Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

My enthusiasm for new league has vanished. I like grinding but if everything is nerfed there will be uber grinding needed - thats not for me. We'll see path notes.
Good changes, sounds fun for the new league! GGG
ormvråken wrote:
... but increasing armour of the enemies will do nothing against the broken builds that deals a lot of damage but it will further cripple the already struggling builds with lower damage.

Just this... Never was more worried about a patch before than now.
i like it

but i dont like the ppl who cry because they want more casual 2 days endgame shit like diablo 3
Belzak55 wrote:
Reading these developer manifestos makes me miss the good old Diablo 2 days, where games didn't needed to have countless balance patches that never made the game more balanced... back then, games like Diablo would be released and devs only worried about fixing bugs or stuff that was clearly broken, and guess what? Those games are still fun to this day, so this whole nonsense of "balance patches are needed to keep the game alive and interesting" is just bullshit from fanboys trying to justify the mess that GGG does each time a league starts.

Which leads me to ask: What's the point of these balance patches, other than just annoy and screw your player base? You have been trying to "balance" this game for nearly a decade, trying to make the game "better", but all you're doing, is covering holes by digging other holes around them... shifting the meta is not making the game "balanced", but instead you're just giving players a placebo, making they believe the game is now in a better place than it was years ago...

I really wish developers would just focus on improving their games by adding content and fixing bugs, instead of going in this endless chase after a game more balanced, because all you're doing, is making the game less fun to play, while you pretend you're reinvigorating your game once every 3 months.

Keep chasing after that carrot, GGG... But remember that you've been doing this for nearly a decade already.

Thing is the game is still growing, more players are coming and alot of players are coming back every league so yes the changes do reinvigorate the game.

And as for d2, that's 20 years ago, gamers more than what they wanted back than, balance patches aren't to "balance the game" their purpose is to "balance the experience", to make sure that people don't play the same thing all over again every league, because that's boring and most would leave.

Balance patches work by flipping the meta and making players incentivised to play different builds.

Btw, if you still want to play the same build every time, that's not a real problem because you can still do it and it won't be very hard tbh, just not as easy as it used to be.

And if you hope that devs focus on adding content than you are very lucky, cause guess what, YOU ARE GETTING A NEW ATLAS, with new features and new bosses, plus more skill gems- wow, more content.

Enjoy :D
Multi-mod changes are sad but well-deserved.

And most important thing for GGG is to make the game slow for a casual player, so that you get through the content slower, thus playing for longer. If you think any changes towards that is an accident, it is not. They know what they're doing, it's up to you whether you're okay with such changes.
I was going to write something negative, but while writing i saw that i actually like what you did keep up the good work.

Certain skills and supports were too prevalent when leveling, allowing players leveling new characters to advance too quickly while not rewarding players using skills appropriate to their final build.

Orb of Storms, Lightning Spire Trap, Onslaught Support, Smoke Mine and Stormblast Mine are being reduced in power at low levels, but will be around as effective late game.

Now we know why they had the races.
I'm ok with the nerf of the new "leveling skills", but when I did try some bow builds starts, The bow gem damage was so ridiculously low at low level and the gameplay so unpleasant that I planned to start with mines/ orb of storms and switch to bow gems later in leveling (and I still plan it if I don't see any significant bow skill buff at low level).

Hyrri's demise nerf ... of course, I planned to use it.
I will see tomorrow if the other unique on my build will be buffed or not (technically it might be indirectly buffed) or I should have to start with something else.
Last edited by Lyonnel on Dec 10, 2019, 3:56:07 AM
"Arc, Soulrend, Molten Strike, Shattering Steel, Lancing Steel, Venom Gyre and more have been buffed. This is a buff."

Are they trying to convince us of something? Why did they repeat the fact that it's a buff?

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