[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

Janimba90 wrote:
Can you/anyone tell me how to acquire the silver flask with 25% chance to block spell damage according the the POB.

That is just a placeholder for Tempest shield skill because the skill was not updated in pob..
Hello ! no upload for leveling tree ? because the old is in 3.11 :(
What you paid around 170c worth actually 15-20 ex.

This is not a starter build. You will be stuck for a long time in tier 1 map....

This is shit.
Renko1985 wrote:
What you paid around 170c worth actually 15-20 ex.

This is not a starter build. You will be stuck for a long time in tier 1 map....

This is shit.

Funny - You actually pay for your gear overpriced?

Try learning to progress and learn crafting, It's actually easy if you invest the time to learn.

Been doing this build several times - non issue - even last league
Søkha wrote:
Hello ! no upload for leveling tree ? because the old is in 3.11 :(

With basic knowledge of Duelist even since passives changed it would seem pretty obvious on the choices to make.
Hey~ Really enjoying the build so far. But how exactly do I sustain mana while leveling?
Wrlords Mark + Blasphemy doesnt work cause it aint a hex, right now im using tabula with mana leech, but later on, if we dont have a decent cluster jewel yet, how will i be able to sustain mana?
Renko1985 wrote:
What you paid around 170c worth actually 15-20 ex.

This is not a starter build. You will be stuck for a long time in tier 1 map....

I've been at yellow/early red maps around 14 hours played in yesterday, you can check my profile (the tree is a little bit deviated from the OP).

I'm still dying randomly to beyond, etc, I feel chaos res would be very nice
Nickname12812 wrote:
Hey~ Really enjoying the build so far. But how exactly do I sustain mana while leveling?
Wrlords Mark + Blasphemy doesnt work cause it aint a hex, right now im using tabula with mana leech, but later on, if we dont have a decent cluster jewel yet, how will i be able to sustain mana?

I leveled with shattering steel until I had -mana ring, was way faster from what I saw (also no mana issues)
Hello, I see there are 6 auras in the POB, unfortuantely I can sustain only 5, any advise which ones they should be ?
Hello there.

In the updated PoB, the Fortify Mastery is taken. (melee hits fortify & -3 max fortify)
What's the interest of taking this mastery node while we already have fortify in the gem setup ?

Thank you for the build

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