(except for cluster jewels). I made the jewels my self with trans(10), alts(50), regals(7) and scours (6).

Currently at 91, at 94 I can get holy fire which adds 38000 dot dPS.

total 236000k dot dps.

hitting late tier(14-16) maps, no problem with Delirium. awakening 6, depth 100(easy). Guardians on farm.

Note If you use a movement skillspecifically (Flame Dash), I suggest using Hrimnor's resolve helmet.

Stats are:

40 percent fire damage(10000 dot damage)
70 life
30 cold resist
100 to armor
cannot be chilled or frozen if used a fire skill recently(Flame dash). RF does not activate

So far I have spent 100c( the anointment, was 45c, chest 20(6 link corrupt), weapon 10, rings 10c, Stibinite(drop) helm 5c. earned 6 exalt(3 drop) so far,

Working on chaos resist and endurance charge on boots, but gear to expensive right now.
Rex_Urhole wrote:
franklsw3mc wrote:
Its the loss of fort on cyclone and enfeeble that make us a lot squishier, that's a butttt ton of defense

Thanks, yeah I don't feel like frost bomb is doing much for me but it could be one of those skills that's hitting and you don't event realize it.

I think I may have to put fortify back on with cyclone and tinker with other placements to make it go. I kept getting stuck in front of enemies, taking damage, without being about "phase" through them with cyclone.

Not enough links to go around!

Incinerate does work but I've seldom used it thus far. Seems like a difficult trade - get killed while standing still trying to do max damage or keep moving and living but taking longer to kill tougher bosses.

Any possible oil anointments or tree swaps that can help out with this new set up? I'm still on the light side of life but am having a hard time crafting/finding gear with the right links and max life buffs.
Hey Rex_Urhole!

Don't forget that Quartz flasks are amazing to get yourself out of a jam! Then you don't have to worry about sockets.

Frost Bomb is just for the Pulses before the Hit. It's just to reduce enemy life regen.

Anointments? I would think Inexorable. It'd save you 5 passive points. That'd be my guess.

RF can be tricky if RNG luck isn't on your side. Let us know if you have other questions.

Feel free to switch to the 3.9 setup if you like. It'd take a big re-work, but it may be more to your liking.

Thanks WOD - I don't DISLIKE the 3.10 version, I just think I need a bigger life pool and more regen to get back to where I was in 3.9. Comparing the trees/POB that's the only major difference.

I wish there was a simple "swap" for incinerate when called for. That does allow for more damage on big enemies, but it can't be sustained without the life regen/max life while standing still.

I put cyclone and fortify back in the mix and moved 1 aura to an unset ring - so everything is the same except for the Holy Relic summon. I know that gives substantial life regen but I'm hoping I can make up the difference elsewhere.
mr_headcut wrote:
Thank you AgressifPlayer and Wrecker, both of your answers were awesome, that helped me a lot. Sorry for the late reply, have been busy lately.

A little update: I'm 86, walking through the Atlas without problems. I killed Atziri yesterday, which was the first time, and I was very happy :D

So now I'm interested in making my character even better. Here are some questions I've been asking myself, hope you guys will give me some insights.

1. Is Avatar of Fire any good for this build? Does it apply only to hits?

2. I want to replace Incinerate with Scorching Ray, as I don't mind aiming.
You (Wrecker) told someone in this thread that we should "replace Wave of Conviction with something that hits a lot of mobs". Do you have any more specific suggest? Is Armageddon Brand good for this?

3. Anyway to check RF DPS, apart from the numbers in POB?

4. Now I'm having around 5700 HP, elemental resistance overcapped at 85 80 80, chaos resistance positive 31. The damage is good enough.
I'm wondering which aspect/item I should improve now. Some candidates are HP, chaos resistance, fire damage mods, anointment. What do you think?
Here is my gear:

Thank you all guys. Sorry for dumping all my thoughts in a long post.
:) I'm glad it was helpful mr_headcut!

To answer your question:

1. Avatar of Fire technically impacts all Fire Damage, but it inadvertently only applies to Hits. But as the build revolves around RF, the skill wouldn't have as much of an impact as we hope.

