[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Cyan101 wrote:
Damn GGG has nerfed cold hard :( remember like a year ago played shaks vortex and got 10mil DPS easy

Its not nerfed, I had 38mil DPS last league playing cold dot with Vortex/Cold Snap.

Shak just changed his guide to Winter Tide Brand to be more of league starter and doesn't really offer a fully min max POB anymore.
Mmm fair point. I did find when i played before the combined damage of vaal cold snap & vortex to be pretty good. My damage isnt all that high yet in POB, but it feels okay. Need to get gems to 20/20 and start getting more cold dot multi on gear. Got a decen shield & body armor recently though.

donbrawler wrote:

This was just suggestion for anyone wanting to min max a little for half the cost of a 10ex watchers eye.

I am not playing cold dot this league so I haven't been able to test new trees this was just first idea I came up with the new jewel

Works like a charm, tyvm! The tree is very skill hungry, 5 extra points are greatly appreciated.

I am hitting the wall again with this build. Gear looks like this:

A few ideas to improve:
- craft the damn +2 100+ spell wand at last! made about 15 tries with little success. however the wand really needs +cast speed (which this one has) to reach 24 WTB stages
- get Mastermind of Discord pair for ~10ex (jewel slots are far and probably not worth it)
- get Heart of Destruction pair for ~40ex (def worth it from the point perspective but hella expensive)
- change to +2 amulet or Ashes of the Stars for INFINITY exalts - but chaos res will be -60 which is super sad
- change some more points in the tree from defense (block, ES, whatever) to DPS, maybe get one more cluster?
I feel survival is in the sweet spot currently with 7200 ES, 66 attack block and 75 spell block. Aegis Aurora (which I have) will bring the shield down by 1k but raise resists and block, not sure what is best here
Last edited by Yogghy on May 30, 2022, 3:57:54 PM
I have almost all the gems at 20/21, also awakened versions.
I'm using the 2 new jewels in the tree, and I have invested in new gear.

There is a clear improvement in the DPS department, however it's still painfully low. I can kill Sirus, but the dude was practically begging me to die already...

Any further improvement that I can make???

I'm now second guessing myself: Which one of these is better?

Many thanks for all the help!

Finally-- I see some of you talking about Cold Snap... will it be a clear improvement? Can this move be done without regretting my entire life? :)

Finally-- I see some of you talking about Cold Snap... will it be a clear improvement? Can this move be done without regretting my entire life? :)

Cold Snap is a huge improvement in single target dps. Vaal Cold Snap + Normal cold Snap stacks on top of Vortex So you have three sources on cold dot for damage. Plus you don't need to invest in cast speed, brand nodes and skill duration. So adding second large cluster is add with all extra points.

Some people don't like cold snap for mapping though.
Hi all, have you tried running grace with ghost dance on top of determination (+ defiance banner) with divine shield? I’m doing it in SSF (only have prism guardian) with a 5L Shav (100 more fusing to 1500!) and I must say it feels good. I have 80-90% spell suppression too. Looks like I’ll spend the whole league in SSF after all 🙂
donbrawler wrote:

Finally-- I see some of you talking about Cold Snap... will it be a clear improvement? Can this move be done without regretting my entire life? :)

Cold Snap is a huge improvement in single target dps. Vaal Cold Snap + Normal cold Snap stacks on top of Vortex So you have three sources on cold dot for damage. Plus you don't need to invest in cast speed, brand nodes and skill duration. So adding second large cluster is add with all extra points.

Some people don't like cold snap for mapping though.

Hi, don, Would you happen to have a podb for this? I would really like to give it a try.
Have you joined Shaks discord? If not you I post cold dot pobs there all time.

donbrawler wrote:
Have you joined Shaks discord? If not you I post cold dot pobs there all time.


Thank you! I'll try this...

EDIT: Posted a msg there.
Last edited by LBC_Immortality on May 31, 2022, 7:41:00 AM

Anyone know whats wrong with the shield search?


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