Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

What about stun? Is it rip?
Juggernaut448 wrote:
Well, I was never able to reach Uber Elder or Shaper and if everything is now harder to kill, I don't think I'll see end game this league either.

Learn more about the game, there is a ton of content creators that wil help you with that, and you will be able to defeat UELDER
In PoE GGG will choose build you play. Big passive tree, no freedom at all :)
So many crybabies..... We still dont see all changes like new mods from influenced items and new league exalts.....
PS just look at burning arrow buff, this skill is OP now, with that Xoph's Nurture buff.
Last edited by KalestiyaAkana on Dec 10, 2019, 1:55:07 AM
The only unreasonable nerf imo is the fortify but we still need the numbers to see if the we the plebs that only use the support gem and maybe the tree nodes will be really affected or if it will only discourage the mirror sinks on increased fortify effects items. The crafting "nerfs" are there probably just to balance (who knew) the new item mods coming this expansion, its gone from the elder but its probably on the woke guy or the others, maybe even more powerful mods. A man can dream.

And people please stop comparing yourselves to the streamers and "no lifers", just enjoy the game at your own pace. The game is about killing mobs getting better loot for yourself and not how many mirrors I'll make more than that other guy, mirrors are a lie anyway. U dont actually need to destroy the endgame to have fun, try out things, if u get to kill it then it will be that much more enjoyable.

And for the people complaining about more grinding... really ?
GGG forces us to play leagues like they wan't. Buffing different skills in every
league and nerffin others.
That's why I haven't play leagues in a long time and will not play this either.
This is just what Blizz do many years with D3 seasons. Leveling in this game is
far too slowly and getting slower in this league.
Imaginaerum wrote:
FramFramson wrote:
This is why the Multimod nerf is a direct shot at casual players.

Before this, with 2-5 ex you could make a perfectly serviceable but not OP endgame weapon. This was well within the reach of many players.

Now? forget it. More RNG, more hours grinding currency, more hours spent grinding or spamming to reduce the overall impact of RNG.

GGG wants you playing PoE and only PoE.

no, the casuals want to access the end of the endgame cheaply and easily, and GGG only wants the most dedicated players who play only PoE to get there

Dude, what is the reason to make high end game easier every time ???

This game is not for casuals, this game is for you to spend hours, gearing up your build and all that stuff.

If u dont have the time for that, leave it, or just accept where u can get.

Stop complaning about literaly all the changes they make.
jymak22 wrote:
GGG forces us to play leagues like they wan't. Buffing different skills in every
league and nerffin others.
That's why I haven't play leagues in a long time and will not play this either.
This is just what Blizz do many years with D3 seasons. Leveling in this game is
far too slowly and getting slower in this league.

Are u serious??? 6-7 hours and you already on maps..... and this is slow???? Oh i think you not play early leagues, yes?
Mirelai wrote:
The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers".

does this 3 include multimod itself so we can craft item only twice after multimodding or 3 times? thx for answer

Before is was 2mod + multimod + 4 crafted multi mods
I'm pretty sure the new balance will be : 3mod + multimod + 3 crafted multi mods

Seems more realistic from them.

Except the Fortify/Melee "nerf" i don't really understand, the rest seem fine, its mandatory to do those rebalance over time, i'm sure if the game will be made to hard for the majority they will rechange it after anyway.

Now bring the real patchnote, new gems, and stuff :P
Last edited by Bakudan on Dec 10, 2019, 2:02:54 AM
you know what GGG?

First! I feal like an idiot for buying 60$ supporterpack!

2nd. Fine to lower the dam on zombies, but cutting life allmost in half?

3ed, if we have to run arround resummon zombies all the time ( them for god sake, make ud summon zombies withput a corps!!! )

4th. Stop ballance the game arround the F........ streamers.

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