2. A brand works great! What I'd do instead of Avatar of Fire is select Elemental Equilibrium. Then take the spells that are attached to low-level CwDT gems and choose non-fire spells. I like Ball Lightning personally. Then you could have Scorching Ray with EE and do way more damage. Ball Lightning, Frostbolt, Ice Nova, Orb of Storms...those are some suggestions for you.

3. There is no way to check a legit RF DPS in-game. Lame hey?

4. Nice gear! The next step is to get much high life rolls on all your gear. Nice chest btw! Try to get over 100 life on everything, but over 75 life per item would be huge for you.

Don't be sorry! Ask whatever you like. We'll help the best we can.

Thanks Wrecker for the very detailed and on point answers.

I've tried EE as you suggested. The setup is currently:
6L: RF as guide
4L: Scorching Ray - Infused Channeling - Burning Damage - Inspiration
4L: CWDT - Enfeeble - COH - Ball Lightning
4L: CWDT - Purifying Flame - Frost Bomb - Combustion
3L: CWDT - Golem - Molten Shell

I'm thinking about replacing Combustion with Flammability when I can get Whispers of Doom (1 additional curse, 3 passive points from the tree) and give up on the Fire dmg cluster on top of the tree. I doubt I'd ever have enough points for that, with EE on the tree.
Do you think it's a good trade-off?

Also a question. I have this helmet:

The enchantment is about RF, and RF gem is in my chest piece. Will they work together?

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by mr_headcut on Mar 23, 2020, 9:32:52 AM
mr_headcut wrote:
Also a question. I have this helmet:

The enchantment is about RF, and RF gem is in my chest piece. Will they work together?

Yes they will. The helmet enchantments are generally global.
Love the build! Do you think Abberath's Hooves is good enough to replace the frost bomb? It works with curse on hit so it would give us a free spot for more buffs.
Going to answer my own question posted earlier with regards to cluster jewel notables.

Best in slot:
Wrapped in Flames. The combination of damage and regen make this a super value no-brainer.

Fettle. +20 life, +10 max. mini-discipline & training

Prismatic Carapace. Armour and +1 max res.

hey WOD, I'm back again.

Have been tinkering with this - I'm getting waxed in 3.10 standard, compared to 3.9's build.

Question - I went for the 6L body that you suggest in the guide, but I've dumped Incinerate in favor of the more defensive approach from 3.9 with holy relic.
Should I do something else with my 6L & inspiration now that the only mana I'm spending is from cyclone and other misc skills? Or should I keep as-is for the RF buff?

I've also respec some nodes to get my max life back up, sacrificing some of the damage nodes as I haves 40% RF enchant in my helm.
franklsw3mc wrote:

Many thanks to Wrecker for his builds.


This is me messing around with cluster gems. shows level 96, but i have in-exonerate anointed, which freed up 5 passives. this is also a Wrecker 3.9 cyclone build(except for cluster jewels). I made the jewels my self with trans(10), alts(50), regals(7) and scours (6).

Currently at 91, at 94 I can get holy fire which adds 38000 dot dPS.

total 236000k dot dps.

hitting late tier(14-16) maps, no problem with Delirium. awakening 6, depth 100(easy). Guardians on farm.

Note If you use a movement skillspecifically (Flame Dash), I suggest using Hrimnor's resolve helmet.

Stats are:

40 percent fire damage(10000 dot damage)
70 life
30 cold resist
100 to armor
cannot be chilled or frozen if used a fire skill recently(Flame dash). RF does not activate

So far I have spent 100c( the anointment, was 45c, chest 20(6 link corrupt), weapon 10, rings 10c, Stibinite(drop) helm 5c. earned 6 exalt(3 drop) so far,

Working on chaos resist and endurance charge on boots, but gear to expensive right now.
Thanks franklsw3mc!

I really appreciate it. Your build looks fantastic! I miss the 3.9 Cyclone version of the build too. But it just didn't do enough damage for the new endgame as it stood. I'm glad you made it work! Good job!
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Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875

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