[3.23]The BLOCKMAN

glichy777 wrote:
Your abysuss roll is too high that's why you die a lot. Make sure to use Arakali and Shakari pantheon and don't forget to upgrade them with divine vessel

On which maps use divine vessel for those souls to upgrade?

Arakali :
Jungle Valley Map
Scriptorium Map
Residence Map

Shakari :
Desert Spring Map

Also get upgrade for rylastha, useful for Sirus fight, you can use divine vessel in Infested Valley map to upgrade it.

Also watch for Accuracy on your gear, Aim 100% hit chance even with 99% you will lose a lot of damage when bossing and die because you dont kill the boss fast enough

Good point, i totally forget about this and was running all the time with ~90% hit chance :D I upgraded my gear to get 100% without golem active (because as you know ice golem die very quickly :D)
Last edited by Ventori on May 30, 2021, 12:40:09 PM
Ventori wrote:

Also watch for Accuracy on your gear, Aim 100% hit chance even with 99% you will lose a lot of damage when bossing and die because you dont kill the boss fast enough

Good point, i totally forget about this and was running all the time with ~90% hit chance :D Now i have 100% without golem active.

if POB says you have 100% hit chance you're good to go. The Ingame number is kind of sucks
I came back after couple tries with this game and i like this build very much :) (maybe because i love so much cyclone :)

I don't have too much expierence and this is my highest lv character

Could someon give me a tip on what should i focus now to get a nice upgrade

glichy777 wrote:
I came back after couple tries with this game and i like this build very much :) (maybe because i love so much cyclone :)

I don't have too much expierence and this is my highest lv character

Could someon give me a tip on what should i focus now to get a nice upgrade


You should get (order from top to bottom)

•-15 mana chest, you don't need enemies to explode mod, just find with good life and resistance roll. If you can get attack has % critical chance its better (around 4-5ex)

•Ring with vulnerability on hit (this one may be tricky, but you can get it around 60c - 1ex)

•Circle of guilt with Increased physical damage while affected by HoP and Reduced HoP reservation, the implicit you can pick whatever you want (around 30 - 70c depend on implicit and roll)

•Amulet with Flat physical damage, Crit Multiplier, and flat attribute dex or int (around 50 - 1ex)

•Paradoxica with 180pdps with Blind enemies on hit and last mod you can choose what you want (1.5 ex - 3ex)

•Boots, I recommend two-toned boots with 2 resistance roll, life, and empty prefix mod so you can craft chance to gain onslaught on kill. (70c - 1ex)

Don't forget to watch for your accuracy, just to make sure you have 100% Hit Chance and when you have onslaught on your boots, you can switch silver flask for quicksilver flask

After this essential upgrade you can advance with endgame gear like tailwind boots, 2 impales watcher eyes, rylastha coil, helmet enchant, bottled faith, onslaught on hit implicit circle of guild ring and more

Last edited by YungSlickSloth on May 30, 2021, 10:49:14 PM
Hi Guys


Any suggestions?

On occasion I get 1 shotted. Usually when I am close to lvling up. Any suggestions would be appreciated
Toxic_Dust wrote:
Hi Guys


Any suggestions?

On occasion I get 1 shotted. Usually when I am close to lvling up. Any suggestions would be appreciated

Don't face tanking everything, try following game mechanics and dodge often because this is not 100% block build, you can still die if RNG Jesus is not on your side. Upgrade your Arakali and Shakari pantheon for DoT. Also your life is too low, try to get 4,8k - 5k life. Get bubbling or panicked life flask. Avoid any reduced chance to block and vulnerability map mod.
Build showcase (I'll try my best to post all the content):
10 second Hydra and Chimera (phasing not counted)
EZ Elder (idk what he's doing the whole time)
Maven The Twisted less than a minute (in nutshell)

Proof this build can do all content, except Uber Atziri (you deal so much damage, it's impossible survive the reflect)
I completed 33 challenges with this build

Hello can you please post your pob ?

I cant see your tree from the caracters tab

Thanks in advance
1821 wrote:
Build showcase (I'll try my best to post all the content):
10 second Hydra and Chimera (phasing not counted)
EZ Elder (idk what he's doing the whole time)
Maven The Twisted less than a minute (in nutshell)

Proof this build can do all content, except Uber Atziri (you deal so much damage, it's impossible survive the reflect)
I completed 33 challenges with this build

Hello can you please post your pob ?

I cant see your tree from the caracters tab

Thanks in advance

Here's my PoB https://pastebin.com/ariT4kMp
Currently, I have 21 Mil DPS. I do some improvement with my skill tree and skill gem. It's pretty good for bossing IMO

Last edited by YungSlickSloth on May 31, 2021, 8:21:31 AM
Build showcase (I'll try my best to

And I thought with my improvements and 6 mio DPS i am good :)

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