[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

I might try to reach lvl 100 this league, doing maps + delve only.

Would you think this build is a good candidate for acceptable clear speed in maps (tankyness granted i suppose). Maybe have to tinker with the helmet (to get rid of the %increased phy dmg taken), but it looks quite solid.

What are your thoughts?
I wanna try this Build as league starter; do you think it is viable as solo character ?
Last edited by fetullah on Oct 21, 2021, 6:36:45 PM
Your "budget build" shield has 15% chance to block spell damage on it.

Looking through poe.trade even on STANDARD that is insanely rare and expensive

What am I missing? Why did you add that to your "budget shield"?

edit: after looking at poeaffix that must be a LEGACY affix...so you can't even get 15% spell block.

Where does that 15% come from?
Last edited by Kurnis on Oct 21, 2021, 9:36:35 PM
I mean, if you swap in "the surrender" you're down to 69% block and 56% spell block. Hardly "max block"

Please help
Last edited by Kurnis on Oct 21, 2021, 10:42:14 PM
Kurnis wrote:
Your "budget build" shield has 15% chance to block spell damage on it.

Looking through poe.trade even on STANDARD that is insanely rare and expensive

What am I missing? Why did you add that to your "budget shield"?

edit: after looking at poeaffix that must be a LEGACY affix...so you can't even get 15% spell block.

Where does that 15% come from?

Starting in 3.16, shields are getting better block modifiers.
Since GGG removed channeling support (like Lucidity) on the tree - what is your advice for amulet anointment?

Another question:
What do you thing about the "primsmatic cluster" (near keystone "Unweavering Stance")? Is 6 passive a reasonable tradeoff for 3% max ele resistances (thats about 12% ele dmg reduction)? Or 7 passive if you take the mastery too (like 20% stun avoid, "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflected" or chaos res)?

Is there any field we can reduce "necessary" passive anyway?
Last edited by sowiszon1 on Oct 23, 2021, 6:41:14 AM
very tanky
but POB leveling is not updated, can edit it plz ?
Last edited by fetullah on Oct 23, 2021, 7:12:50 AM
Is there anyway to sustain Reave with this build as a league starter if I choose it over cyclone? I swapped Cyclone for Reave in the budget POB, and it costs 21 mana when we only have 40 unreserved.
Last edited by Janimba90 on Oct 23, 2021, 2:07:16 PM

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