Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

Guess the idea to increase monster armour is to entice the usage of more bleed supported or focussed builds.
Depending on weapon speed, with or without Crimson Dance.

Regarding summoners/minions.

Now that zombies have their more life multiplier removed (only lasted for one league btw) and AOE slam / normal hit dmg reduced,
there is a question if a certain Spectre will get the same treatment.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Ah, i can see the pain my build face. Cyclone get nerf patch after patch. This time you take weapons away and buff enemies DR.

Starforge is rare af now and rare 2hands going to be even harder to obtain equal or more powerful one than starforge.

GGG what you guys smoking in there? Remove melee if you don't want it in to the game.. just don't leave it there as most useless way to play.

but yeah, i know ggg wants to sell MTX for bow builds and force metashift to it.
Reading these developer manifestos makes me miss the good old Diablo 2 days, where games didn't needed to have countless balance patches that never made the game more balanced... back then, games like Diablo would be released and devs only worried about fixing bugs or stuff that was clearly broken, and guess what? Those games are still fun to this day, so this whole nonsense of "balance patches are needed to keep the game alive and interesting" is just bullshit from fanboys trying to justify the mess that GGG does each time a league starts.

Which leads me to ask: What's the point of these balance patches, other than just annoy and screw your player base? You have been trying to "balance" this game for nearly a decade, trying to make the game "better", but all you're doing, is covering holes by digging other holes around them... shifting the meta is not making the game "balanced", but instead you're just giving players a placebo, making they believe the game is now in a better place than it was years ago...

I really wish developers would just focus on improving their games by adding content and fixing bugs, instead of going in this endless chase after a game more balanced, because all you're doing, is making the game less fun to play, while you pretend you're reinvigorating your game once every 3 months.

Keep chasing after that carrot, GGG... But remember that you've been doing this for nearly a decade already.

Last edited by Belzak55 on Dec 10, 2019, 3:28:58 AM
Good changes!

Multimoding item was just the cheapest way to get what was previous mirror tier gear. It was needed for sure.

I agree with the changes, people are just whining they're instakill skills won't be superuber anymore. It's the right steps toward getting rewarding gameplay.

Zombies were broken with 0 investment, they'll likely still be good just needing more investment.

Hope to see some melee love as people will see the multimodding as a direct melee nerf.
nGio wrote:
WickedSausage wrote:
The game is 2 easy currently so it needs to be harder. So much has gotten buffed over the years while the enemies more or less remained the same.
Even with medium dmg builds you can just crush the content.

Personally i think that 10hp and res, armor changes to normal mobs is too little. But who knows...

The game isn't "easy", and it's not "hard". It's an arpg, not a moba. The difficulty is in putting a build together and being willing to grind. "Moar one shots" and "now hold this button for 30 seconds instead of 25" don't make the game harder. More telegraphed attacks would slightly increase difficulty, but the ceiling for arpgs is pretty fuckin low(as it should be).

Streaming has turned every pve game into some kind of wannabe sandbox/fps/moba competitive balance shitfest. When I'm tired after a day of work and want to relax to some monster crushing, that's what this genre is supposed to offer. If I want to get my dick stomped in to the point of frustration there are plenty of pvp games which can offer that to me.

Take the nerfs and streamer shit back to League of Legends, and just let me have fun monster mashing this pve dungeon crawler.


Genuine difficulty is in more boss behaviours to be more complex. Just upping the numbers is simply gating, not increasing actual difficulty.

But no, we're still stuck on the same patterns of "Four mini-bosses feed into a main boss" "three or four phase bosses with an invincibility phase and some random mobs thrown in" and "Stack whatever's broken at the moment to the ceiling and then grind for 8+ hours a day, ignoring bosses with their shit loot anyway."
They've been lowered in power slightly in several ways: lower base damage, lower area on their Slam, no life multiplier per gem level and a longer Slam cooldown.

This is the GGG's slightly...
People who crying about multimod craft nerf dont forgot we have new exalt with OP mods
I kind of feel the same, the issue is the influencer aspect of things. Twitch and yt are not toxic by themselves, but money. PoE was in a bad place last patch because meta build were crushing the game. Sadly the new changes with decrease build diversity and frustrate very casual players. It is a marketing thing in the end at this point, if ggg did it, it means it is profitable for them; in fine we may enjoy it too.
Last edited by galuf on Dec 10, 2019, 3:41:35 AM
Looks like we slowing. Personally I like it... .

At the beginning PoE was supposed to be difficult (not another Diablo 3). Anyway Power Creep year after year make the game faster and easier. F.e. in Blight I was playing Guardian Summoner and Necro Summoner. And it was more like AFK builds, I RIP'ed only twice (1st death vs Synthesis Boss, 2nd death just DC). Makes no sense to compare that vs old leagues like Beyond where I reroll around 20-30 times :D :D because game was really hard and inexcusable.

Now HC will be more challenging. Maybe times when people read monster modifiers or even ID strongbox'es are back.

I'm looking forward to friday - cheers :)
FramFramson wrote:
nGio wrote:
WickedSausage wrote:
The game is 2 easy currently so it needs to be harder. So much has gotten buffed over the years while the enemies more or less remained the same.
Even with medium dmg builds you can just crush the content.

Personally i think that 10hp and res, armor changes to normal mobs is too little. But who knows...

The game isn't "easy", and it's not "hard". It's an arpg, not a moba. The difficulty is in putting a build together and being willing to grind. "Moar one shots" and "now hold this button for 30 seconds instead of 25" don't make the game harder. More telegraphed attacks would slightly increase difficulty, but the ceiling for arpgs is pretty fuckin low(as it should be).

Streaming has turned every pve game into some kind of wannabe sandbox/fps/moba competitive balance shitfest. When I'm tired after a day of work and want to relax to some monster crushing, that's what this genre is supposed to offer. If I want to get my dick stomped in to the point of frustration there are plenty of pvp games which can offer that to me.

Take the nerfs and streamer shit back to League of Legends, and just let me have fun monster mashing this pve dungeon crawler.


Genuine difficulty is in more boss behaviours to be more complex. Just upping the numbers is simply gating, not increasing actual difficulty.

But no, we're still stuck on the same patterns of "Four mini-bosses feed into a main boss" "three or four phase bosses with an invincibility phase and some random mobs thrown in" and "Stack whatever's broken at the moment to the ceiling and then grind for 8+ hours a day, ignoring bosses with their shit loot anyway."

People don't get that this CAN NOT happen with the powercreep in the game. They can't put 400 hours of boss mechanics when they can be insta-gibbed. They have to then put phases and people complain that it's a lazy mechanic, just make them more mechanically harder. They can't do that if they day in 2 seconds. Then the put invulnerability frames and it's still called lazy and just let me do dmg but make the boss harder.

This is exactly what is needed to put things in line with what is needed.People will still complain but this is what is needed.

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