Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

Ok, To those that say this game is not for casual players PLEASE shut up. The elitist attitude you put forth is demeaning and not helpful at all. I put in 12-20 hours a week playing and learning this game and I enjoy what I am able to do so far.

People will complain no matter what happens. Is my planned build busted by the information in the manifesto? YES, but I don't know by how much until patch notes come out tomorrow. However instead of complaining like crazy I am going to use my limited knowledge and see what I can change or choose a different build entirely. I will also ask questions of friendly, knowledgeable players which there are a lot, to suggest where I can change things up.

Minions Multilayered Gutting Over Zealous ?

Bow League Nerf Before Bow League Starts ?

Pigeonholing everywhere.

i'm Board of Arc...

I doubt ill be interested past the drop of patch-notes, will be a fun read though.

good luck every-exile.
Last edited by TiniWeni on Dec 10, 2019, 2:19:05 AM
" there are a few mechanics that are sitting above where we'd like them to be "

i´ve tried to beat crystal king for 2 hours with level 100 zombiemancer. no way. no way at all. 15k ehp, 80 ice res, AG, enfeeble & charge spectres, debuffs en masse, fortify, vaal grace etc. zombies have 80k life - we all die down there in a fraction of a second. got him down to ridiculous 80% in my best attempt. i can try to dodge but it´s impossible for the minions to avoid his aoe attack.

reading your manifesto right after the torture is very discouraging. you nerf a build that definitely can´t solve all content that´s bad ass.
Last edited by BeastBoxing on Dec 10, 2019, 2:29:15 AM
Bakudan wrote:
Mirelai wrote:
The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers".

does this 3 include multimod itself so we can craft item only twice after multimodding or 3 times? thx for answer

Before is was 2mod + multimod + 4 crafted multi mods
I'm pretty sure the new balance will be : 3mod + multimod + 3 crafted multi mods

Seems more realistic from them.

Except the Fortify/Melee "nerf" i don't really understand, the rest seem fine, its mandatory to do those rebalance over time, i'm sure if the game will be made to hard for the majority they will rechange it after anyway.

Now bring the real patchnote, new gems, and stuff :P
2 mods + multimod + 4 mods is 7 mods...
I think the balance notes mean we can alt 1 mod,regal the second mod and then craft multiple modifiers + 3 mods.
No more annuling and crafting multiple mod on a one mod rare.
Regarding Melee

While i don't really mind the changes and i do believe that they are well targeted and thought-out, i find GGG's reluctance to add something..substantial, something that matters to Melee, quite perplexing. I mean guys..when? Seriously.

I will wait full patch notes to pass judgment. One thing i find scary is the possibility of a synergy between the changes in :

- Fortify (from reduced to less - we need to see numbers on that less). I hope that "less" is at least equal in effectiveness with the previous default "reduced".

- The Armor buff on monsters & how much "Enemies have -x% to Total Physical Damage Reduction" we can realistically reach, including Impale & notables. If that stat cannot reduce the total increased Armor buff on monsters to 0 then it synergizes with previous condition.

- The buff to Life. Flat addition to monster durability - if the previous two conditions are met then the synergy gets even worse.

- I don't really mind the change with Elder\Shader mods & fewer multimods but this will synergize very badly with the previous 3 conditions, if the first two are met.
ormvråken wrote:
I mean sure, reduce zombie damage by 90% and it's still a viable damage source, but increasing armour of the enemies will do nothing against the broken builds that deals a lot of damage but it will further cripple the already struggling builds with lower damage.

In softcore you can throw in 10 extra damage nodes and then you are good to go again, but it's not as easy to do so in hardcore. Limit the upper power of the builds with several million dps instead of dropping the 200k dps builds to sub 100k dps.

This ^
PsOfOs wrote:
Bakudan wrote:
Mirelai wrote:
The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers".

does this 3 include multimod itself so we can craft item only twice after multimodding or 3 times? thx for answer

Before is was 2mod + multimod + 4 crafted multi mods
I'm pretty sure the new balance will be : 3mod + multimod + 3 crafted multi mods

Seems more realistic from them.

Except the Fortify/Melee "nerf" i don't really understand, the rest seem fine, its mandatory to do those rebalance over time, i'm sure if the game will be made to hard for the majority they will rechange it after anyway.

