[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

Hi, i did some upgrades. Damage is not bad but i want to increase it. In my pob it says 2.5m dps. What can be done except buying bottled faith?
Poisom wrote:

"The defense layer"

The damage mitigation comes from:
1 Always fortify up
2 Infused channeling
3 81% phys reduction
4 Endurace charges
5 Blind on hit
6 Always max spell and attack block chance
7 Life gain on block and
with all the 7 itens you can tank almost every enconter in the game.

Hey, i understand every point of the defensive layers except:
3: 81% phys reduction (i only have 52% with my maxed out gear)
6: max spell/attack block chance (i only have 67% here; am i missing something?)

Awesome build - thank you for sharing!
FreeZeR_ wrote:
Poisom wrote:

"The defense layer"

The damage mitigation comes from:
1 Always fortify up
2 Infused channeling
3 81% phys reduction
4 Endurace charges
5 Blind on hit
6 Always max spell and attack block chance
7 Life gain on block and
with all the 7 itens you can tank almost every enconter in the game.

Hey, i understand every point of the defensive layers except:
3: 81% phys reduction (i only have 52% with my maxed out gear)
6: max spell/attack block chance (i only have 67% here; am i missing something?)

Awesome build - thank you for sharing!

You have 67% block chance because you don't take aggressive bastion node below blade master.
81 Phys reduction come from endurance charge and fortify

I hope this answer your question
IJanuSI wrote:
Hi, i did some upgrades. Damage is not bad but i want to increase it. In my pob it says 2.5m dps. What can be done except buying bottled faith?

You have 6,2 m dps on PoB. I recommend you to get getter Paradoxica and reroll you Rylastha, because I think you have pretty bad roll. Quality, level up, and corrupt your offensive gem. I see some of your gem link is not functional like CWDT is on lvl 1 and cant trigger Ice Golem lvl 20, use vaal molten shell instead regular molten shell, also change your ancestral warchief to vaal version
Could anybody help me what to upgrade to archive more than 6m dps?
I am stuck in my progress.


Thank you very much in advance!
IJanuSI wrote:
Hi, i did some upgrades. Damage is not bad but i want to increase it. In my pob it says 2.5m dps. What can be done except buying bottled faith?

You have 6,2 m dps on PoB. I recommend you to get getter Paradoxica and reroll you Rylastha, because I think you have pretty bad roll. Quality, level up, and corrupt your offensive gem. I see some of your gem link is not functional like CWDT is on lvl 1 and cant trigger Ice Golem lvl 20, use vaal molten shell instead regular molten shell, also change your ancestral warchief to vaal version

Thank you! :)

Any more recommendations to improve my build?
Last edited by FreeZeR_ on Jun 1, 2021, 4:46:27 AM
FreeZeR_ wrote:
IJanuSI wrote:
Hi, i did some upgrades. Damage is not bad but i want to increase it. In my pob it says 2.5m dps. What can be done except buying bottled faith?

You have 6,2 m dps on PoB. I recommend you to get getter Paradoxica and reroll you Rylastha, because I think you have pretty bad roll. Quality, level up, and corrupt your offensive gem. I see some of your gem link is not functional like CWDT is on lvl 1 and cant trigger Ice Golem lvl 20, use vaal molten shell instead regular molten shell, also change your ancestral warchief to vaal version

Thank you! :)

Any more recommendations to improve my build?

Your build is already good like mine, just need the onslaught implicit on Circle of guilt, try to change your chest since explody got nerfed this league, you can replace it with Attack has % crit chance or even apply additional curse. For extreme upgrade you can buy double pride mod on the watcher eye, get vulne on hit implicit on glove and swap vulne on hit ring with assassin mark
Last edited by YungSlickSloth on Jun 1, 2021, 5:27:13 AM
Tharlimas wrote:
Could anybody help me what to upgrade to archive more than 6m dps?
I am stuck in my progress.


Thank you very much in advance!

Get jewel slot above juggernaut and use Watcher eyes with Impales hit additional hit.
Vulnerability on hit ring.
Helmet Enchant (blood rage increased attack speed / cyclone attack speed).
Boots, get 2 res mod on boots and craft onslaught on kill if you cant afford Circle of guilt with onslaught implicit. You can buy tailwind boots but it will probably cost about 15 - 30ex
Amulet, get flat physical damage, missing stat or resistance.
Rylastha belt of course.
- 15 mana chest, life or resist, you can afford attack has % crit chance go for it.
Get corrupted blood cannot be inflicted implicit on your jewel.
Upgrade rylastha, arakali and shakari pantheon with divine vessel.
Awakened gem is good, you can intimidate enemies with Awakened physical damage support.

In conclusion, you need move from the medium budget to min max version of the build
Last edited by YungSlickSloth on Jun 1, 2021, 5:39:04 AM
Hey, loving the build, great job!

Can I get some help to get my dps higher? Almost everything is min max. The only differences are a couple of defensive nodes, still using Lucitidy instead of Blademaster on amulet and no helmet enchant.

Keep in mind I am still a noob, so I may just have wrong config on my PoB because your 16m damage seems impossible to achieve with my build.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/AdQR7vCY

Thanks and keep up the good work!
Last edited by Marasha on Jun 1, 2021, 12:00:20 PM

My take on the build so far. Super strong build, a lot of first time boss kills for a player who never stepped further then t16 maps before.

Any suggestions to my build are appreciated :)

Does anyone know if PoB DPS is properly reflected with Paradoxica's "Attacks with this weapon deal double damage"? and is it basically just a across the board double damage? Thanks!
Last edited by keighs on Jun 3, 2021, 7:20:42 AM

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