[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

neekaloor wrote:
Melee build without stun immunity lol

Just take unwavering Stance, it's not that hard
KaSoySavage wrote:
in your 3.14 "changes and thoughts" PoB how are you regenerating mana?

You use -15 Mana Cost Armor to use cyclone, for other skill like blood rage and Ancestral warchief you can just use the rest of your mana just fine
ZeroCleric wrote:
I was wondering if someone could help me with my build. I'm fine with up to T14 maps, but T15 and T16 I can die in a little easier than I prefer. I'm basically stuck at 92 because of it. I think I have the dps for higher level, but something is off for keeping myself alive. Can someone help me and give me recommendations? I have 6-7 ex to spend, but I don't know what is higher priority from his endgame build.

Your abysuss roll is too high that's why you die a lot. Make sure to use Arakali and Shakari pantheon and don't forget to upgrade them with divine vessel. If you get stunned a lot on Ultimatum trial you might considering to put Unwavering Stance keystone. Get the rest of your attribute with your gear, so you don't spend 2 nodes on dex and int. If you can just don't face tank, follow the boss mechanic and avoid the big blow. Get life flask with Panicked and Staunching it'll help you on dire situation and don't forget to use your enduring cry. Change your second life flask to Quicksilver flask for easy dodge and movement speed. If you want to upgrade your gear try to buy Vulne on hit ring and -15 mana cost chest, 7ex will be enough to buy both items.
I recommend you to avoid this modifier when mapping :
- Reflect Physical Damage (Insta 1 shot)
- Vulnerability
- Elemental Weakness
- Reduce Chance to Block
- Temporal Chain (this just annoying)
- Reduce life, mana, shield energy gain + any ground mod (burning, shocked, caustic ground) (you'll die from ground mod and blood rage degen)
Last edited by YungSlickSloth on May 30, 2021, 1:07:48 AM
ZeroCleric wrote:
I was wondering if someone could help me with my build. I'm fine with up to T14 maps, but T15 and T16 I can die in a little easier than I prefer. I'm basically stuck at 92 because of it. I think I have the dps for higher level, but something is off for keeping myself alive. Can someone help me and give me recommendations? I have 6-7 ex to spend, but I don't know what is higher priority from his endgame build.

Man, there is alot of things to change in your eq to reach 'min-max'. My suggest are:
1. Get Abyssus with exactly 40% inc phys dmg taken
2. Get Body Armour with Socketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost
3. Take off your amulet and buy a new one with multi+phys+melee dmg (look at mine)
4. Get 1x rare ring with Vulnerability curse, and 1x Circle Of Guilt (look at mine)
5. Get watchers eye 'Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride'
6. If you lack of dps you can buy Ryslatha's belt and Boots with Tailwind
7. You can still have more constant block chance by wearing gloves with additional chance to block (up to 5%)
8. At the end try to reach 5.5k life, be on positive chaos resistance and take Arakalli+Shakari Pantheon. Because from what i've noticed, damage over time is very painful in this build

Last edited by YungSlickSloth on May 30, 2021, 1:18:16 AM
Hi guys!
Wanted to ask you a noob question, because I think I'm losing my sanity. Is the -15 mana on body armor craft still available on 3.14? I've lost hundred of chaos trying to spam fossils on a warlord astral plate (ilvl 100) and I think 5 hours trying to trade then. Can someone tell me, cuz I want to give up.
Last edited by Nirosinlove on May 30, 2021, 1:27:57 AM
Ventori wrote:
ZeroCleric wrote:
I was wondering if someone could help me with my build. I'm fine with up to T14 maps, but T15 and T16 I can die in a little easier than I prefer. I'm basically stuck at 92 because of it. I think I have the dps for higher level, but something is off for keeping myself alive. Can someone help me and give me recommendations? I have 6-7 ex to spend, but I don't know what is higher priority from his endgame build.

Man, there is alot of things to change in your eq to reach 'min-max'. My suggest are:
1. Get Abyssus with exactly 40% inc phys dmg taken
2. Get Body Armour with Socketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost
3. Take off your amulet and buy a new one with multi+phys+melee dmg (look at mine)
4. Get 1x rare ring with Vulnerability curse, and 1x Circle Of Guilt (look at mine)
5. Get watchers eye 'Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride'
6. If you lack of dps you can buy Ryslatha's belt and Boots with Tailwind
7. You can still have more constant block chance by wearing gloves with additional chance to block (up to 5%)
8. At the end try to reach 5.5k life, be on positive chaos resistance and take Arakalli+Shakari Pantheon. Because from what i've noticed, damage over time is very painful in this build

Also watch for Accuracy on your gear, Aim 100% hit chance even with 99% you will lose a lot of damage when bossing and die because you dont kill the boss fast enough
Nirosinlove wrote:
Hi guys!
Wanted to ask you a noob question, because I think I'm losing my sanity. Is the -15 mana on body armor craft still available on 3.14? I've lost hundred of chaos trying to spam fossils on a warlord astral plate and I think 5 hours trying to trade then. Can someone tell me, cuz I want to give up.

Have you make sure that your Warlord Astral plate is ilvl 85? because below that iLvl the -15 mana mod will not roll on your chest. If the chest is ilvl 85 you can try harvest and find Attack harvest, usually it will roll on 2 or 3 tries.
Last edited by YungSlickSloth on May 30, 2021, 1:28:21 AM
Your abysuss roll is too high that's why you die a lot. Make sure to use Arakali and Shakari pantheon and don't forget to upgrade them with divine vessel

On which maps use divine vessel for those souls to upgrade?
Ryslatha belt is best DPS, but for those that can't afford it a Cyclonean Coil is surprisingly good. +400 Hp and a little DPS, and since you get immunity to freeze and ignited you can use another DPS flask.

Permanent freeze is also much better than freeze immunity from flasks, for example the Crystal King delve boss became pretty easy (I have chilled immunity on boots).

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