Now bring the real patchnote, new gems, and stuff :P
2 mods + multimod + 4 mods is 7 mods...
I think the balance notes mean we can alt 1 mod,regal the second mod and then craft multiple modifiers + 3 mods.
No more annuling and crafting multiple mod on a one mod rare.

Multi probably counts as one of the three mods. They want you to use the new exalted orbs!
BUFF to ARC? PogChamp TY TY TY
Update: Looks like my multi-mod concern I posted below is being talked about more in depth already.

GGG really not liking your call on Multi-Mod. If you reduce to only 3 mods there isn't a fair mod pool for chaos mods on bows, etc. in my current opinion (may change after some research). This is a huge nerf for me and others! I was just about to support by buying a new supporter pack, and really not going to now if this impacts my build enough.

You really need to think about how you write the revision:

The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers". Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost compared with rolling an item of relative power. We'll be keeping an eye on the modifier to see if further changes are required.

3 crafted modifiers outside the Multi-mod craft?

So Multi-mod, and then 3 mods?
Multi-mod being counted as 1, and then 2 mods?

If you don't count the multi-mod in the 3 crafted mods amount, then that may be somewhat fair. Still for me I roll a prefix mod, and craft the multi-mod suffix. Then craft 4 mods. The way multi-mod works is also quite challenging as you need the upgraded craft or else you basically waste the expensive mod. Essentially you need to use it for late game once you have access to all the highest tier mods you need. You have already upped the cost from 1 exalt to 2 exalts in the recent few challenge leagues. That isn't something to just mock. If you are going to nerf the mod, then reduce the cost.

Stating that low cost is hugly inaccurate! We have to go through hundreds of encounters through maps, delve, prophecies, etc. to earn the various mods needed to fully craft the endgame item. Reducing the effect on this mod is a big QOL nerf.

I get doing some changes here and there, however if you remove the way players are able to upgrade weapons into items that are useful as many of the unique items aren't very good for certain build/play styles that build won't stand up to the buffed monsters/bosses. You basically have to craft your own rare items, or settle for being mediocre.

I'm on the fence here until you can state the revision a little more clearly.

You mentioned the skill I am currently using may get a buff, however if the main weapon that takes me 1/2 through a challenge league or longer to craft on my own is nerfed I likely won't play as much as where is the incentive/feelsgood aspect from all that work.

I play solo for 99% of my time in PoE. Besides the slight benefits of trade league on items, and converting currency I am fairly close to SSF in most ways. (Getting harder to enjoy with the way many players are around the world too with trading, so without a QOL for trade you are moving players to SSF in my opinion). I think many SSF players will find this nerf as a large hurdle to have to jump through besides everything else the game does to kill/slow you down. This means less money from me, and others.

I have been around since beta 2013. I like playing this game. It can be enjoyable without exalts and big game changing items dropping. Loot based games are fun for me no matter what drops. It's getting harder and harder for me to enjoy when every 3 months the whack a mole nerf mallet is pulled out. Oddly funny now I think about the Carnival Mystery Box as it surely does feel like a clown popping out to mash down elements that are deemed "too powerful". I get that there will be changes, however I like to keep to a certain build once I find it works for me. Being pushed down a narrow bottle neck into what you want to be meta feelsbad. You either like a play more, or stop.

The changes for less items to drop will also be a feelsbad aspect I'm sure once implemented down the road as I personally earn my initial currency from identifying mainly rares to alteration orbs to get my chaos orbs for league start. If it scales from the acts into maps and endgame then potentially will be less noticeable. Certain crafting bases I hope are not nerfed on drop rate even if white or magic for endgame.

Again I understand there is a scale that needs to get balanced when new things are implemented, however I hope that my opinions aren't the minority. Also that my feedback on these forums isn't overlooked instead of posting on reddit.

I will be eager to read closer tomorrow for the full patch notes to see if all my concerns both voiced and otherwise are addressed.

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Last edited by Snapfire on Dec 10, 2019, 2:32:47 AM
GGG balance team apparently doesnt play their game,

They seem to watch streamers/youtuber builds, and how they make everything look easy, but they forget they play 6-10 hours a day.

And then they make the game more difficult, exactly in a ''Boss league'',
Man good thing im not a Hardcore player myself.

Its funny, everyone complains about how shitty boss loot is, and they to the opposite thing, Buffing bosses, but dont talk about the rewards OMEGALUL

I predict low tier metamorph boss farming, cus higher tiers will be oneshotting everyone and is not worth it

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