Watch the ExileCon Livestream and Win Microtransactions with Twitch Drops!

allionus wrote:

But luckily, as we have it, by virtue of GGG's own statement on this very post, the players who signed up, are ENTITLED to the OPPORTUNITY to win, Not the guarantee, But the OPPORTUNITY to do so.

Yes, this is the biggest takeaway. There never was a chance to win. Never. This was never a possibility at any point.

And we suffer, while they reap the rewards. They are going to make a fucking killing from this. They are running ads, and the most viewed thing on twitch by a fucking mile. All because of a lie.

When Bethesda had twitch drops enabled for their shitty TCG they were heavily watched.. Multiple streamers with 100k viewers at a time. They took them away, and now not only are zero people streaming their TCG, but the weekly tournaments with cash prizes are fucking GONE.

Overnight, fucking with twitch drops made a game literally disappear into obscurity. People who were making a living from that game literally lost their jobs, because Bethesda axed twitch drops.

You cannot fuck with twitch drops GGG. You fucking owe us. You OWE us for our time invested. We watched that FOR THE DROPS. not for fun. not to see your [Removed by Support] talk about how everything is getting nerfed. We labored through your bullshit because we expected to get something from it.
Last edited by Luca_GGG on Nov 16, 2019, 3:15:07 PM
not a single drop.
Watched from start to end.
unsatisfying :(
allionus wrote:
Nobody is entitled to any mtx, of course.

But luckily, as we have it, by virtue of GGG's own statement on this very post, the players who signed up, are ENTITLED to the OPPORTUNITY to win, Not the guarantee, But the OPPORTUNITY to do so.

And to know they got the opportunity they were promised, in exchange for a certain amount of their life, they have to see that the loot drop rate that was promised actually happened, even if they personally didn't win.

Right now it looks like it didn't happen and now GGG and Twitch are rolling for blame.
Who committed fraud? Let the finger pointing begin!
the boomer entitlement is real lol

Painsponge wrote:
allionus wrote:
Nobody is entitled to any mtx, of course.

But luckily, as we have it, by virtue of GGG's own statement on this very post, the players who signed up, are ENTITLED to the OPPORTUNITY to win, Not the guarantee, But the OPPORTUNITY to do so.

And to know they got the opportunity they were promised, in exchange for a certain amount of their life, they have to see that the loot drop rate that was promised actually happened, even if they personally didn't win.

Right now it looks like it didn't happen and now GGG and Twitch are rolling for blame.
Who committed fraud? Let the finger pointing begin!

if I saw other people win I'd have not been so annoyed. But nobody at all won, except literally maybe 4-5 people total?

Out of 1.6m viewers, only 12k signed up for drops, and of them, like 5 people came forward and admitted they got something...

GGG you fucked up so bad. The fucking keynote of today better be how fucking sorry you are for misleading your fans, customers, and viewers.
bolec777 wrote:
Kidjica wrote:
You can forget that. They don't give anything for free. Trust me i play this since beta.

Game itself is free...

You are fool if you think that my bro.
If you did not payed someone else did for you (with MTX's)

Game is not really playable until you buy some tabs.
You can't even sell items without using 3rd party program or via trade ( lol)
if you don't have premium tabs.

are they going to increase 0% chances today or leave this **** unfixed?
Kidjica wrote:
bolec777 wrote:
Kidjica wrote:
You can forget that. They don't give anything for free. Trust me i play this since beta.

Game itself is free...

You are fool if you think that my bro.
If you did not payed someone else did for you (with MTX's)

Game is not really playable until you buy some tabs.
You can't even sell items without using 3rd party program or via trade ( lol)
if you don't have premium tabs.

Yeah, hate these people saying that game is free, it's not. Why none of these people show us how they reach lvl100 and do all of content with just free account and 4 tabs.
are they going to increase 0% chances today or leave this **** unfixed?

Contact support -- At first they said "oh, twitch fucked up" then hours later "nope, it's working as intended!" now they are getting so many emails they don't even know what to say.

Contact support and demand answers and MTX

Spam the ever living fuck out of them.
Ring wrote:
the boomer entitlement is real lol

The people complaining are likely millenials and zoomers

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