[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Hello! Sorry in advance if this has been answered before.

When trying to craft my large clusters does ilvl matter at all?

And also is there a way to know what's gonna be the order of the notables? As in can you tell beforehand which is gonna be the one between 2 smalls passives?
On the CI version, why both Storm Brand AND Orb of Storms on the trigger wand?
GreyLensman wrote:
Ok...didn't play the build this league so just going off the PoB...

The CI and LL set-ups are quite different. The answers to your questions are in the skills section of the PoB. He is definitely not using Malediction in CI.

It will cost you quite a bit to craft or buy the wand. If you want to model the crafting, check Craft of Exile.

But honestly, if you're willing to settle for a wand with 10-15% less damage, you can probably find something decent enough as a drop. Or if drop rng is lousy, you can buy for 1 ex or less. As with all dps items, there is a sharp knee in the price curve, and you can easily pay 10x for the last 10% in performance.

first of all thank you for the clarification,i took the profane bloom even tho it literally feels like it barely does anything.

about the wand i have a problem, i did get lucky and found a good like low lvl wand off of ultimatum but i dont have an open suffix(ill link it here),
this wand seems to be worth about 100 chaos- 1 ex
no other wand on the 1 ex range seems to be significantly better and thats why its kind of painful to buy one of those.

basically should i annul my wand ? so far on my annuls on poe im pretty sure im like 0/200 :)

whats your opinion?annul/give up the trigger socketed spells/save for a really good wand or something
Hi everyone, first of all thanks for the build and guide to Shak and all contributors. I'm trying to decide between upgrading either my unset ring or allocating tranquility to my Chayula's...or maybe I should do something totally different? Thank you for your assistance!

POB: https://pastebin.com/n4ZYTXdA
donbrawler wrote:
kebal wrote:
9 of 10 top Vortex characters in this league use the Profane Bloom. I mean noone else but these guys know better how to level such character. And somehow they decided to go with Profane Bloom.

I don't what list your looking at dude , but none of us in top 4 are using profane bloom LMAO. Regen is more 100% important in maps than a little silly explosion from profane bloom that we hardly scale


I was not looking at top by DPS. Those guys have 95-98 levels. I was looking at top by level. Because for everyone the level is the first priority, ofcourse until they decide that is enough for them. And those who have Profane Bloom have the highest clear speed, and thus the highest profit per hour. And ofcourse later they can switch for survavibility. Also who cares that these guys have a very good regen, if they don't have 9-10k ES? And they don't have that much, because they are maximizing damage instead of survavibility, that's why they are in dps top.

Also they are not using presence of chayula amulet, and lose 60% chaos resistance. Which is A LOT. So why would someone like you talk about survavibility and provide link to the builds without that survavibility?

Also because this is an Ultimatum league, and the packs are really huge, Profane Bloom might make some difference.

Everyone who reads this cut my words by 2, because I am a noob. But I see some people, who are good still prefer Profane Bloom, so the whole goal of what I am saying is not to complain or to offend someone but to understand.
Last edited by kebal on May 1, 2021, 6:10:06 AM
donbrawler wrote:
donbrawler wrote:

don't worry dude that comment isn't even true all. Only 2 out of the top 10 use profane bloom and top 4 skip it. What people don't realize is cold dot doesn't scale the explosion as much as like BANE build. Its pretty much useless and I will take 1.5k regen in maps any day over some weak explosion :D

If you sort by DPS like the other guy, of course nobody is running Profane Bloom since they're running +2 amulets which is going to increase DPS by a lot. If you sort by exp, the higher level players (probably the ones that aren't dying) two out of three are running Profane Bloom.

At the end of the day, it's a matter of gear/choice. Profane Bloom builds run Presence of Chayula for stun immunity and have a much easier time capping chaos res, also the explosions are an irreplaceable layer of defense for on death effects.

Vile Bastion builds get lots of ES regen (which overlaps heavily with a good Vitality gem, aura scaling, Brush With Death, and Cinderswallow), more DPS with +2 amulets, but have much less chaos res.

Since enemies explode is the hardest thing to replace in that list, I like Profane Bloom for defense a lot better than Vile Bastion, assuming you have perfect gear.

Yea I am all about choice. but is profane bloom the right choice though? I am also very experience vortex player and will have 4 level 100 characters. I and will tell you overtime I think Profane bloom is lacking and just not very strong for cold dot. I understand why people like explosions though they think it will save them from deaths, but overall more dps is biggest defense in this build.

Profane Bloom doesn't give more clear speed, the explosion don't chain and only explodes small group of packs. You use regular cold snap to kill small packs and it is just as effective as Profane Bloom.

So to those of you that are struggling getting past 92. think twice about taking profane and stop listening to people who just started playing vortex this league.

Anyone in the top 10 by level that is skipping EE, using transcendent mind and profane bloom should be ignored. because they are not solo players

And BTW I am top 5 by level

Thank you for this explanation. Now it is much clearer to me.
Could you also please explain why this guide prioritizes Presence of Chayula? As I see the best fit for solo player is a rare amulet.
whats your opinion?annul/give up the trigger socketed spells/save for a really good wand or something

Just check trade every time you play. You should be able to find something for 1 ex or less that does slightly (maybe 3-5%) more damage than your current one AND has an open suffix, or maybe even has the trigger mod on it.

Look for higher values of increased cold damage and cold multi. Forget about the +1 level. That will give you an extra 10% damage for 10 ex - or more.
I'm so confused by EE. The trigger on the wand is only every 8s, so most packs will not be getting the correct element hit on them first. At this point it seems like EE is just a massive DPS loss outside of bosses but even then you have to be careful to hit them with lightning first.

How does it work exactly?
I'm so confused by EE. The trigger on the wand is only every 8s
How does it work exactly?

Orb of Storms lasts 6 seconds. During that time it strikes about every 1 sec (at high level) with lightning damage. Every lightning strike resets EE.

Tempest Shield has a long duration, but is less reliable since it only works on block. Of course, if your block is high enough, it can be quite reliable.

The main trick with EE is to have your "reset" skill be hitting more frequently than your damaging skill, so the reset is hitting at least once between each damaging hit.

The DoT aspect makes it a little more complicated, but you still want an EE reset that hits as frequently as possible.

Last edited by GreyLensman on May 1, 2021, 10:22:48 AM

EE is not a massive DPS loss at all.

The important bit is to remember that EE is "updated" every time a new elemental damage source is added to a boss.
So if you start off with a vortex , the initial vortex hit will give +25% cold res( and -50 fire and -50 lightning res) for a very small period of time, then the wand trigger casts either orb of storms or storm brand, which then hits the mob with lightning damage, and overwrites the +25% cold res with +25% lightning res (and -50% cold res).

This benefits vortex, as long as the mob stands in the vortex it now takes cold damage over time, which does not have a hit component.

the 8 sec trigger is _per_ spell, so orb of storms have an separate timer from storm brand. Both of these also last quite long (Storm brand is attached for 5 seconds,and OoS lasts for 6) and hits quite frequently.

The EE debuff also lasts 5 seconds or until overwritten by another elemental spell dmg.

You do not have to be careful with hitting with lightning first.

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